Chaos Fiend

Chapter 390: Break the repression of the Phoenix continent

"My lord's life, I didn't lie to you!" The barbarian warrior fell to the ground, terrified. "I don't know what's going on. Specifically, ask my brother. He is a silver emperor and must know.- -End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan ))) "

Of course, the Barbarian warrior still has a little thought, that is, if Ye Chen really goes to find his brother, maybe his brother can kill Ye Chen.

"Go, you lead the way!" Ye Chen is naturally fearless, and can just try to subdue the brother of the barbarian soldier in front of him. If he can conquer, help him become the barbarian leader.

Ye Chen released the barbarian warrior out of the sea boat, but he was still in the sea boat and attached the boat to the barbarian warrior. He said, "I will watch you at any time, and I can kill you any time you have any changes."

"Okay, sir, please rest assured, I will not move." The barbarian warrior did not dare to use tricks and took Ye Chen to one of the big tents in the middle of the tribe. After all, his brother is a silver emperor , Sufficient to equip a large tent in the center.

"Dianming, what are you doing to me? Don't you know it's time to guard?" The barbarian warrior had just walked outside the tent, and a serious voice rang out.

The surname of Dian, Ye Chen thought of the original celebration as soon as he heard this surname. It was a spy who was sent to the Little Arctic Palace by the barbarians. He committed suicide after failing to battle with Ye Chen. Help him take care of his loved ones, and he kept an eye on him, wondering if it had anything to do with Dian Qing.

"Brother, I'm here to find you something." Dianming walked into the middle of the tent. When he talked to his brother, he didn't look afraid. After all, he was oppressed by Ye Chen's spirit to disintegrate his spiritual will, otherwise he would Will not fear Ye Chen.

"What's the matter." After entering the big account, Ye Chen also saw Dian Ming's elder brother. His appearance was extremely fierce. His bald head was similar to Dian Ming's. Strong.

"My lord, I have brought you here. If you have any questions, you can directly ask my elder brother." Dian Ming said directly.

"What lord?" Dianhong frowned.

"It's me." Ye Chen stepped out of the sea boat.

"Who are you?" When Dianhong spoke, he looked at Dianming and looked as if he was not being coerced. Then he stared at Ye Chen. He didn't know how Ye Chen came out. He left a heart in his heart. However, he is not afraid, because Ye Chen doesn't seem to be big, and even if he trains his mother, he should not be his opponent.

"You don't need to know who I am, you tell me, have the ancestors gone south to the Arctic Mountains?" Ye Chen said.

"Dian Ming told you?" Dian Hong gave Dian Ming a glance, but he did not expect such news to dare to say it. This is already a clear betrayal of the barbarians, and knew that he would be completely killed.

"Yes, I just want to know if this is true." Ye Chen nodded.

"Oh, you dare to participate in the affairs of our barbarians? Even if I tell you it is true, you will not go out with this account today." Dianhong said.

"It's my business not to walk out, but I understand. You mean that the ancestor really came over? Why can't he hide his breath?" Ye Chen said.

"Oh, it ’s okay to tell you, anyway, you will die today." Dianhong said, "The ancestors have been trying to break through the limits of the Phoenix continent in the depths of the extreme north, and have recently made a breakthrough, but because the big wizard let him return Help, so the ancestors could n’t help it, so they came back. After coming back, they couldn't control their strength, and then I felt a little breath.

"How to break the limit of the Phoenix continent?" Ye Chen was a little shocked. He now knows that the suppression of the Phoenix continent is actually the use of the Phoenix Emperor to seal the heart of the Phoenix and the use of the power of the Phoenix heart to suppress the entire Phoenix continent. The breakthrough is not to prove that the strength of the ancestor has crossed the silver level. If other people do not have this ability, the ancestor will be invincible.

