Chaos Fiend

Chapter 391: Make you a new barbarian

"You can actually cultivate the power of space. (((Catino Novel Network ))) "Dianhong shocked.

The power of space is extremely rare. Although he has heard of it, he has never seen it, especially the barbarians, who are mainly based on physical cultivation. Of course, it is said that cultivation to the extreme can physically break through space, but it is not something he can touch now. He actually saw the power of space in a human warrior, and the human race is really a terrible race. Although the barbarians look like the human race, that is, they are mostly half a meter to one meter taller than the human race, they are fierce and very barbaric. They look down on the small human race and think that the human race is all scum. It is an uncivilized race, which is also the source of the contradictions between the two races, but there will always be top powers in the race, which is also incomparable to other races.

"Why? Scared? Wasn't it terrible just now?" Ye Chen smiled and said finally, "Well, I won't play with you anymore, you will defeat me!"

After speaking, Ye Chenyuanli gathered his big hands and caught Dianhong.

"Huh? Mania ????" Dian Hong was furious when she saw Ye Chen's shot so casually. Thinking of Dian Hongze, the magic ice fists gathered on his hands and rushed to Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen is now a silver five-star star. In addition, he has already been compressed and is more than twice as powerful as the same level. How can Dian Hong have the silver four-star strength? How can he compete with Ye Chen?

His magic ice fist was broken when he contacted Ye Chenyuanli's big hand, and then his body was caught by Ye Chen.

"You? How is that possible? Who the **** are you?" Dian Hong was shocked first, then calmed down. He could catch him so easily and use the power of space. He is definitely not an unknown person in the human race.

"My name is Ye Chen."

"It turned out to be you. Did you kill Barbarian? No wonder, no wonder, if it is you, it is indeed so powerful." Dian Hong said, "Now I have been caught by you, and what I should tell you tells you It's up to you to kill or to kill. "

"I won't kill you." Ye Chen said.

"You don't kill me? What do you want to do?" Dianhong said.

Ye Chen opened the door directly and saw the mountain road. "In your strength, you must be here to pass information because you have been squeezed out, and the barbarian fighters are all at the front. You have no information to pass here, so I want to ask You, if you make you pretty emperor, do you agree? "

"Let me be the imperial emperor?" Dian Hong said for a moment, and then said, "I want to be an imperial emperor, but without the support of the ancestor, there is no way to become the imperial emperor. Maybe you do n’t know. Someone of the ancestors did the protection of the Phoenix Emperor. This also led to the fact that our surnames did not receive any support from the barbarians, and of course they must be changed to barbarians once they became barbarians. "

"Oh, what if the ancestor is dead?" Ye Chen said.

"What? The ancestor died? Haha." Dianhong laughed and laughed, of course, a mocking laugh. "Even the Phoenix Emperor can't kill the ancestor, do you actually say that the ancestor died? Especially before I It was said that the ancestor may have solved the repression of the Phoenix continent, and he is even more unstoppable. How could he die? "

"Then we are possible." Ye Chen said, "If the ancestor died, wouldn't you want to be a barbaric emperor? As for the surname, it's not what you say that you made barbaric emperor? Whatever you want to be, you can give your last name . "

"You're right. But it's too impractical." Dian Hong still didn't believe it. After all, Ye Chen said things that were too exaggerated. Even the characters of the Phoenix Emperor who unified the Phoenix continent could not take the ancestors. Ye Can a little Mao child say such a thing?

"Don't worry about authenticity, just say you want to be a pretty emperor!" Ye Chen said.

"Of course I think!" Dianhong said directly, "But the barbarians are always guarding against our surnames. Many old, weak, women and children are imprisoned by them to hold us back. I want to be barbarians almost impossible."

Ye Chen heard this and then understood that it seems that Dian Qing and what he said are true, but after all Dian Qing made a mistake and could only confess his death.

Ye Chen continued, "You just want to be a pretty emperor. I can help you become a pretty emperor."

"What about the conditions?" Dianhong said, "I don't believe you will be so kind and will help me become a pretty emperor."

"Since you said earlier, some of your ancestors followed the Phoenix Emperor and became his guard, then your current dictator can also become my guard!" When he said this, Ye Chen was so energetic and confident. Written on his face, his body radiates the power of the king, of course, the power of the king is Ye Chen's, but the self-confidence is true. Many people compare him with the Phoenix Emperor, saying that he is not as good as the Phoenix However, Ye Chen is confident and surpasses Phoenix the Great. After all, the Emperor Phoenix cannot have such treasures as Chaos Beads.

