Chaos Fiend

Chapter 336: Win without losing

When the black dragon woke up, the momentum did not recover. Almost everyone in the dark city who exceeded the silver strength obviously felt the huge pressure. As for the weak people, they could not feel it at all. +++ Girls must go to the website

At the same time, the ice dragon dragon soul in the sea boat also shook, with a serious expression. It seemed that the black dragon had recovered some of its strength.

"Is this the complete black dragon?" Ye Chen also felt a slight shock in his heart. He was close to the black dragon in the palace, and felt that pressure seemed stronger than that of Qian Qianyue. Using seven or eight times the strength of the silver peak strong in the emperor level, Black Dragon made him feel stronger than Qian Qianyue by pressure alone. Isn't it at least ten times stronger? Unless all his strengths are successfully compressed, and then grow to the silver peak, he can fight against it.

And Ye Chen is also secretly observing the ice dragon gun, want to see the response of the ice dragon dragon soul, the black dragon is so strong, then the ice dragon dragon soul, there is no fear of the black dragon, can it also exert such strength?

You should know that you threatened the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul last time, but the last time the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul flinched and threatened you.

Of course, it ’s because of Ye Long. If Ye Long lied to the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul, the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul would make him look good. Ye Chen did n’t mean it at the time, and thought he could be invincible in the sea boat. Fear the ice dragon dragon soul, but now seeing the black dragon can be so, that ice dragon dragon soul should also be able to exert such power, then the ice dragon dragon soul threatens itself, it should be true, I do n’t know the ice dragon dragon soul in the end What cards did he have, but his relationship with Ye Long is real. Although the ice dragon dragon soul will not obey himself wholeheartedly, he will not be his own enemy.

On the other side, after seeing the three men, Heilong took back his imposing Wei Ya, and his tone was full of indifference. "The descendants of the Eastern family, what do you awaken me at this time? Don't you know that I am recovering, Interrupting me now has a huge impact on me! "

"Master Black Dragon." The East was simply not expecting that the truly awakened Black Dragon would be so terrible, bowing down, "We have to wake you up as a last resort."

"There is no choice but to listen, if you make me unhappy, you won't be better!" Heilong opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs, threatening several humanities.

"Lord Heilong, don't be angry." Dongfang is feeling the tremendous pressure again, and hurriedly said, "We met the ice dragon this time, so we awakened you. We want to ask you if you want to meet with the ice dragon. Can a win or lose be achieved when necessary? "

"Ice Dragon?" Heilong quieted immediately after hearing the words, and then said, "No wonder there has been a familiar breath haunting me since I woke up. At first I didn't want to understand, it turned out to be him."

"Yes, we are sorry for Lord Heilong. I have agreed to fight the ice dragon privately, and now I will tell Lord Heilong." Dongfang Zhengdao.

"It's okay, after all, it started a long time ago." Heilongjiang said indifferently.

"What about fighting?" Dongfang Zhengdao.

"I'll see him before I talk." Heilongdao said, "If he isn't worth my shot, I won't bully him. At the peak, he didn't defeat us to become the dragon king. After experiencing the calamity, now, I still fear him? Where is he now? Take me to meet him! "

After speaking, Heilong reduced his size and turned into a human appearance. He was also a very handsome young man, but his face was extremely indifferent and his eyes were extremely vicissitudes.

"Let me show the way." Dongfang Wuji walked forward.

The black dragon followed, Dongfang Zheng and Dongfang Tianqin followed, and Dongfang Tianqin was extremely worried. The black dragon was so strong that Ye Chen's ice dragon dragon soul was really dead, and I don't know what their relationship would be in the future.

Even when Dongfang Tianqin was worried, everyone had already come to Ye Chen's place of residence.

As long as the Black Dragon was on the road, the ice dragon gun also came out of Ye Chen's sea boat and turned into a human appearance. It was an extremely cold young man of twenty-six and six years old. He was similar to Ye Long in six points.

"You're here." The moment the Black Dragon came in, the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul spoke.

