Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1105 Master is in crisis! (3 updates)

Early the next morning, the demon clan coalition forces in Blackwater Plains withdrew in full force.

The Green Bull Demon Emperor received the news that the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was indeed dead. He could not sit still, so he immediately evacuated with his troops in a hurry.

If I go back too late, even the day lilies may be cold.

After all, there are still six or seven powerful Demon Emperors under the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor, and almost all of them are not inferior to him in strength, so you must make plans in advance.

As soon as the Green Bull Demon King withdrew, the other demon clan coalition forces naturally collapsed and dispersed.

After fighting for so long, not only the human race suffered heavy losses, but the demon race was also physically and mentally exhausted.

So, when the sky was still dark the next day, the demon clan coalition forces in Heishuiyuan withdrew, leaving only the Lin demon clan and the black dragon clan living in the Heishuiyuan area.

Because Hai Lingxiang did not allow the Lin Yao Clan to have a head-on conflict with the soldiers of the Tianfeng Camp in the early stage, the Lin Yao Clan's losses among the monster clan alliance were basically negligible.

Hai Lingxiang is undoubtedly happy to see this result.

Human race camp.

"Report! The demon clan sent an envoy from the Lin demon clan, saying that he was here to discuss peace talks."

The messenger rushed in quickly to agree and reported urgently.

"Lin Yao Clan?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and knew that it was Hai Lingxiang, the female enchantress who was coming to thank him.

Originally, according to his plan, the two sides could cease fighting for a whole month, but although some accidents occurred in the middle, the final result was not too bad after all.

Moreover, Hai Lingxiang did her best.

"Okay, everyone is tired of fighting. We really should have peace talks."

Ling Feng nodded and said calmly: "Please invite the envoy of the demon clan to come in."


After a while, he saw a pretty girl from the Lin Yao clan entering the big tent. Ling Feng had a vague impression of this banshee from the Lin Yao clan. She seemed to be a maid next to Hai Lingxiang.

"My slave Yunshu, I have met Prince Long Fei!"

When the Lin demon maid saw Ling Feng, she immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Be bold, open your eyes and see clearly, there is no Prince Long Fei here, only His Highness Prince Jing and General Weiyuan!"

Xu Zhongda snorted coldly and stepped forward to stop.

This guy had one of his arms cut off by the demon clan, so he naturally hated the demon clan in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, she is calling me. Yunshu, right? Your princess...oh no, she should be the clan leader now."

Ling Feng raised his hand to signal Yun Shu to stand up and speak.

"Hehe, Prince Long Fei still remembers the slave." Yun Shu narrowed her eyes and smiled, "The patriarch means that at noon, there will be peace talks between the commanders of the two armies on the banks of the Blackwater River."

"By the Blackwater River."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. The dividing line between the human race and the demon race is the Blackwater River. Hai Lingxiang chose this place for the peace talks, probably because he wanted to re-negotiate the boundary between the two sides and prevent the two sides from invading each other.

After all, there are still many demon clans living in the Blackwater River. If the human army completely takes over the Blackwater Plain, then this will be an irreconcilable conflict.

Ling Feng has no interest in invading other people's homes. Using the Blackwater River as the boundary and a truce between the two sides is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Okay, go back and reply to your clan leader. At noon, the general will be there in person!"

"Okay, hehe..."

Na Yunshu then resigned, stood up and left.

After she left, Xu Zhongda frowned and said, "General Ling, is there any fraud?"

"Commander Xu, your prejudice against the Monster Clan is too deep. Not all of the Monster Clan are militants. Now that they have acquired wisdom and got rid of the nature of monsters, they are no longer beasts, but They are intelligent beings just like us. If we continue to treat them as beasts, this kind of prejudice will continue to be ingrained, and it will not be beneficial to both parties."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It's better to try to be friends with them!"

Like the Qiongqi Demon King, like Hailingxiang, or the Purple Dragon Envoy...

Ling Feng has seen many vicious monsters, and he has also seen many humane monsters. In fact, there is no need for monsters and humans to hate each other.

