Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1097 Ling Feng’s determination! (2 updates)


With a low groan, Ling Feng finally slowly opened his eyes. In front of his eyes, there seemed to be a ball of dim yellow fire, swaying uncertainly.

"Am I... dead?"

Ling Feng raised his palms and tried to recall everything before he fell into coma.

The final madness, the final explosion, the bloody battle with the Nine Emperors, and the counter-killing of the Red Dragon Envoy...

All the memories emerged in Ling Feng's mind, and finally turned into a beautiful face.

Mu Qianxue!


Ling Feng jumped up suddenly. He remembered that at the last moment before he fell into coma, it was Mu Qianxue who stood in front of him with his weak body.

However, with her strength, how could she possibly stop those Demon Emperors and Demon Emperors!

"This is where?"

Ling Feng's eyes searched the surroundings crazily. The surrounding area did not seem to be hell, but a dark room, and he was sitting leisurely on a somewhat simple bed.

" body?"

Ling Feng looked at his hands in disbelief. He remembered that he had been severely injured, and almost every part of his body was covered with wounds. But now, there were no traces of wounds on his body, not even scars. Leave.

"Am I dreaming?"

Ling Feng gently rubbed his temples. He was very sure that he had indeed experienced your tragic battle, but why didn't he die?

Sensing the aura in his body, his cultivation seemed to have broken through to the Divine Origin Realm again, but he was only at the first level of the Divine Origin Realm, and he had the strength to forcefully swallow four essence blood beads and directly break through to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm. There is no comparison.

Of course, after using Chaos Reincarnation, he will obviously fall directly to a larger realm, but he still has the cultivation level of the first level of the Divine Origin Realm.

Obviously, someone should have helped him break through.

There was also someone who helped me heal my injuries.

Not only that, there seems to be a special blood power in his body. It is not his own power, but it flows in his body, so warm and soft!

But, what about Qianxue?

where is she?

Ling Feng searched around, but there was no sign of Mu Qianxue at all.

At this moment, the door creaked open, and then a graceful figure walked in from the door.


Ling Feng turned around excitedly, only to find that the person coming was not Mu Qianxue, but the Purple Dragon Envoy, Bai Su.

"Palace Master..."

There was an uncontrollable trace of disappointment in Ling Feng's eyes.

"it's me."

Bai Su slowly walked up to Ling Feng, looked at Ling Feng carefully, and said with a faint smile: "It seems that you are recovering well."

Ling Feng quickly stood up and bowed to Bai Su, "Palace Master, you saved me?"

"No, I don't have such ability." Bai Su smiled bitterly. How could she have any right to speak in front of Canglong Demon Emperor?

"Who is that? And, where is Qianxue? I mean, Ye Xue."

Ling Feng asked anxiously.

"She saved you." Ye Xue said lightly.

"She?" Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he stared at Bai Su, "Then she..."


Bai Su sighed softly, interrupted Ling Feng's inquiry, and said slowly: "She saved you, but she only asked me to tell you one sentence. From now on, I will just pretend that I have never seen her before. There’s no need to think about her anymore.”

"Impossible! How can you pretend that you have never seen her before!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. When his life was hanging by a thread, she jumped out regardless of her life. Even though he was a stone-hearted person, he should have been moved. What's more, he had never been a stone-hearted person.

"Tell me what happened!"

Ling Feng's eyes became hot as he stared at Bai Su, gritting his teeth and saying: "Palace Master, please tell me everything!"

"Oh, I knew you would definitely ask about it."

Bai Su shook his head and took deep breaths several times before finally saying: "Okay, I'll tell you, but after hearing everything, I advise you to listen to Xue'er and return to the Tianbai Empire with peace of mind in the future. General. The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor is dead, and the Silver Wolf clan has nothing to worry about now. The war on your border will naturally subside."

"Please tell me everything." Ling Feng looked deeply at Bai Su, eager to know everything.

In the past, it was not that he did not understand gentleness at all, but that he did not dare to look directly into his heart and face his own feelings.

He was burdened with so much that he had too much time to take care of himself, so how could he dare to linger on his children's personal relationship.

But the moment Mu Qianxue sacrificed his life, he realized that she already had a place in his heart.

"That's what happened……"

As Bai Su narrated, Ling Feng realized that the "beggar girl" holding the black cat in her arms turned out to have such a prominent identity.



That is an existence that even the Blue Dragon Temple looks up to!

"She seems to have her own mission, so she has to leave you."

Bai Su looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Long Fei, I am more accustomed to calling you Long Fei. It is true that you are indeed a very rare genius. You can be called a peerless evildoer in both the monster race and the human race." , But the gods are different from us. After all, you and she are from different worlds. It’s good for her and you.”

"Forgot her?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. In the past, he only knew how to escape from his own feelings, but now, he just wants to walk in front of Mu Qianxue and hold her in his arms!

What about the gods?

I am a son of heaven!

It is the most powerful race in the world!

"Thank you, Master, for telling me everything. I understand and I know what to do in the future."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, no matter what, he could not stop himself!


Seeing Ling Feng's eyes, Bai Su knew that Ling Feng had not listened to her words, and he might still pursue Mu Qianxue. However, this at least showed that Mu Qianxue did not make a mistake.

At least, he is a good man who values ​​love and justice!

"Palace Master, do you know the location of the Jiuli Divine Clan?" Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know much about the Jiuli God Clan, but I once heard that the altar of the Jiuli God Clan should be in the Zhongyuan Domain."

"Zhongyuan realm?"

Ling Feng nodded. The entire Xuanling Continent was divided into five major regions: Zhongyuan Region, South Witch Region, West Sword Region, Northern Cold Region and East Spiritual Region.

There is no doubt that the Zhongyuan Domain is definitely the most powerful one. It is very reasonable for a transcendent existence like the Jiuli God Clan to be established in the Zhongyuan Domain.

However, not to mention that the Jiuli Divine Clan is only in the Zhongyuan Domain, even in the Immortal Domain and the Divine Domain, it cannot stop Ling Feng's determination to find Mu Qianxue!

However, with his current strength, even if he found Mu Qianxue, it would be meaningless.

But he will not give up just yet. He is a son of heaven and has more powerful talents than the so-called gods.

It just so happens that if I want to unlock the secret of the Divine Treasure Box in the future, I will inevitably have to search the entire continent, and the Zhongyuan Domain is the end of my journey!

Before that, I still need to become stronger!

Only with absolute strength can you firmly control your destiny in your hands!

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