Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1104: Stand alone! (2 updates)

Night has finally arrived!

It was not until the third watch that the 200,000-strong army, personally commanded by Yuan Tiangang, finally arrived at the Heishuiyuan station.

After learning that his "crazy girl" Yan Chuchu had actually gone crazy to the Tianfeng camp, Yuan Tiangang was naturally very anxious, and he ordered all his troops and horses to rush to Heishuiyuan.

The demon clan has withdrawn its troops, and Yuan Tiangang's support troops have naturally become useless.

During the bloody battle in Tianfeng Camp, there were no reinforcements. It's better now. You came after the battle was over. The soldiers in Tianfeng Camp obviously didn't appreciate it very much, and they were not satisfied with Yuan Tiangang's delay in sending reinforcements. Quite a bit of criticism.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang just wanted to delay the reinforcements at the beginning. As a result, other battlefields suffered repeated setbacks. In comparison, the battlefield in Heishuiyuan seemed insignificant.

Therefore, later on, it was not that Yuan Tiangang did not want to send troops, but that other battlefields were so tight that he could not send any troops at all.

He originally thought that Tianfeng Camp would be wiped out this time, but what he didn't expect was that although Tianfeng Camp's vitality was severely damaged, it still defended Black Water Plains!

This brand new army has withstood the extremely cruel test, which Yuan Tiangang never expected.

What kind of general was able to persist in that brutal war for five days and five nights with the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves?

This point made Yuan Tiangang think deeply.

In the handsome tent.

Yuan Tiangang waited for a full hour before Tianfeng Battalion's head coach Ling Feng, two lieutenants Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan, and King Jing Mo Feng arrived belatedly.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, he was left in the tent by Ling Feng and the others for a full hour. However, even though he was a little angry in his heart, he could only hold back.

"Prince Jing! General Ling!"

Seeing several people entering the tent, Yuan Tiangang hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. Although he, Yuan Tiangang, was a veritable emperor in Tianmang Fortress, there were differences between kings and ministers. Mo Feng was, after all, the prince of the royal family, and he was just Mo Feng. A retainer of the family.

Mo Feng gave Yuan Tiangang a cold look and ignored him.

Yuan Tiangang's face froze slightly. He had not been able to send troops to support him for a long time. It seemed that he had completely offended His Highness Prince Jing.

"Grand Governor, I've kept you waiting for so long!"

Ling Feng, on the other hand, bowed his hands to Yuan Tiangang and said calmly: "Many of the brothers under my command were seriously injured, and Commander Huo Yuanyi was also poisoned. The general was busy treating the brothers, so he was delayed for a while. time."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Yuan Tiangang forced a smile on his face and said slowly: "General Ling, your Tianfeng battalion has successfully defended the Blackwater Plains this time and has done a great service. After you return, the governor will definitely reward you for your merits."

"whispering sound!"

Ling Feng felt disdainful in his heart. He had done so much. If he hadn't risked his life to sneak into the Canglong Temple and expose the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, would the demon clan have completely withdrawn their troops now?

However, Ling Feng was not interested in the so-called rewards. Anyway, after this battle, it was time for Mo Feng to establish his own prestige. It was also time for him to retire and leave Tianmang Fortress.

My journey does not lie in the military, but in martial arts, the pinnacle of martial arts!

"Rewards based on merit, Yuan Tiangang, I hope you can bury those dead brothers generously and provide care to their families. Every one of these dead brothers is a good man!"

Mo Feng glared at Yuan Tiangang and strode to the main seat. A trace of imperial power began to awaken from him.

From this moment on, he was no longer the Ninth Prince who thought he had escaped, but the reborn Prince Jing!

"Weak minister, I respectfully obey the orders of His Highness Prince Jing!"

Yuan Tiangang took a deep look at Mo Feng. This little prince had finally grown up.

Now he is qualified to receive his own recognition and support.

Although Yuan Tiangang respects his own military, he has no objection to the Mo family royal family. Since Mo Feng is no longer the submissive and courageless little prince, then it is worthy of him to follow and support.

This is probably what His Majesty Emperor Tianbai meant.

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes. A large part of the reason why King Tianbai transferred Prince Jing to the Southern Army was because he wanted to temper this little prince. Now it seems that this little prince has grown up quite quickly. !

Then, Yuan Tiangang divided another 100,000 troops to stay in Heishuiyuan. On the one hand, he expanded the Tianfeng camp, and on the other hand, he also prevented those demon clan coalition forces from returning their horses. Then he left the camp overnight.

After all, as the Grand Governor of Tianmang Fortress, he cannot be away from the fortress for too long, especially during this critical period.

"Humph, old fox!"

After Yuan Tiangang left, Mo Feng cursed lowly with an angry look on his face.

"Okay, I'm afraid that old guy won't look down on you anymore. Now you can be regarded as His Royal Highness, Prince Jing."

Ling Feng patted Mo Feng on the shoulder. Judging from Yuan Tiangang's attitude, Yuan Tiangang had begun to surrender to Mo Feng. At this time, Mo Feng should win over him instead of worrying about the past.

Regarding this point, I believe Mo Feng already understood it in his heart, so he was angry, and he more or less saved some face for Yuan Tiangang.

"This is all your fault, Brother Feng!"

Mo Feng looked at Ling Feng gratefully. To him, Ling Feng was like a guiding light.

"No, your own changes are also crucial."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. During the previous period, he already knew everything that happened while he was away from the fortress, including how Mo Feng dared to rush to the front line in person. This guy finally started to be responsible and courageous.

This also made Ling Feng feel more at ease, knowing that even after he left, Mo Feng could still be on his own.

the other side.

Yuan Tiangang rode a demon horse and led one hundred thousand soldiers and horses back to Tianmang Fortress.

Along the way, Yuan Tiangang's thoughts were racing. He never expected that Ling Feng would have such a great influence on Prince Jing.

However, I am still getting old after all, and it is time to delegate my power.

At this moment, there was a neighing sound coming from behind, and the military advisor Sun Boce was riding an earth dragon monster and quickly caught up with him. On the back of the earth dragon, there was a girl tied up with five flowers lying on her back.

This girl is naturally that girl Yan Chuchu.


There was still a ball of rag stuffed in Yan Chuchu's mouth, and she was struggling all over.

"Grand Governor, Miss Chu Chu has been kidnapped for you."

Sun Boce shook his head and smiled bitterly. This girl was really slippery and kept yelling and cursing. In order to prevent his reputation from being ruined in one day, he had no choice but to make this move.

"Keep tying me up! You crazy girl!"

Yuan Tiangang felt a little relieved when he saw Yan Chuchu's energetic appearance, but he still glared at her fiercely. Then the girl shrank her neck and calmed down a little.

"Do you know how dangerous it is on the battlefield! I will tie you up for three days this time to prevent you from losing your memory!"

After saying that, Yuan Tiangang was no longer too lazy to pay attention to this girl, and hurriedly returned to Tianmang Fortress.

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