"Well, I'm here. I didn't expect you to be like this now. The world is really impermanent." The black dragon saw the current state of the ice dragon dragon's soul at a glance, and he was a little booed. He also knew that the ice dragon's physical body had been destroyed. It is just that the dragon soul is integrated into the ice dragon gun and integrated into the ice dragon gun, which is no longer a complete human.

"Yes, the world is impermanent," Binglong said, "Ye Chen, go out first, and my old friend and I will talk about the old separately."

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded and went straight out.

"Let's go out, too, the two of us are going to talk about the old." The black dragon was waiting for humanity to the east.

Dongfang is waiting for someone to nod and walk out together.

"I'm sorry." As the black dragon and ice dragon soul recounted, Dongfang Tianqin said.

"Ah? I'm sorry?" Ye Chen said unknownly.

"This incident was picked up by my ancestors, and the black dragon was also awakened by us. Now it seems that if the two sides fight, no matter whether they win or lose, it seems that your position is more awkward." Dongfang Tianqin said.

"It's okay." Ye Chen glared, "Even if the two of them win or lose, it doesn't matter much to us. We should get along as we should get along. Also, I didn't agree with it before, it was the ice dragon dragon soul himself Yes, as soon as your father said, he promised to fight directly. "

Although Ye Chen thought that it would be embarrassing for the Black Dragon and Ice Dragon to win or lose, but now in front of the Oriental Tianqin, Ye Chen performed extremely magnanimously, and it didn't matter.

"Hey, even if he agreed, but we really have to separate the winner and the loser, we will always be embarrassed." Ye Chen's words of comfort did not comfort Dongfang Tianqin, Dongfang Tianqin continued, "But I already have a plan. . "

Of course, this time it's a voice.

"What plan?" Ye Chen also began to spread the voice.

"Although we are the Black Dragon family, we are very proud, but we did not follow the Phoenix Emperor at the same time. You have the talent that is not weaker than the Phoenix Emperor. Perhaps your strength talent can let us follow you like the Phoenix Emperor." Road.

"Ha? Do you trust me so much, and you are not a woman, stay elbow, turn your elbows?" Ye Chen laughed.

"I'm talking to you seriously, don't smile hippie with me!" Dongfang Tianqin was a little angry.

"I see, I know. Now that you say this, then I must work hard to become a strong one among the top powerhouses, so that your whole family can follow me." Ye Chen saw that Dongfang Tianqin was a little angry and serious.

"That's right." Dongfang Tianqin nodded, rejoicing.

Dongfangzheng and Dongfang Wuji naturally did not know the time at this moment. Dongfang Tianqin seems to have sold the entire family. If you know it, you do n’t know what you will think. It is estimated that you will be furious. But if Ye Chen is as glorious as the Phoenix Emperor then, why should they follow Ye Chen?

Of course, there is a premise for all this, that is, the ice dragon dragon soul must win the black dragon, and if the ice dragon dragon soul loses, what qualifications does Ye Chen deserve to follow?

Dongfangzheng and Dongfang Wuji looked at the room from time to time. Of course, the two did not dare to look at it. They could only look at it with the naked eye. At the same time, they had thoughts in their hearts, and they did not know if Ssangyong would fight.

However, Dongfangzheng is not worried this time. The black dragon has become a complete body, and it is already a kind of complete resurrection. Fighting with the ice dragon dragon soul, you don't need to look at it to know that this is a situation of steady win or loss.

In this case, in the future, they will have an ice dragon family as their younger brother, as well as a arrogant figure like Ye Chen, which will make a lot of money.

The more I think about Dongfang Zhengxin, the more I become complacent, and even laugh out loud. It seems that this time to wake up the sense of black dragon is really right.

However, Dongfang Zheng laughed, Dongfang Wuji, Dongfang Qin and Ye Chen all looked at Dongfang Zheng with a puzzled look. They didn't understand what Dongfang was thinking, and they laughed.

Dongfang was seeing the reaction of the crowd, and gave a slight cough before returning to normal.

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