Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1103: Defeat the Demonic Soldiers with Wisdom! (1 more)

"General Ling is here!"

"General Ling is finally out of seclusion, our savior has arrived!"

With Ling Feng's high-profile attitude, he specifically sought out demon king-level beings to kill. Soon, the only remaining human soldiers noticed Ling Feng's arrival.

Even if it was just him, it greatly inspired everyone's confidence.

Because he is already a myth in the hearts of the soldiers of Tianfeng Camp!


Ling Feng held the Destruction of Ten Directions in his left hand, and danced the Sword of Chaos in the form of Yuanhun in his right hand. The two swords were intertwined, one sword was "Li Huo Sets the Sky", the other sword was "Reincarnation Eternal Slash", and he instantly strangled a primary-level sword. The Demon King landed firmly beside Jiang Xiaofan.

Although Ling Feng's cultivation has dropped back to the first level of the Divine Soul Realm, his ability to transform his soul has not disappeared.

Being able to perform Divine Transformation at the first level of the Divine Origin Realm is probably only a "freak" like Ling Feng who can do it.

"Xiaofan, thank you for your hard work!"

Without any communication, Ling Feng already understood how tragic the battle was when he saw Jiang Xiaofan's almost exhausted look.

After all, he wasted too much time during the few days he was in a coma, and his Tianfeng Camp had already paid an extremely heavy price.


Jiang Xiaofan, whose eyes were already red with blood, suddenly heard Ling Feng's voice. When he looked up, he felt like he was about to burst into tears.

"Brother, you are finally back!"

Jiang Xiaofan's body was trembling so much that he was almost unsteady on his feet. He only persisted to this moment with faith.

At the moment when he saw Ling Feng's return, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and a strong sense of fatigue and weakness swept over his heart.

Feeling the power gradually dissipating, Jiang Xiaofan's body leaned back and fell heavily.

Ling Feng's figure flashed, supported Jiang Xiaofan, poured a burst of vitality into his body, and said slowly: "Good brother, leave the next step to me!"

"Hmph, do you want to turn the tide of the war on your own? You should think about how to protect yourself!"

Suddenly, an extremely cold voice came from not far away, and I saw that the Green Bull Demon King had already arrived.

The reason why he led troops to besiege Tianfeng Camp was to lure the snake out of the hole and force Ling Feng out.

Now, Ling Feng finally appears, and he can complete the task assigned by the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor.

However, it was a little hard for the Green Bull Demon King to understand that such a boy who was only in the early stage of the Divine Origin Realm could snatch away the Supreme Lotus Seed under the hands of the Silver Snake Demon Queen.

This is really unbelievable.

Therefore, the Green Bull Demon King did not dare to be careless, but carefully stared at Ling Feng to avoid capsizing the boat in the gutter.

In fact, with Ling Feng's current state, Chaos Reincarnation will not be considered to be used in the short term, and with Jianlu's current state, it is obviously not very reliable to use beast soul fusion.

It can be said that the current Ling Feng has no chance of winning against the Green Bull Demon Emperor, but this does not affect anything.

Anyway, he didn't intend to take action.

"It seems that the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor sent you to attack Tianfeng Camp."

Ling Feng stood with his sword in hand and looked at the Green Bull Demon King without any fear.

"Hmph, you are quite smart! You should have expected that you would suffer such a calamity if you took away the Lord's Supreme Lotus Seed!"

The Green Bull Demon King snorted coldly, directly held out a giant axe, and roared: "Boy, do you want to surrender and be captured, or do you want to wait until I cripple you and then capture you before the Lord!"


But Ling Feng raised his head and laughed, "Silver Wolf Demon Emperor? You really don't have much information. Don't you even know that your master has died in the Demon Emperor Palace of Canglong Temple?"

"What nonsense!"

The Green Bull Demon King swung the ax in his hand, "How dare you curse the Lord!"

"A curse?" Ling Feng curled his lips, "Then think carefully, has your master given you any orders in the past few days?"

"Hmph, do you think I will believe you?"

The Green Bull Demon King said he didn't believe it, but he had some doubts in his heart.

In the past few days, I have sent people to ask the Demon Emperor for instructions many times, but there has been no response. Logically speaking, the Supreme Lotus Seed is something that the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor values ​​​​very much, and it should not be ignored like this.

"Brother Niutou, it can be said that there is no grievance or enmity between you and me. Why should I lie to you!"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said with a smile: "You should also know that I have the strength to repel the Silver Snake Fairy. You alone can't catch me at all, and you might even be killed by me. So. The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's temperament means that if he is still alive, he will pay close attention to the situation in Heishuiyuan and even send out a few more Demon Emperors in an effort to capture me steadily. But now, you are the only Demon Emperor. And how do you think you compare to the Silver Snake Enchantress?"


Qingniu Hui snorted coldly, "Boy, what on earth do you want to say!"

"I'm just advising you, you can call for gold and withdraw your troops today, send people back to inquire about the news, and see if your master is dead! Hehe, once the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor dies, his fiefdom should be Many demon kings are probably thinking about it. With your strength, it’s really unreasonable not to go back and get a share of the pie.”

Ling Feng chuckled, "If you still stay here and continue to entangle with us, when you go back, you won't even get a hair."

When the Green Bull Demon Emperor heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he thought to himself: If His Majesty the Demon Emperor really encounters something unexpected, no one of the other Demon Emperors will be able to subdue each other, and then the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's fiefdom will naturally fall apart. .

Moreover, if he doesn't get a share of the pie first and wait for the other seven demon emperors to get wind of the situation and get involved, he will have nothing to do.

Especially when he saw Ling Feng's vow, the Green Bull Demon Emperor felt that this kid probably didn't lie to him, so it would be better to just follow his words and withdraw his troops for the time being. It would not be too late to withdraw his troops after he got the news.

"Hmph! I'll let you go today!"

The Green Bull Demon Emperor glared at Ling Feng fiercely. On the one hand, he was not sure about Ling Feng's strength. On the other hand, he also hoped to make a fortune through the death of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor.

After all, the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor belongs to the Silver Wolf clan, and he is from the Tauren clan, so there is no absolute loyalty.

"Hehe, I think, Brother Niutou, you will definitely thank me!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. The fiefdom of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was torn apart. The internal fighting between the demon emperors was probably going to continue for a while. There should be no more wars in Tianmang Fortress in a short period of time.

The Green Bull Demon King sheathed his weapon and waved his hand, and the demon alliance immediately retreated like a tide.

After such a long fierce battle, not only the human race was severely damaged, but the demon race was also severely damaged.

Seeing the demon army retreating, those soldiers who fought until the last moment were like mud and collapsed to the ground.

it is finally over!

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