Dian Hong took a deep look at Ye Chen again. He did not expect that Ye Chen's heart was so big that the Phoenix Emperor couldn't do it. What can he do? Dianhong directly said, "If you can kill the ancestors and make me a barbaric emperor, then the barbarians will be your subsidiary race."

Dianhong wanted to understand that if Ye Chen could kill the ancestors and do things that the Phoenix Emperor couldn't do, then Ye Chen was a character far beyond the Phoenix Emperor. Such characters can follow him. That is his honor, the weak. Following the strong is the eternal truth, especially Ye Chen, who can kill the ancestors, definitely has this qualification, but the premise is what Ye Chen takes against the ancestors?

"Very well, I believe in you, we will say so." Ye Chen laughed and said, "But once the ancestor is dead, you must let me see your ability, if you can't unify the barbarians, Then I can't help it. "

"Relax, Master Ye." Dianhong admits, "Except for the ancestors, the wizard, I am the strongest of the barbarians! The barbarians serve gods and do not care about matters within the clan. If you do n’t forget it, you can believe in the Savage God. "

Hearing Dianhong call him Lord Ye, Ye Chen nodded, and he believes that the gods have nothing to do with him. After all, he is far from that step, as long as he can follow him. As for Dianhong? Lie to him, in the presence of absolute power, even if deceived, Ye Chen can easily crush.

"But the ancestral ancestor is the strongest of my tribe after all, Lord Ye is probably not an opponent." Although Dianhong wanted to be a queen emperor, but the ancestor was too strong and Ye Chen was too young. Even if there was a hint of hope in his heart, it was too unrealistic Already.

"You don't need to care if I am his opponent." Ye Chen said, "you just have to wait for my good news. However, I have another question for you."

"Master Ye, please." Dianhong said.

"Did you say that the ancestors were in the depths of the extreme north and broke through the limits of the Phoenix continent? And aren't your barbarians living on the extreme north? Isn't the extreme north different?" Ye Chen remembered In view of this problem, if the strength of the barbarians really breaks through again, or even ignore the suppression of the heart of the Phoenix, then they may have no chance at all. Of course, there is also the problem of barbarians living, not living in the extreme north, Why is there a deeper point? And You Lan just told him that the north of the far north is the Styx River.

"Our barbarians live in the extreme north, but live in the middle front of the extreme north." Dian Hongdao, "the middle and deeper of the extreme north, the environment there is even worse, and the coldness can even freeze the silver emperor Strong, so we wo n’t go there. "

"Oh." Ye Chen nodded, indicating that he knew that there were ordinary people in the barbarians, equivalent to low-level human warriors. If they went to the middle and deep, they would freeze to death. The same is true for humans, living in the extreme north The middle-front, middle-marginal zone is to take care of ordinary barbarian warriors, old and weak women and children. Even in the front-middle-marginal zone of the extreme north, the environment is particularly harsh, which has also created the strong individual strength of barbarian warriors. Why? Why is there a way to suppress it? "

"I do n’t know the specifics. With my strength, I ca n’t go to the middle and back, and only the strongest kind of strong ancestor can go to the deepest. And it ’s impossible for the strong ancestor to tell me "Dian Hong shook his head. He didn't know the deepest situation in the far north. After all, he couldn't get through. In addition, their family name was discriminated against by other ethnic groups. It was even more unknown.

"It's good that you know so much." Ye Chen said, it was enough to know that the ancestors had a certain method to resist repression, just be careful when you get there.

"Thank you Lord Ye for your understanding." Dianhong said.

"Then you wait for my good news." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he hid his body and left the big account.

"Brother, do you believe that Mr. Ye can kill the great ancestor?" Dianming naturally chose to believe in Ye Chen, because Ye Chen gave him fear. As for Dian Honghui, he didn't understand it. It was just a defeat. Dianhong, the ancestor can also.

"In short, it is an opportunity." Dian Hong said, "Anyway, we are not to be seen by the barbarians, and we are the masters of our own. Ye Chen is an opportunity. When we can grasp it, we cannot give up, do you know?"

"I see." Dian Ming nodded. In short, it was an opportunity. Ye Chen succeeded and they followed such a powerful man as Ye Chen. Ye Chen failed, and they did not lose much, did they?


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