Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1090 Ling Feng’s choice! (2 updates)


The elders and disciples of Canglong Temple were all dumbfounded and could hardly believe their ears.

The Canglong Demon Emperor actually wants to accept a human as his personal disciple?

What a privilege and blessing this is!

A master at the level of an emperor!

"His Majesty!"

The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, who was stepped on by Ling Feng, stared at the Canglong Demon Emperor on the high platform in disbelief. He was a Demon Emperor, a peak Demon Emperor!

Could it be that, in the eyes of Canglong Demon Emperor, his value is not as good as that of a mere Demon Lord-level kid!


In anger, the Silver Wolf Demon King spurted out another mouthful of blood. Today, his life might be hanging by a thread.

No one will refuse this condition. Even if he is a human race, being able to become a direct disciple of a great emperor means that his race is meaningless.

However, Ling Feng's attitude once again made everyone dumbfounded.

"What conditions!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, but did not rush to agree. He didn't care about the emperor-level master. In fact, invitations have been sent to him from both Dongling Immortal Pond and Yunluo Holy Land. In comparison, he would naturally prefer to stay in the human race's Holy Land.

"Is this guy an idiot? He can survive and become a disciple of the Demon Emperor, but he still doesn't agree readily!"

"Hmph, the Demon Emperor thinks too highly of him. He is not worthy at all!"

Bai Ling'er was even more anxious and stamped her feet, "Why don't you agree, you big idiot? Idiot, stupid, stupid!"

Being able to become the emperor's personal disciple, is there any more attractive condition than this?


The Canglong Demon Emperor snorted coldly, obviously very dissatisfied with Ling Feng's attitude. His bright eyes stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "I want to wash away all your past memories. As long as you are willing to give up the memory of the human race, I can let you enter the Dragon Transformation Pool and transform into a demon race completely!"

"What, Hualong Pond!"

The eight Canglong envoys were all shocked.

Although the Dragon Transformation Pool does not mean that one can transform into a true dragon by taking a dip in the pool, it can refine one's bloodline and evolve one's own bloodline in the direction of an ancient true dragon.

Ordinary monsters can evolve into the bloodline of king beasts by soaking in the Dragon Transformation Pond for three days and three nights.

And Ling Feng had already received a very advanced demon blood inheritance. After entering the Dragon Transformation Pond, wouldn't he really have to reach the sky in one step and transform into a real dragon?

The Canglong Demon Emperor actually promised Ling Feng such conditions, which shows how much he values ​​Ling Feng.

You know, Hualong Pond can only accumulate energy every five hundred years, and this energy is only enough for two demon clans to evolve their bloodline!

"Oh my God, if I were this human being, I would never hesitate at all!"

"You're kidding, let alone discarding the memories of the past, even if you ask me to kneel down and call you dad on the spot, I won't consider it!"

The disciples of the temple all looked at Ling Feng with great envy. A human being could be proud to receive such attention from the powerful Demon Emperor.

"No, I didn't expect that this unexpected turn of events would give this kid a big opportunity!"

Blood Sword Heavenly Lord's eyelids twitched. Do you still need to consider such conditions?

"No, he won't agree. People like him are just like stones in the pit, smelly, hard, and stubborn!"

Lin Canglang shook his head. At the beginning, he had promised various benefits to Ling Feng, but he was still unwilling to betray the so-called name of master and disciple.

"Is there anyone so stupid in the world?" A trace of doubt flashed in Blood Sword Heavenly Lord's eyes, and he couldn't understand it at all.

"Such people insist on ridiculous principles and faith. In fact, they are simply idiots! Idiots!"

Lin Canglang sneered and said grimly: "But this time, his persistence will cost him his life!"

"Abandon the memories of the past and the identity of the human race?"

Ling Feng raised his head, smiled faintly, and looked at the Canglong Demon Emperor, that aloof being staring down at him.

In their view, this is a great honor, an unparalleled opportunity, and a great blessing.

However, in Ling Feng's opinion, it's all bullshit!

I am the most powerful race in the world and the son of heaven!

Not to mention the Demon Emperor, even the Immortal Emperor is not qualified to let himself give up his memory.

What's more, he doesn't want to forget any of his grandfather, his teachers, and his friends!

"Sorry, I'm used to being a human being, and I don't want to be a demon yet."

Ling Feng shook his head and once again said something that made the demon clan dumbfounded.

Even the Canglong Demon Emperor did not expect that this little ant would dare to disobey his own will.

It is no exaggeration to say that if those so-called human geniuses had the opportunity to become their direct disciples, they would never hesitate to betray their parents and relatives on the spot, let alone give up their memories.

"Crazy, crazy, this kid is simply crazy!"

"He is dead. He actually refused His Majesty the Demon Emperor's request. It is simply disrespectful!"

"This idiot doesn't know how to seize such a good opportunity. It seems that he is looking for death!"

Those elders, worshippers, and disciples all couldn't understand what good it was to be a human being. Becoming the Demon Emperor's direct disciple would be a step to the sky!

"Human boy, don't you think about it again?"

The Canglong Demon Emperor took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He has never seen such a disrespectful person.

"If you abandon your own memories, your friends, and your relatives, then no matter how strong you become, you will still be a walking corpse! I, Ling Feng, don't want to do that!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, bearing the huge pressure of the Demon Emperor, and let out his own roar.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" The Canglong Demon Emperor's eyes flashed with cold light, and the terrifying pressure, like the ancient sacred mountain, suppressed Ling Feng.

"Afraid, very scared!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth to support himself, straightened his spine, and said word by word: "But I am even more afraid of becoming a puppet, a walking corpse!"

"Okay, great, then go die!"

Canglong Demon Emperor shook his head, "I have already given you the opportunity, but it was you who failed to grasp it. Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, you can kill this brat who doesn't know how to appreciate others."

I saw the Canglong Demon Emperor wave his hand, and a golden demonic energy merged into the body of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor. In a moment, the seal in the body of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was released, and the power of the Demon Emperor that belonged to him fully returned!

A peak demon king!

Southern Border Demon Territory, one of the eight most powerful peak demon kings!


An extremely high-pitched roar exploded like thunder on the ground.

The violent wind and the surging air waves are raging and sweeping!

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