Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1092 A bloody battle with the Nine Emperors! (4 more updates)


The palm of the Silver Wolf Demon King seemed to have shattered the space and strangled the galaxy.

He slapped it hard with his palm, and the huge silver handprint made everyone's ears rumble.

"it's over."

Blood Sword Heavenly Lord and Ghost Face Demon Lord looked at each other. Although Ling Feng did not die in their hands, such an ending was something they were happy to see.

Ling Feng's growth rate was too fast. Even though they all had evil secrets, they were still ruined by Ling Feng many times, and even almost died in Ling Feng's hands.

Therefore, if Ling Feng died in the hands of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor today, he would have lost a powerful enemy.

In the crowd, the Red Dragon Envoy laughed ferociously. He had already had murderous intentions towards Ling Feng during the entrance selection process. Now, this kid is finally going to die!

Purple Dragon Envoy Bai Su sighed softly, glanced at his daughter, and sighed in his heart.

After all, this young man is just a passing guest in his daughter's life.

Even dead.

After she dies, my daughter will only be heartbroken for a moment, but not permanently nostalgic and hurt.

"Brother Ling!"

Mu Qianxue clenched her pink fist tightly, with tears in her eyes. She was not even qualified to intervene in a battle of this level.

She simply couldn't fulfill her original promise.

"Because I want to protect you!"

"Just like you protected me back then!"

The oaths I once made to myself seemed so fragile and vulnerable in front of these absolute strong men!

Seeing the huge claws of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor slapping down hard, Ling Feng slowly closed his eyes.

Oh no, strictly speaking, it’s three eyes!

The shadow of death, the limit is approaching!

"Chaos Reincarnation, burn for me!"

Three eyes opened at the same time, and an explosive wave of power suddenly rippled around Ling Feng.

Just when everyone thought that Ling Feng was about to be beaten into powder by the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's palm, everyone suddenly saw that Ling Feng's body was actually burning with blood-colored flames. The flames soared into the sky and burned fiercely. With the power to burn the sky, it actually forced the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's palm away!


The blood-colored flames soaring into the sky swept across crazily. At this moment, Ling Feng wanted to kill a hell beast that came out of purgatory. Its huge body was burning with hundreds of meters of blood and fire.

The power of chaos reincarnation, coupled with the power of the cheap donkey, as well as the power of the supreme lotus seeds and essence blood beads, all burned at this moment.

This is Ling Feng's last strength, his last madness!

"how come?"

Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's eyelids twitched wildly. He clearly sensed a hint of Demon Emperor level aura on Ling Feng.

This smell made him smell danger.

What kind of secret technique is it that allows this ant in the Divine Yuan Realm in front of him to burst out with power that can shock the peak demon emperor?

This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

Everyone was extremely shocked. That human boy actually repelled the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's attack!

"The power obtained by burning the power of life?"

The Silver Wolf Demon King stabilized his huge body, roared upward to the sky again, and erupted with billowing demon energy.

"I would like to see how much life force you have that can burn!"

The Silver Wolf Demon King angrily scolded, the star wheel vibrated, the huge wolf claws tore out, and attacked Ling Feng again.

The violent power was moving crazily in Ling Feng's body, an unprecedented strength that made Ling Feng's body, blood, and even soul go crazy.

"Get away!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, the blood in his eyes flashed like two faint pools of blood, as if two pools of blood were about to spurt out at any moment.

And the vertical pupil on his forehead was flashing with a strange blood light. The Shura Divine Marks condensed, and the bloodthirsty and violent power made him absolutely not retreat even half a step before killing the enemy in front of him.


The giant ape and the giant wolf collided violently. The giant wolf transformed by the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was actually shaken away, and Ling Feng had countless huge blood holes in the broken parts of his body. The blood was like a waterfall, and the sound was like a waterfall. The blood that flowed down from the body of a hundred feet immediately merged into a river, dyeing the earth under his feet red.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Ling Feng went completely crazy, pouring out his violent power towards the surrounding people.

Once Chaos Reincarnation was used, Ling Feng's will became crazy and bloodthirsty, as if he wanted to destroy everything in front of him.

The Silver Wolf Demon King finally showed a solemn look. The guy in front of him had explosive power that was comparable to that of the peak Demon King.

"Damn it!"

The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor cursed endlessly. He had been severely injured by Ling Feng before while suppressing his cultivation. Although his power was now unlocked, his injuries did not disappear, but were forcibly suppressed by him.

Now, he was knocked away by Ling Feng's punch, and coupled with his previous injuries, his condition had deteriorated sharply.

He suddenly realized that if he continued fighting like this, he might die in front of Ling Feng.

"Demon...His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor looked back at the Canglong Demon Emperor, gritted his teeth and begged: "Your Majesty, this subordinate is seriously injured. I'm afraid it will be difficult... it will be difficult..."

It was really a great shame that the peak demon emperor could not deal with an ant in the divine realm, but compared with his own life, he could only ask for support.

The Canglong Demon Emperor is sitting on the throne. Although the surrounding area has been devastated by the battle just now, there is no sign of any battle in the direction where he is.

Even the power of the peak demon emperor cannot even think of shaking a demon emperor.

"Unexpectedly, this kid is more troublesome than imagined."

The Canglong Demon Emperor lightly tapped the armrest of the throne and gave a faint order, "Eight Canglong Envoys, you should also join the battle!"


As soon as these words came out, the disciples were all dumbfounded. One peak demon emperor was not enough, so eight more peak demon emperors came.

Oh my God, is this a lineup used to deal with the demon king of the Divine Origin Realm?

This is almost enough to trap a demon emperor!


The red dragon envoy smiled cruelly, without any hesitation, and immediately flew out, turning into a huge raging flame bear, and killed Ling Feng together with the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor.

The three hundred-foot-long behemoths were fighting, and even this very huge square began to look a little crowded.

Immediately afterwards, five Azure Dragon Envoys, including the Green Dragon Envoy, the Blue Dragon Envoy, and the Yellow Dragon Envoy, also joined the battle circle. For a while, only the Black Dragon Envoy and the Purple Dragon Envoy were left, who had not yet taken action.


The black dragon envoy sighed softly. He still admired Ling Feng quite a lot, but it was a pity that he did not dare to disobey the Canglong Demon Emperor's order.

Bite the bullet, the Black Dragon Envoy also flew out, but he only limited Ling Feng's attack from the outside and did not really use his full strength.

The Purple Dragon Envoy first ordered the disciples of the Purple Dragon Hall to step back five hundred feet, clenched his fists, and was about to take action, but was held tightly by Bai Ling'er.

"No, mother..."

Bai Ling'er's tears had almost wet her entire face. She sobbed and looked at her mother, begging and shaking her head at her.

"Silly girl, forget about him."

Bai Su broke away from Bai Ling'er's hand, glanced at Mu Qianxue next to him, jumped up, and flew out.

For a time, there were eight Cang Dragon Envoys, plus a Silver Wolf Demon Emperor.

The nine peak demon kings took action to surround and kill a Ling Feng. A battle of this level has probably never happened in the past thousand years. (Of course, most of the Canglong envoys have their own pride and are just scratching the surface. The only ones who really killed Ling Feng were the Red Dragon envoys and the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor.)

In today's battle, even if Ling Feng died, he would definitely be proud of himself.

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