Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1099 Bloody Elegy! (4 more updates)

In front of the commander's tent, less than a thousand feet away, is a huge plain, and this is also the last stronghold of Tianfeng Camp in Heishuiyuan, the last line of defense.

As long as this line of defense is broken, the demon army can march directly to Huanglong and attack the commander's tent of Tianfeng Camp!

At this moment, the human and demon armies were fighting.

When it is poured out, it is full of shouts of killing and shaking the sky. The rich smell of blood almost makes people choke and unable to breathe.

Countless humans and monsters were entangled together and attacking each other. The screams of the humans and the ferocious laughter of the monsters resounded throughout the sky!

Jiang Xiaofan clenched the sword in his hand and looked around.

For hundreds of miles in radius, the earth has been dyed blood red, and everything as far as the eye can see is a mess.

The cold human corpses floating in the river have begun to rot. Too many soldiers have died in this protracted war!

The dusk became thicker and thicker.

Under the bloody setting sun, wisps of tragic and desolate sounds penetrated the space, slowly came from the dust in the starry sky, and turned into a tragic song.

Jiang Xiaofan merged into the endless desolation, feeling unspeakably sad and angry.


With his sword held high, Jiang Xiaofan let out an almost hysterical roar and led the last elite group of black-armored cavalry to join the battlefield.

Deep in the battlefield, a peak demon king has already displayed his demonic form. With a single grab, he can sweep across a large area of ​​human soldiers and crush them into meat pies!

Unlike other demon kings, his demon beast's real body is already thirty feet tall, and he is a half-step demon king that is infinitely close to the demon emperor level.

After being unable to attack for five consecutive days, the Green Bull Demon King had obviously begun to lose his patience. He had removed Hai Lingxiang from his position as commander and issued orders himself.

It can be said that in addition to taking action personally, he has already sent all his elite troops to the battlefield.

The half-step Demon King will kill everyone wherever he goes!

Every time he takes action, countless lives will be harvested and blood and flesh will be scattered!

The sky is raining blood!


Feeling the despair of the human generals around him, the half-step demon emperor laughed crazily, licked his lips with a long scarlet tongue, and said with a grin: "Despair, suffer, struggle in the endless despair! Jie Jie Jie..."


The person who responded to the half-step demon emperor was a king-level commander. Even though he knew he was losing, he still moved forward unwaveringly.

Use your own flesh and blood to resist these monsters, even for a moment longer, and you will not regret it.

The fighting in a desperate situation was unprecedentedly cruel!

The army led by Jiang Xiaofan quickly rushed into the battlefield. However, it was still unable to truly turn the tide. The number, actual number and overall strength of the demon clan almost crushed Tianfeng Camp several times. It was almost a battle. A war with no chance of winning.

However, there has been no assistance from Tianmang Fortress.

Jiang Xiaofan rushed left and right, blood covering his armor, and his arms were numb from swinging the sword.

For five consecutive days, he had participated in countless battles. Even though he was pregnant with Xuanwu precious blood, he was starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

But no matter what, he must hold on until Ling Feng comes back!

"Protect Commander Huo!! He is injured!!"

A roar came suddenly from the battlefield on the right.

Jiang Xiaofan looked intently and saw that there were hundreds of monsters, surrounding more than ten human soldiers, and the human general at the head was surprisingly the leader of the black-armored cavalry, Huo Yuanyi!

At this moment, Huo Yuanyi was holding a spear and barely keeping standing. On his chest, the hard armor had been shattered into pieces. There was a cloud of black air and dark blood gurgling out. It was obviously the poison in the formation.

Beside Huo Yuanyi, more than a dozen soldiers of the black-armored cavalry surrounded him, forming a copper wall. Even if he was pierced by the monster's claws, he would never let the other party have another chance to get close to Huo Yuanyi.

However, even so, Huo Yuanyi's face began to turn black.

The violent poison had eroded his heart. Even with his king-level cultivation, he could not suppress such a terrible poison.

"Jie Jie Jie, this is the commander of the black-armored cavalry. He has killed many of our demons in the past few days!"

"If the commanders of this black-armored cavalry army were killed, wouldn't these human soldiers be completely in despair?"

"Haha, let's go together! Kill the leader of the black-armored cavalry!!"

Following the roar of the leader of the demon clan, hundreds of demon clans roared and rushed forward together!

Like a torrent, they attacked and killed like crazy.

"Form up a formation! Protect Commander Huo!"

All the soldiers roared and formed a circular formation to surround Huo Yuanyi, who was finally poisoned!


The disparity in the number of people was really huge. At the moment of the collision, even though a large number of monsters died, seven of the thirteen black-armored cavalry soldiers were torn apart on the spot!

And then, the second round of impact struck again.

Seven, three more will die!

However, even though there were only four soldiers left, they still kept Huo Yuanyi at the center and protected their general with their flesh and blood.

"no no!"

Huo Yuanyi was trembling all over. These were his personal guards, his brothers fighting side by side. Seeing them fall one after another, Huo Yuanyi wished that he was the one who died.

"Jie Jie Jie, there are four left! Leader of the human race, you monster, blame your own incompetence!"

The leader of the demon clan laughed ferociously, waved his hand, and the remaining demon clan rushed out again.

"Djinn Hammer!"

Jiang Xiaofan shouted angrily, activated the giant spirit war bone, and punched the ground heavily.

The terrifying destructive power directly cracked the earth. In a flash, Jiang Xiaofan had already rushed to Huo Yuanyi.

"Vice General Jiang..."

Cold sweat broke out on Huo Yuanyi's forehead, and the poison in his body had begun to paralyze his senses, making him unable to say a word and almost draining all his strength.


Jiang Xiaofan clenched his fists, looked up at the desolate dusk, and let out a roar that shook the world.

The four remaining black-armored cavalry soldiers felt the desolate atmosphere and shook off the blood on their blades. As long as they had a breath left, they would fight to the end!


Feeling the terrifying killing intent in Jiang Xiaofan's body, even the first-level demon king headed by him felt a feeling of panic.

Jiang Xiaofan's Xuanwu precious blood is the blood of divine beasts, and divine beasts are inherently coercive to any ordinary demon clan.

This kind of suppression exists in the blood and cannot be contained.

Soon, a group of Jiang Xiaofan's personal guards surrounded him. The demon clan besieging Huo Yuanyi saw that something was wrong and immediately retreated. Huo Yuanyi was lucky enough to escape. However, if the poison in his body was not removed, his life would still be at risk. Still hanging on a thin line.

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