Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1096 Farewell tears! (1 update)

The cave is dark and deep.

Mu Qianxue hugged Ling Feng and walked forward for about a hundred feet before she saw a small pool in front of her. The spiritual energy in it was dense and bubbling. Wisps of pure blood energy formed almost on top of the water. There were streaks of dragon-shaped smoke.

The water in the pool was light red, like blood, and the energy contained in it almost escaped.

It was indeed a spiritual pool that only filled up once every five hundred years. No wonder the Canglong Demon Emperor looked so painful.

Mu Qianxue carefully laid Ling Feng's body flat on the edge of the pool, raised her jade hand, gently rubbed Ling Feng's cheek, and murmured softly as if she was talking in her sleep: "Brother Ling, don't worry, it will be soon." , you won’t be in such pain.”

Ling Feng's body had countless bone-deep scars. Coupled with the side effects of Chaos Reincarnation, his cultivation once again fell below the level of Divine Origin.

At this moment, Ling Feng's aura was extremely weak. If Zifeng hadn't used his ability to share life, he would have died long ago under the siege of the nine powerful demon emperors. .

Even so, he is still angry now, his life hangs by a thread, and he may really die at any time.

Mu Qianxue bit her delicate lips, then blushed and removed Ling Feng's clothes, then gently put him into the Dragon Transformation Pond.

Then, he quickly took off his clothes, gently entered the pool, supported Ling Feng's body, and guided him to the blood power of the Dragon Transformation Pool to treat his injuries.

Otherwise, the violent energy in the Hualong Pond would enter Ling Feng's body and rush directly, which might even kill him.

In this situation, Mu Qianxue couldn't care less about the girl's shyness.

"Brother Ling, no matter what, I will save you!"

Mu Qianxue sat cross-legged behind Ling Feng and directed all the energy into Ling Feng's body. She first regulated the Qi and blood, then dredged the Qi meridians, and then, step by step, helped Ling Feng recover his cultivation.

Time passed little by little.

Two days later, Ling Feng's complexion finally returned to its rosy color, and the wounds on his body were completely healed by the magical effect of Hualong Pond.

However, his cultivation level did not return to its peak, but only returned to the first level of the Divine Origin Realm.

And this has exhausted almost all of Mu Qianxue's energy.

Seeing that Ling Feng's breathing gradually stabilized, Mu Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Ling Feng and broke out of the water. After putting on clothes, she hugged Ling Feng and left the cave.

Outside the cave, Ye Weiyang stood bored at the entrance of the cave. Seeing Mu Qianxue coming out, she couldn't help but sigh, "Holy girl, you actually injected your divine blood into this kid's body. Is it worth it?"

"As long as it's for him, it's all worth it."

Mu Qianxue's expression was very indifferent. She didn't pay much attention to Ye Weiyang and just led Ling Feng away gradually.

" ironic. After all, in a sense, you belong to me."

Ye Weiyang shook her head, gently rubbed her right eye, and said to herself: "No one can escape their own fate, I can't escape, and you can't escape either. What this eye sees Everything has become a reality, one by one, hasn’t it?”

"Fate is unchangeable!"

After leaving Hualong Pond, Mu Qianxue carried Ling Feng to the Purple Dragon Palace.

In the past two days, it can be said that a huge change has occurred in the Canglong Temple. After all, the Red Dragon Envoy, one of the eight Canglong Envoys, died unexpectedly, so someone naturally needs to take over this position.

It happened that at this time, the Canglong Demon Emperor stayed behind closed doors. It is estimated that this demon emperor would not be willing to appear again before Mu Qianxue and the others left.

Thinking about it, the Canglong Demon Emperor was a great emperor after all, but he had to nod and bow in front of two juniors. It was so embarrassing and depressing.


Seeing Mu Qianxue appear in front of her again, Bai Su's mood could be said to be quite complicated, but soon she realized the disparity in status. She quickly bowed down and saluted Mu Qianxue: "Your Highness the Saint!"

Mu Qianxue took a deep breath. After she transformed from herself, from Mu Qianxue to the saint of the Jiuli tribe, everything was destined to be different.

Even this master does not dare to call himself "Xue'er" anymore, but coldly, Her Royal Highness the Saint.

There was no emotion at all on Mu Qianxue's face. She just tilted her head slightly and said slowly, "Master, thank you for taking care of me during these days in the temple."

"You...still call me Master?"

Bai Su glanced at Mu Qianxue in surprise, unable to believe his ears.

"Anyway, you taught me a lot."

Mu Qianxue took a deep look at Bai Su and said slowly: "Master, it's time for me to leave, and Brother Ling, he should be waking up soon. During this period, I will ask you to take care of me. A little bit of thought.”

With that said, Mu Qianxue pointed lightly at Bai Su's eyebrows, and an exquisite demon cultivation technique was instantly integrated into Bai Su's mind.

For a long time, a hint of shock flashed in Bai Su's eyes, and she looked at Mu Qianxue in surprise, "This... this is..."

"This can be regarded as a thank you for your teachings to me during this period of time."

Mu Qianxue smiled faintly. She could feel that Bai Su's affection for her was not false, but a true master-disciple relationship.

This master-disciple relationship is one of the few warm memories in her heart.

"I have to go now."

Mu Qianxue took a deep look at Ling Feng, pushed Ling Feng flatly in front of Bai Su, gritted her teeth and said: "Master, I'll leave it to you, Brother Ling. I think he will leave Canglong Temple after he wakes up." . I don’t want anyone to give him a hard time before he leaves.”

"I don't think anyone would dare to embarrass him."

Bai Su took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "Xue...Xue'er, why didn't you wait for him to wake up? Tell him everything?"

"Wake up, so what."

Mu Qianxue squeezed her pink fist, shook her head and said, "That will only make me more shaken and reluctant to leave."

Tears fell from her cheeks. Mu Qianxue looked at Ling Feng who was still unconscious, pursed her lips and gritted her teeth and said: "Brother Ling, take care of yourself. Xiaoxue, I can no longer be by your side. You must take good care of me." "Hehe, and sister Yan'er, I think she will take good care of you."

"Brother Ling, Xiaoxue, we really have to leave!"

Mu Qianxue's delicate body trembled slightly, she clenched her fists and turned around resolutely, not daring to look back at Ling Feng again.

Every time she took another look, her heart would feel a little more hesitant and a little more reluctant to let go.

"Master, tell him on behalf of Xue'er not to come to me. As long as he...can occasionally think of Xue'er in the future, that's enough. No...don't think of me again, never think of me again!"

The voice was sobbing, hoarse, almost roaring. After saying the last words, Mu Qianxue rushed out of the hall as if running away, and soared into the sky with Ye Weiyang, who had been waiting outside the hall.

The speed of the two of them was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a starlight and disappeared into the sky.

Perhaps in the future, their fates will never meet again.

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