Chaos Fiend

Chapter 299: Don't believe the truth

"Well, you all seem to have forgotten one thing. (((Catino Novel Network )))) "Dongfang Zhige Road.

"What is it?" The princes and princesses all focused their eyes on Dongfang Zhige.

"Father Emperor said that Ye Chen must be suppressed. Previously we did not suppress him because of Tianqin, but his hostile relationship with us has not changed. It is undoubted that Father Qin knew that Tianqin and Batian were still with Ye If Chen is involved, the two will definitely not be rated, so you have the opportunity to be the head of the country. "Dongfang Zhige Road.

"Brother is right!" Dongfang Qingdao, "After suppressing the golden swordfish school, let's suppress Ye Chen, without delay."

"But it's not right." Dongfang Yudao, "Now we all know that Ye Chen is the leader, and it is obviously the abandoned fishing lure. If Emperor Tianming dies Ye Chen, then Ye Chen is dead, Dongfangtian If Qin himself stopped this credit ... "

"No, if Dongfang Tianqin was the kind of person, Ye Chen would not be maintained this way now." Dongfang Zhige said.

"Okay." Dongfang Jade didn't say much, yes, Dongfang Tianqin was not that kind of person.

"I have a question, I don't know if I should ask." Dongfang Qing said at this time.

"what is the problem?"

"It's a matter of formation!" Dongfang Qingdao said, "At that time, we will gather our strength on the carrier. How will we judge the score? Everyone's contribution will be the same, so it's not easy to score."

"Yeah, I'm afraid it won't be rated well at that time?" The prince and princess also nodded.

"This is even simpler." Dongfang Zhige said, "You forget, there is also a five-point suppression of Ye Chen. Whoever suppresses Ye Chen and who gets those five points will be the winner this time."

"Okay! Brother, this method is good! It is so decided! Whoever suppresses Ye Chen is the final winner!"


On the last side, Dongfang Tianqin said, "Brother, you and Uncle Xuanli, they will pass down the formation and let everyone be skilled. Uncle Xuanli is this carrier."

"Release it, leave it to me." Xuan Li is the strongest in this party, and it is natural to be a carrier.

"Well, then you go out first." Dongfang Tianqin said.

"Um." Oriental Batian nodded and went out.

Xuanli and Xuanyin naturally didn't want to go out. They didn't want Tianqin and Ye Chen to be alone.

"Sister, uncle ?!" Oriental Tianqin frowned a little.

When Xuanli and Xuanyin saw Ye Chen's dissatisfaction, they glared at Ye Chen, which meant that you dared to move our Tian Qin, and we slaughtered you.

Of course, this look was directly ignored by Ye Chen.

After everyone went out, Dongfang Tianqin stared at Ye Chen.

"Do you look at me like this? Is there a flower on my face? Or am I too handsome to fascinate you?" Ye Chen pretended to be confused.

"Well, you are narcissistic, do you still have my brother handsome?" Dongfang Tianqin took a sip and continued, "Don't pretend to be confused, just tell me honestly!"

"Explain what? I'm so confused when you say that, I don't have any explanation?" Ye Chen spread his hands, with an innocent expression on his face.

"Huh! I won't let you get through this. You tell me, what's going on with that catwoman?" Dongfang Tianqin slumped his waist, and said, "Even if I have it, I'm still going outside! Yo, look at the tone of Emperor Ming that day, as if you were already with her! "

"Oh, you said Mu Linger, that was an accident." Ye Chen said, "I and she are just ordinary friends."

"Ordinary friends? Ordinary friends let Emperor Tianming speak in front of so many people?" Said Dongfang Tianqin.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders. "You should be able to see that Emperor Ming and I had revenge that day, so you deliberately provoked us away. Don't be fooled!"

"Hey, of course I won't be fooled." Dongfang Tianqin smiled proudly.

"Huh? What are you laughing at?" Seeing Dongfang Tianqin's expression, Ye Chen was so white-eyed that he was really a witch, making him a bit incomprehensible.

"Huh, what do you say I'm proud of ?! A peak strong has resentment against you, but there is no way to take you? A peak strong has no way to take you, you say, do you have something to hide from me ?!" Dongfangtian Qin hummed, she just used Mu Linger as an introduction just for the sake of idiom, and it really led to Ye Chen's secret.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders. Although he didn't want to say it, he was reached to the point by Dongfang Tianqin. He could only say, "If you really want to know, I'll tell the truth."

"Okay, just wait for you to tell the truth."

"I'm afraid you said you didn't believe it!" Ye Chen glared, "He can't help me, because my current strength is equivalent to a peak powerhouse."

Ye Chen certainly wouldn't say when the artifact is, anyway, there is a leader of the praying mantis and demon, and it will be fine to take it.

"What? Your strength is equivalent to a peak power?" Dongfang Tianqin was very surprised. "I don't believe ..."

"You see what I said, you know you don't believe it." Ye Chen shrugged and said he didn't want to say anything.

"Actually, I believe a little now." Dongfang Tianqin stared at Ye Chen again, blinking his eyes, "No wonder you have been so confident before, you can resist everyone, even my father, you are not afraid. You really have the confidence. Seriously, if the Emperor Tianming showed his strength and was called by His Holiness, I really thought he was your younger brother. Look at his attitude towards you ... "

"He is my younger brother? Is there a younger brother who is thinking of Brother Keng?" Ye Chen turned his eyes away, and that Emperor Wuzhen, let Ye Chen and his Tianming Emperor become the carrier, and made it clear that there was a ghost. Knowing everything about the formation method, Ye Chen did not understand the formation method, so he could only obey the arrangement of Emperor Tianming.

"Yeah, the more I see this, the more you can really have the silver peak?" Dongfang Tianqin said.

"Of course! Would you like to try it out? We just fight for a while to prove myself." Ye Chen said.

"Huh, don't need to know that you are not strong enough." Now Dongfang Tianqin really believes that Ye Chen is strong and has a hole card that makes the Emperor of Tianming afraid, so that ’s good, so as to defeat everyone who opposes them .

"Hey, of course." Ye Chen laughed. "I'm going to practice, you go and help practice the array."

"Let's go." Dongfang Tianqin nodded and went to find other people to practice the array, leaving Ye Chen alone.

And Ye Chen had already thought about what he wanted to cultivate. It was not a refining ice dragon gun. Now he could fight at any time, so he had no chance to suppress the ice dragon dragon soul. He wanted to refine the spiritual power fragments. A large number of fragmented spiritual power fragments are in the chaotic orb. As long as they are absorbed, they can improve their strength.

Soon Ye Chen began to absorb mental fragments, and time passed by little by little.

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