Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1110 The Devil’s Forgetting Curse! (2 updates)

"Why rush."

Lin Canglang smiled coldly, "I know very well what your Ling Feng is thinking. As long as the safety of the old ghost Duanmu is ensured, you may want to take action against me next."

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, but he did not deny it and said coldly: "So what?"

"With the level of strength you showed in front of the Demon Emperor's Palace, although I am confident that my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds during this period, I am not sure that I will be able to escape completely in your hands. Therefore, Old Ghost Duanmu can return it to you, but You must wait here for three more days. After three days, after I have arranged the virtual spirit array and ensure that you are safe, I can return the old ghost Duanmu to you."

Lin Canglang narrowed his eyes and smiled sinisterly, "Isn't this request too much?"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he stared at Lin Canglang and said: "You are a devil, you think very carefully, but you can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade!"

Although Ling Feng said he was strong, he was relieved in his heart. Although he had recovered a lot of his strength with the use of essence blood beads, he could not easily use Chaos Reincarnation in a short period of time. As for the fusion with the beast soul of the cheap donkey, , in his current state, he cannot exert his full strength.

Lin Canglang was so intimidated by the strength he showed in the Demon Emperor's Palace that he did not dare to fight with him, but instead played into his own hands.

However, there may be other purposes in this.

"If I didn't think carefully, I would have died in your hands long ago."

Lin Canglang laughed strangely, stretched out three fingers, and said lightly: "Three days, three days later, I guarantee that old ghost Duanmu will be returned to you unscathed. Besides, Xian'er, don't you want to be with me?" Father reunited and shared family happiness?"

Lin Xian'er bit her lip and stared at Lin Canglang with a look of hatred, "You devil, stop talking nonsense. I have been sworn in with you for a long time!"

Lin Canglang laughed loudly, "It doesn't matter, then you can wait here with Ling Feng. In three days, you will be able to meet your biological father. At that time, it was a touching moment of father-daughter recognition. What a drama!”

"Since you want to build your own dog hole and escape, go quickly and stop talking nonsense here. Dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths!"

Ling Feng took Lin Xian'er and sat down on the table beside him. He tapped his fingers on the table a few times and said with a look of disdain: "Young master, I will wait in your wretched place for three days. Now, you You can go away!”


Anger surged in Blood Sword Heavenly Lord's eyes. With his current strength, he was basically comparable to some junior emperors, but he was shouted at so rudely by Ling Feng, so he was naturally angry in his heart.

However, Lin Canglang pulled him back. The two looked at each other and left the stone room immediately.


The stone door of the stone chamber was closed. Lin Xianer glanced around, gritted her silver teeth and said: "Ling Feng, do you really believe that they will let him go?"

"Of course I don't believe it."

Ling Feng curled his lips and said, "I won't believe a word of that old devil's words. Since he left me here, he must have some agenda, and I think I already know his plan."

"What plan?"

Lin Xianer's eyelids twitched and she looked at Ling Feng in surprise.

"Come here with your ears."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up and he whispered a few words into Lin Xian'er's ear.

"Xian'er, try to keep your expression as calm as possible."


Lin Xian'er nodded slightly, understanding Ling Feng's intention.

Then, what Ling Feng said really shocked her, but because Ling Feng told her to stay calm in advance, she didn't show any surprise.

Sure enough, women are all born actors, that’s true!

"Is this really okay? Will you be in any danger? Or what if you really lose control?"

Lin Xianer bit her lip, feeling a little unsure.

"No, it has to be okay."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, closed his eyes directly, and began to close his eyes to rest.

What he just told Lin Xian'er was that he had probably been cursed by Lin Canglang. In fact, a large number of imprints had been buried in the sea of ​​spirit. These imprints originated from the Supreme Lotus Seed.

There is indeed extremely pure and terrifying energy in the Supreme Lotus Seed. After absorbing it, Ling Feng also experienced the feeling of a surge in power. However, according to the spiritual thoughts of Tianbai Emperor Faxiang, along with the energy of the Supreme Lotus Seed, , those marks that enter one's own spiritual sea can actually be regarded as some kind of poison that interferes with the mind.

This is not a specific poison and can only be driven out with the power of powerful divine consciousness.

Originally, the Supreme Lotus Seed was used by Lin Canglang to control the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor. But by chance, the Supreme Lotus Seed was snatched by Ling Feng, and the poison mark entered Ling Feng's body.

Since Lin Canglang already knew that the Supreme Lotus Seed had fallen into Ling Feng's hands, he naturally would not let go of this opportunity to control Ling Feng.

Within these three days, Lin Canglang will definitely take action to activate the curse mark in Ling Feng's body.

As everyone knows, in Ling Feng's spiritual sea, there is still the spiritual body of a powerful emperor, and he is good at refining gods. He has already understood the hidden dangers in the Supreme Lotus Seed and suppressed those marks. .

When Lin Canglang thought he had Ling Feng under his control, Ling Feng would definitely catch him off guard if he used his hidden hand again!

Of course, in order to make the acting realistic, Ling Feng still let the mental body of Tianbai Emperor Faxiang release a few poison marks. With his willpower, it should be easy to resist a few marks.

One day passed quickly.

At some point, Lin Xian'er fell into a deep sleep, and a sneer appeared on Ling Feng's lips. Ever since they entered this stone chamber, there was a faint aroma constantly coming from the outside world. This aroma was not highly poisonous. It is an aroma that can calm the nerves and soothe the soul. It is not harmful to the human body, but if you inhale it in excess, you will still fall into a deep sleep.

Thinking about it, Lin Canglang also knew that he had superb medical skills and did not dare to poison himself, but he used this method to make himself relax his guard.

Ling Feng curled his lips and pretended to be napping, but he woke up several times from time to time, as if he was very tired.

Outside the stone chamber, Lin Canglang and Blood Sword Heavenly Lord looked at each other and sneered, "It looks like the time has almost come!"

Lin Canglang nodded, "When I use the Heavenly Demon's Forgetfulness Curse to activate the Corpse Evil Gu in his body, he will soon lose his normalcy and become my puppet!"

Blood Sword Heavenly Lord also flashed a trace of heat in his eyes, "Hehehehe...that Ling Feng thinks he is smart, thinks he has obtained the Supreme Lotus Seed, and his strength has greatly increased, but he doesn't know that in the end, even he will become the puppet of you and me. , interesting! Really interesting!”

"Hmph, once he comes under my control, the first thing I will do is let him kill that old Duanmu ghost with my own hands!"


The two old demons looked at each other and laughed strangely.

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