Chaos Fiend

Chapter 337: The real reason

Seeing that Dongfang is back to normal, a few people in Ye Chen turned their attention. (((Catino Novel Network )))

Ye Chen didn't understand Dongfang Zhengxin's mind, but Dongfang Wuji guessed it after a few seconds. After all, it was Dongfang Zhengzheng who raised the issue before, so he knew Dongfang Zhengxin's mind best, knowing that Dongfang just wanted to. Ssangyong battles, especially when you look at the black dragon now, it is basically impossible to lose.

However, he has no special thoughts. After all, the things between the two dragons are between the dragons themselves. As a junior human, it is difficult to understand the mind of the two dragons for hegemony, and the second is because peace has been a long time. He is also hard to understand, even if he wins the ice dragon. For example, the dragon can not even beat our black dragon. What is the use of receiving such a younger brother?

Just when everyone had their own ideas, the cold and handsome black dragon came out of the room without looking at a few people, and left straight away. After walking far, the voice came clearly, "Let's go."

"Oh, oh." Dongfang saw that the two sides had not fought, and there was a hint of disappointment in his heart, but he didn't say much, followed closely, and Dongfang Wuji and Dongfang Tianqin followed.

Dongfang Tianqin looked at Ye Chen a few more times. Ye Chen understood the meaning, which was to make Ye Chen work hard to become a figure like the Phoenix Emperor.

After the Black Dragon left with the people from the Oriental family, Ye Chen turned around and walked back to the house, looking at the ice dragon dragon soul, wondering, "What's wrong? Don't you have to fight between each other? Now you meet instead of fighting Anymore? "

"Hey, we're not stupid, why do we have to fight?" Binglong Longhun disdain, "Before the fight was because he had no consciousness, instinctively fighting, now that his consciousness is restored, how can we fight between us? It's meaningless. Consumption? Do you think I can't guess what the Black Dragon looks like now? He has been self-closing, slowly recovering his strength, and is now awakened in advance. Although powerful, they are all superficial. Once we really fight, I'm afraid he and I will both fall asleep. Why are we doing this kind of unpleasant work? "

"You will fight him before that?" Ye Chen glared.

"He didn't wake up before. Once he won while he was unconscious, this also seized the opportunity and left a seed under its subconscious. When he was fighting with me, he couldn't exert his full strength. Of course, this kind of cheap can be used for white account. "Binglong Longhun should have said," So Ye Chen, you have to learn something from me, otherwise what should I lose? "

"Yeah." Ye Chen almost spit out the salt soda, and finally said, "Yes, you can do it all. Before I heard what you said, it felt like I had to fight. As a result, I just tried each other in it just now. I found strength between each other. It ’s almost the same, so dare not fight? I find that you are really two encouraging ... ”

"Boy, for the sake that you may know Ye Long, I'll spare you this time for being rude, do you dare to say that the great dragon clan is a bag?" The ice dragon dragon spirit glared at Ye Chen and wanted to eat. Ye Chen's appearance, but then ignored Ye Chen into an ice dragon gun and entered the sea boat.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and understood the mentality of the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul a little. Perhaps the injury was too serious at that time. Now it can only be restored. When it is found that the two sides are struggling, they give up the battle. Of course, Maybe there are other reasons, Ye Chen didn't know and didn't want to know.

In the end, Ye Chen began to compress his strength and improve his mental strength. While he is okay now, he must seize the time to improve his strength.

On the other side, Dongfang is waiting for someone to catch up with the black dragon.

Dongfang Zheng finally couldn't help but asked, "I don't know why Lord Black Dragon doesn't fight. I feel that if you have the body, you want to defeat the ice dragon with only Dragon Soul."

"Haha, you are really naive." Heilong smiled for the first time, and said, "I am too powerful in suppressing the Phoenix continent. Even if I can defeat him, it is hard work for me. I just woke up. , Is not suitable for this level of fighting. And I think he has a kind of thought of holding a mortal heart will also hit me, I have a little guess inside, I remember he left a descendant that year, if I guess correctly If he did, he must have found his offspring. Now he is going to wreak havoc on me, and then let his offspring take revenge and start the battle of the Dragon King again. By that time, I may not be the opponent of his son. So I won't let his conspiracy succeed, just restore strength and see who can laugh to the end. "

"That was the case." Dongfang didn't expect that there were so many intrigues between Ssangyong, and finally said, "I don't know what Master Black Dragon do you do now?"

"Did I just say that, to restore strength, you find a quiet place for me, hum, when it comes to this, I still blame you!" Heilong hummed coldly, "When I naturally woke up, although it was not completely Restore the strength at the peak, but even killing the ice dragon dragon soul on the Phoenix continent is not a problem. Now you wake me up in advance, causing me to recover only half of my strength. It is impossible to fall asleep. You are Oriental. For future generations, I can't blame you either. Go ahead and arrange a quiet place for me. "

"Thank you Lord Black Dragon for your understanding," Dongfang Zheng said respectfully, "how about going to where I was before?"

"Yes. You don't need to worry about me, just leave each other." Heilong nodded, ignored the crowd, and left alone, and went to the place where he was recovering.

If Ye Chen could hear the black dragon, he would be shocked, because he did not expect that the trial between the two dragons was so dangerous, not as simple as the ice dragon said on the surface, and even the ice dragon dragon soul had already held the mortal Heart, ready to pave the way for Ye Long.

It's just that the black dragon is cautious and doesn't want to be a stepping stone for Ye Long, and he doesn't fight the ice dragon dragon soul.

Of course, it is also because of the suppression of strength on the Phoenix continent. Otherwise, even if the ice dragon dragon soul really has a heart of death, even if this mentality fights the black dragon, it may not be a complete black dragon's opponent. No, it should be said that iron is not complete. Black Dragon's opponents may just be able to wreck the Black Dragon and cause the strength of the Black Dragon to fall again.

Once Ye Long knows this, he will definitely fight with the Black Dragon. The seriously injured Black Dragon is definitely not Ye Long's opponent, so Black Dragon would rather not fight, as long as he is given time to slowly recover his strength, what is the ice dragon dragon soul, what Ye Long, Even if they shot together?

After the Black Dragon left, Dongfang Zheng followed, facing the complete Black Dragon, he naturally had to endure, because perhaps in his generation, the glory of the Black Dragon Oriental family could be restored. Thinking of this, his heart could not help but be excited, maybe they It can dominate the continent and accomplish what the Phoenix Emperor couldn't do.

After all, although the Phoenix Emperor was strong, he didn't conquer the demons, the barbarians, and the hundreds of people in the south, but he drove away.

Now that there are black dragons, their dark empire, the Oriental family, may be able to do this step and truly unify the Phoenix continent.

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