Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1091 The final madness! (3 updates)


Along with the earth shaking, the Silver Wolf Demon King's originally sluggish demeanor recovered instantly, and his eyes with blazing murderous intent stared at Ling Feng.

"Boy, you're dead! You're dead!"

Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was almost blinded by anger. He was a majestic Demon Emperor, but he was trampled under the feet of a humble ant. This kind of shame can only be washed away with blood.

He wants to use the blood of this human boy to dye every inch of the Demon Emperor's Palace!

Under the terrifying power of the Silver Wolf Demon King, Ling Feng was directly knocked away.

The Silver Wolf Demon King has regained all his strength, and his power can only be described as terrifying.


As soon as they met each other, Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood. The gap was so huge that it was impossible to calculate.

"I will grind your bones into powder one by one! I will tear off every inch of your muscles one by one! I will make your life worse than death!"

The Silver Wolf Demon King was like a crazy wild wolf, howling and roaring, and his eyes had all turned into blood.

At this moment, he no longer has any bearing as the emperor of the demon clan. He is just a madman full of revenge!


The Red Dragon Envoy also stood up at this time and shouted: "Silver Wolf Demon King, why not try our Red Dragon Palace's unique Yin Erosion Blood Gu, let him have his internal organs eaten by the Gu for seven days and seven nights, and let him try his best to survive. No, it’s like being unable to die!”

"This is a good idea."

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the Silver Wolf Demon King. Once the Yin Corrosion Blood Gu enters the body, the Gu begins to gnaw at the host's internal organs. It will also keep the person affected by the Gu awake, amplify their perception, and intensify the pain several times. .

After seven days and seven nights, even an indestructible body will be tortured to the point of excruciating pain.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, thinking that today, everything would be over, and he could leave Canglong Temple with Mu Qianxue, but the development of things went beyond his expectation.

All these changes were completely unexpected.

But he has no regrets and would do it again if he did it again.

If he had to choose again, he would not give up his memory or his dignity.

Because he is the son of heaven!

The blood of the emperor flowing in his body would not allow him to give up his pride!

Canglong Demon Emperor! Silver Wolf Demon King! The Eight Great Canglong Envoys! There are also countless demon kings, demon king-level powerhouses...

Together, these people would definitely make it difficult for him to fly.

No matter how you look at it, it's a certain death situation.

Even though Chaos Reincarnation can elevate him to an emperor-level power, surrounded by so many powerful men, he may not be able to escape death today.

"Hahaha, do you think you can defeat me?"

Ling Feng's eyes gradually turned blood red, "You bastard of a bitch, even if I die today, I'm still going to have to take care of you!"

Ling Feng glanced at the Red Dragon Envoy!

What a pair of eyes those are!

Even the Red Dragon Envoy could not help but shudder. There was actually a trace of fear in his heart!


The Red Dragon Envoy shook his head and put this ridiculous idea behind him. How could he be afraid of such an ant when he was a peak demon king?


Ling Feng roared wildly, desperate to activate the power of chaos in his body, and in an instant, he turned into a giant ape with a height of 100 feet.

But this time, on the forehead of the giant ape, an extremely ferocious vertical pupil opened, the Eye of Shura!

This is the reincarnation of Chaos, not the true form of Chaos!

Facing the peak demon king, the true form of Chaos is far from enough. Only the reincarnation of Chaos can fight!

"Let it burn!"

Ling Feng roared like a beast, and the power of the Supreme Lotus Seed and the power of the Essence Blood Bead all exploded at this moment!

Since this is a situation where death is inevitable, then we should regard death as home!

"Still want to resist?"

A trace of disdain flashed in the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's eyes, "Then let me show you what the Peak Demon Emperor is!"

The Silver Wolf Demon King swayed, and a huge sea of ​​stars floated behind him. The sea of ​​stars rotated in radiance, and the most terrifying thing was that on the nine-layer sea of ​​stars, one, two, three...

A total of nine star wheels rose from the sea of ​​stars!

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor also rapidly expanded, turning into a giant wolf more than a hundred feet tall. It was also the true form of the demon beast. The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, who had restored the strength of the Demon Emperor, was completely different from before. And words!

"Humph! Old bastard, you are just relying on the fact that you have practiced more than me for thousands of years. If I were the same age as you, I could slap you to death with one slap!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, since a fierce battle is inevitable, even the emperor, I, Ling Feng, will do the same!


The sword screamed and trembled, Ling Feng's left hand was destroyed in all directions, and the sword of chaos in his right hand was burning with raging flames and purple thunder intertwined.

chaos! Thunder! Swallow flames! Demon blood!

All the trump cards were displayed. At this moment, Ling Feng went completely crazy.

Even if I die, I, Ling Feng, will die in battle, not as a prisoner under my command!

"You brat, you haven't counted this divine beast yet! Come on, beast soul fusion!"

In his mind, the sound of a donkey roaring could be heard.

"Bitch ass..."

Ling Feng was moved in his heart.

"Stop being so stupid, don't forget, you are covered by this divine beast!"

The little donkey has seen everything in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. In front of the powerful Demon Emperor, there is basically no possibility of escaping.

He could feel Ling Feng's madness, so he would accompany Ling Feng and go crazy together!

Perhaps, this is the last time!

In his long life as a demon, perhaps Ling Feng was the first person who could make him so crazy.

Although, he never called Ling Feng master.

"Master, you will not die before Zifeng dies!"

Zifeng also let out an extremely determined roar. As an elemental life form, he could have been said to be an immortal existence, but this battle is really more dangerous than good. Perhaps, the lifespan he stored will also be used in this battle. During the battle, be completely exhausted.


Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed. At this moment, at least, there were Zifeng and Jianlu fighting side by side!

A purple light flashed, which was Zifeng's ability to share life.

Then, billowing demonic aura rose up, and Bitch also performed beast soul fusion, merging with Ling Feng.

Chaos reincarnation, coupled with the fusion of beast souls and the power of a demon emperor, at this moment, Ling Feng felt that he had reached an unparalleled height.


The sudden increase in power made the vertical pupils on Ling Feng's forehead become scarleter. The Shura Divine Marks condensed, and the bloodthirsty and violent power stimulated every cell in his body.

"You are about to die, do you still want to fight back? Hum, in the face of absolute strength, everything is vain!"

The Silver Wolf Demon King waved his hand with the might of the sky, "Death!"

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