Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1098: Torture Battle! (3 more)

Because he was worried about the situation at Tianfeng Camp, Ling Feng did not stay in Canglong Temple any longer. He adjusted the energy in his body a little before embarking on the journey back to Blackwater Plains.

He knew very well what he needed to do now, instead of just immersing himself in the sadness of Mu Qianxue's departure.

There are more important things waiting for him to do.

At least Mu Qianxue is safe now, and she will become very, very strong!

And I also need to become stronger in order to be able to be by her side and continue to protect her as before!

"Palace Master, I have been grateful for your care these days."

Ling Feng bowed deeply to Bai Su. Under Bai Su's escort, Ling Feng had walked out of the sphere of influence of the Canglong Temple safely.

"It's just a matter of loyalty to others. This is what Xue'er specially entrusted me with."

Bai Su waved his hand, glanced at Ling Feng, and said, "Actually, you can wait until you fully recover before leaving."

"No need, I'm already troubling you very much."

Ling Feng bowed to Bai Su again, "Palace Master, I'm leaving. I will always remember that among the demon clan, there are still good demons like you. There should not be a war between the human race and the demon clan. "

"You are also a good person, at least, a good man. No matter what, you are Ling'er's savior. I hope that I will never meet you in battle again."

Bai Su smiled bitterly.

"Not anymore."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The Silver Wolf Demon King was dead. From now on, he should never set foot in Southern Xinjiang again.

After he helped Mo Feng establish his prestige in the army and take control of the military, he was ready to go directly to the Dongling Fairy Pond and go to a wider world.

The pace of becoming stronger must be accelerated!

"It's a pity that you are not a demon. Otherwise, that girl Ling'er must be a good home."

Bai Su glanced at Ling Feng with a smile, thought for a moment, took out another jade pendant from his sleeve, and said with a soft smile: "This jade pendant was the gift I originally planned to give to Xue'er, but now Xue'er has left. Well, I'll give it to you. She left in a hurry and didn't leave anything behind for you. This jade pendant is just a thought."

Ling Feng reached out and took the jade pendant. It was just an ordinary jade pendant, but on the front of the jade pendant, there was the word "snow" engraved on it.

Ling Feng squeezed the jade pendant tightly. In fact, Mu Qianxue left nothing for him. She left Ling Feng her own divine blood. Now, half of Mu Qianxue's blood is flowing in his body!

This is an unforgettable gift, a gift that flows in the blood!

Carefully putting away the jade pendant, Ling Feng nodded heavily towards Bai Su, "Thank you, Master, disciple. I'll take my leave!"

After bowing to Bai Su again, Ling Feng spread out his body skills and galloped away in the direction of Heishuiyuan.

When Ling Feng's figure gradually disappeared into the dense forest ahead, Bai Su sighed and said slowly: "Silly girl, hiding and crying alone is not your style."


Above the tree crown, a figure floated down, it was Bai Ling'er, this quirky little demon girl.

However, in the past few days, she probably cried much more than before.

"Okay, okay, you damn girl, when did you become a crybaby?"

Bai Su gently wiped the tears on her daughter's cheeks, shook her head and smiled.

"I'm... I'm heartbroken!" Bing Ling'er sobbed.

"Being broken up is amazing!"

"'s still my first love!"

"That boy Long Fei doesn't seem to have liked you. At most, you just have a crush!"

"You are such a mother-in-law! I...I don't want to care about you anymore!"

Black water plain.

Although a drastic change has occurred in Canglong Temple, there seems to be no news of it on the battlefield on the frontier.

The war is far from officially over.

At least, in this area of ​​Blackwater Plains, cruel wars are going on every day.

"It's already the fifth day..."

Almost every general in the big tent was seriously injured. Commander Xu Zhongda and Commander Xu had one of his arms cut off, becoming a one-armed commander.

In fact, if Jiang Xiaofan hadn't blocked the knife for him, his life would have been taken care of.

If the general is like this, the condition of the soldiers below is not to mention how bad it is.

Facing the ferocious attacks one after another by the demon clan alliance, the entire Tianfeng battalion has suffered more than half of its losses. Even the most elite black-armored cavalry has suffered more than 10,000 casualties!

There were no reinforcements and no hope of victory in sight.

Those monster clan coalition forces seemed to be using this method to continuously torture the soldiers of Tianfeng Camp.

"Report, the demon alliance has once again launched an attack on the right wing of the stronghold!"

The messenger rushed into the big tent panting. This news almost made all the generals collapse.

Half an hour ago, they had just resisted the last wave of attacks!

"These damn bastards!"

Xu Zhongda picked up the sword and gritted his teeth and said: "Vice General Jiang, let me go! I've had enough rest!"

"No, I'll go!"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyes had turned blood red. He had not closed his eyes for five consecutive days and five nights. He took the lead in every battle.

"No, Xiaofan, if you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it!"

Mo Feng pressed Jiang Xiaofan's shoulders firmly, "You are Brother Feng's brother. I will never let anything happen to you. This time, let me go!"

"Now, there is no prince here, only a soldier!"

Mo Feng's eyes were also bloodshot.

In these short five days, he saw too much bloodshed and too many sacrifices.

Weakness and escape are even a luxury on this bloody battlefield.

"It's because I am eldest brother's brother!"

Jiang Xiaofan stood up resolutely. Under this heavy armor, he was already covered with bruises.

"Xiaofan! You..."

Mo Feng looked deeply at Jiang Xiaofan, his eyes were full of determination and iron-bloodedness. Is this still the dull and honest young man he once was?

"Sorry! Brother Feng!"

Jiang Xiaofan punched out and knocked Mo Feng unconscious. He grabbed the Jingji Sword on the table and said loudly: "Fight to the end, even to the last soldier!"

"Vice General Jiang, you..."

All the soldiers looked at Jiang Xiaofan in surprise. He was so decisive without any hesitation.

"Watch His Highness Prince Jing!"

Jiang Xiaofan took a deep breath, grabbed his sword, and rushed out of the camp.


The armies of both sides clashed again. The human army was already exhausted physically and mentally. Every confrontation was a kind of torture for the soldiers of Tianfeng Camp.

Inhumane torture!

Watching the companions around you fall down one by one, maybe tomorrow, or maybe the next moment, you will be the one who falls!

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