"What do you think is impossible, why can't our barbarians do it?" Seeing Ye Chen's shocked look, Dian Hongdao said, "A thousand years ago, our barbarians were also a Tianjiao who was not weaker than the Phoenix Emperor. Even the Phoenix It would take thousands of moves for the emperor to win our barbarian ancestors, but our barbarian ancestors wanted to leave, and the emperor Phoenix had no way to stop it. Now I think the barbarian ancestors have been hidden, waiting for your strong human beings to hook.

Thousands of tricks are enough to prove the strength of these top powerhouses, and also to prove the strength and talents of the ancestors. After all, when Ye Chen fought, he basically scored a few tricks and even encountered evenly matched super-strong opponents. Ten strokes will consume all the power.

It is no wonder that the Phoenix Emperor can only expel the Barbarians. Although the Barbarians were not the opponents of the Barbarians, the Phoenix Barbarians could not kill Barbarians, let alone barbarance Barbarians, so it was impossible to subdue Barbarians.

Of course, there are certainly many strong men under the Phoenix Emperor, and the ancestral ancestors also have to submit to move the barbarians to the far north.

Ye Chen has no doubt about what Dianhong said. Dianhong's silver four-star is already a powerful figure in the barbarians, especially now that the barbaric emperor and barbarians are dead. The silver four-star is one of the strongest. Series.

Of course, the silver four-star is even enough to compete for the new barbarian position, but Dian Hong's staying here is also intriguing. If he is allowed to compete for the barbarian position, he should fight against the human race. Fighting for the position of the barbarian emperor with military exploits, instead of staying behind to do a job of transmitting information, so Ye Chen can also guess that Dianhong should be the type of exclusion among the barbarians.

"Well, after talking so much with you, you can be an understanding ghost." After Dian Hong finished speaking, he was full of intention.

"You are so confident that you can eat me?" Ye Chen laughed. Although Dian Hong was strong, he was far behind him.

"You are up to twenty-two years old. I am in my fifties. Although I haven't made much progress in a few years, I was a genius when I was young. Even if I haven't made any progress, I am confident at this level that I have Is invincible existence. And you, at this age, even if you are a genius, can you cultivate to the point where I am? "Dian Hongdao.

"Is it possible to cultivate to the point where you are, just try it out," Ye Chen said.

"Your courage is good, I will leave you with a corpse!" After that, Dian Hong reached out and patted Ye Chen's head. The two were so close that they did n’t even have a blink of time. Dian Hong ’s The palm has been photographed.

Although it seems that Dianhong is super fast, Ye Chen's eyes are as slow as a turtle.

Ye Chen didn't try to resist.

Even in the eyes of Dian Ming, because his brother Dian Hong was too fast, Ye Chen couldn't resist at all, it can be said that Ye Chen couldn't react at all.

But Dianhong was a little confused, and came in with a arrogant gesture like Ye Chen. How could he be so vulnerable that he couldn't even dodge.

Although Dianhong was puzzled, he would never give up.

The moment he saw Ye Chen's head in his palm, Ye Chen disappeared.

It's all right, it just disappeared. Dian Hong didn't see the disappearance of the trail.

"Your movement is really slow." Ye Chen appeared instantly behind Dian Hong, casually.

"Huh? How could it be so fast?" Dianhong was surprised, he didn't see Ye Chen's trajectory, Ye Chen was gone, "is it the force of space?"

"Yes, you are very insightful, it is the power of space." Ye Chen said.

He did not use Phoenix wings and Phoenix soaring just now. Although he can also avoid Dianhong's attack with both, he has cultivated the power of space. Naturally, he will use it, or else what he does.

This effect is very good. He can achieve short-range spatial teleportation. Of course, this distance is currently only two meters. If the opponent's attack covers two meters, Ye Chen's spatial teleportation cannot be used. Use it. It will also be hit, so it looks like a chicken rib, after all, a casual Yuanliwu attack can cover a lot.

Of course, his power in space is not deep enough, and he will definitely become stronger in the future, and the distance that can be teleported will be further and longer.

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