"Be friends?"

Within the large tent, many commanders frowned, obviously unable to understand what Ling Feng said.

After all, after being stationed in Tianmang Fortress for many years, they have long regarded the demon clan as their mortal enemy. It may be difficult to change this concept in a short period of time.

Ling Feng didn't bother to explain anything. Anyway, both sides were seriously injured now. It was estimated that no large-scale war would break out within ten years.

At noon.

Ling Feng arrived as promised, and by the Blackwater River, Hai Lingxiang, the leader of the Linyao Clan, had been waiting for a long time.

In addition, there are Hai Lingxiang's mother and several elders of the Black Dragon Clan.

"Long Fei!"

When Hai Lingxiang saw Ling Feng, she immediately wanted to rush forward excitedly, but soon realized her identity, gritted her teeth, stood still, and said in a deep voice: "General Ling, you are very punctual! "

“It’s natural to make an appointment with an old friend on time.”

Ling Feng smiled faintly and took out a jar of water and wine.

"With the Blackwater River as the boundary and a truce between the two sides, we accept this condition and have no objections."

Ling Feng opened the jar of wine and smiled lightly, "If you are sincere, drink up this jar of peace wine!"

The elders of the Black Flood Clan were a little surprised to see Ling Feng agreeing to the request so readily without any bargaining.

In a sense, the human race is the winner, so they should be allowed to cede a little bit of territory.

For this reason, they even prepared maps and prepared to argue with Ling Feng, but Ling Feng didn't want even an inch of land!

Where can I find such a beautiful thing?

Those elders of the Black Dragon Clan, who had no objections, naturally agreed happily.

As for the Lin Yao Clan, they only agreed to the request of the Black Dragon Clan to gain their momentum. They have no interest in the territory of the Black Water River.

Of course, Hai Lingxiang still had some selfish motives. If it hadn't been for this peace negotiation, how would he have been able to meet Ling Feng again.

"Okay, General Ling is so benevolent!"

One of the elders of the Black Flood Clan nodded immediately, "On behalf of the people of the Black Flood Clan, I would like to thank General Ling!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Speaking of which, the leader of their Black Flood Clan died indirectly in his own hands. However, neither side was stained with the other's blood anyway. It's pointless to mention this now.

The generals from both sides sat in attendance, and a jar of peace talk wine was quickly consumed.

"Hahaha, Ling Feng, Ling Feng, you are so proud of yourself!"

Just as the two sides were preparing to sign an armistice agreement, a sound of sinister laughter came from the void.

But Ling Feng will never forget this voice.

The Ghost-faced Demon Lord, Lin Canglang!

"It's you again, Lin Canglang, you are really haunting!"

Ling Feng frowned. It was a pity that he was surrounded by nine demon emperors at that time. Otherwise, when he used Chaos Reincarnation, he would definitely kill this demon easily.

"Hmph, you can't die in the Demon Emperor's Palace, so you're lucky."

Lin Canglang's voice was ethereal, seeming to be very close and yet very far away. Even Ling Feng's infinite vision could not detect his location.

"Since you're here, why not show up!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, then all directions were destroyed, and he suddenly unsheathed his weapon.

"Boy, I just want to tell you that your dead ghost master Duanmu Qingshan is now in my hands. If you want to save his life, go to Zangfeng to find me within three days. Of course, with your current status as General Ling, you don’t have to care about Duanmu Qingshan’s life or death, hahaha..."

The sound of ferocious laughter gradually disappeared from near to far.

In the sky, only a green wood wine gourd fell. Ling Feng stretched out his hand to grab it. When he saw the wine gourd, his pupils suddenly shrank.

This green wood wine gourd is exactly what Duanmu Qingshan wears, and it never leaves his body!

(PS: There are a lot of things going on these days, so the updates may not be very effective, but I still try my best to ensure three updates. It’s not easy anymore. Everyone has their own life, and they will encounter some unexpected things. I I don’t want to explain anything more, I don’t want to make things worse, and I don’t want to deceive. In short, I will try my best to write.)

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