Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1111 What a show! (3 updates)

Strange sounds suddenly rippled in the depths of the cave.

Lin Canglang took out a guqin and used the power of sound waves to incorporate the Heavenly Demon's Forgetting Mantra. The invisible sound waves passed through the stone door, quickly poured into the stone chamber, and poured into Ling Feng's mind.

If Ling Feng was really unwary, and the power of the Demon's Forgetting Charm instantly activated the curse mark in his spiritual sea, I'm afraid it wouldn't be long before he would completely lose himself.

After all, the spiritual sea is the most vulnerable place for a warrior. The marks lurking in the spiritual sea are like hidden thunders. Once they explode, it is difficult to control them.

However, Lin Canglang's plan was doomed to bankruptcy from the beginning!


Ling Feng groaned, suddenly holding his head, screaming in pain, overturning the teacup on the table, and even the stone table. He was like crazy, jumping up and down in the stone room, as if in great pain.

Such a huge movement naturally woke up Lin Xian'er. When Lin Xian'er saw Ling Feng's appearance, she immediately stepped forward to hug Ling Feng and said with great concern: "Ling Feng, what's wrong with you? Why did it suddenly become like this! "

Ling Feng just roared like a wild beast, and the energy in his body exploded, knocking Lin Xian'er away.


Lin Xian'er suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, stared at Ling Feng in shock, and burst into tears, "Ling Feng, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Outside the stone room, Lin Canglang and the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord both burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, it's done. No matter how evil Ling Feng is, he is just a small person in the divine realm. How can he resist the power of the Corpse Evil Gu Curse!"

Lin Canglang frantically stirred the strings of the piano, and the sound of the piano stimulated by the Demon's Forgetfulness Curse kept erupting. Not to mention Ling Feng, who was under the corpse evil curse, even the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord felt a tightness in his chest, and there was a wave of pain in his mind. The extremely irritable feeling seemed to constantly stimulate his murderous intention.

The sound of the piano itself is a means of controlling the mind, and coupled with the corpse evil curse, it can be said to be foolproof!

Sure enough, as the sound of the piano continued to become more rapid, Ling Feng's state became more and more violent, his eyes turned scarlet, and he began to crazily destroy everything he saw in front of him.

In fact, Ling Feng was indeed resisting the remaining curse marks in his mind. Although Ling Feng had been very cautious and only allowed the mental thoughts of Emperor Tianbai to leave ten marks for him to fight against, But the desire to kill is still almost irresistible.

It is conceivable that if those thousands of corpse evil curses broke out at the same time, I might have become Lin Canglang's puppet!


After putting on a full show, Ling Feng had gradually suppressed the curse marks, but his expression became even more crazy. He blasted out a palm, directly blowing a big hole in the wall of the stone room.

Lin Xian'er stepped forward to hold Ling Feng, but instead Ling Feng grabbed her by the neck and threw her away.


Lin Xian'er hit the wall hard, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.


Ling Feng's eyes were like fountains of blood, and his crazy murderous intent almost made people shudder.

"Humph, it turns out that I have become disowned and have no sense of normalcy!"

Lin Canglang saw a satisfied smile on his face when he saw that Ling Feng actually wanted to kill Lin Xian'er.

The former Ling Feng can be said to be dead. Under the control of the curse mark, Ling Feng will live forever and become his most central lackey!

As soon as the sound of the piano changed, Ling Feng, who was in a violent state, gradually calmed down. However, his eyes became hollow. He walked towards Lin Canglang mechanically and bowed deeply to Lin Canglang, "Master..."

Lin Canglang frowned slightly, "That's not quite right. Although this corpse curse can control the mind, it won't make people become so rigid."

Ling Feng secretly exclaimed: "Have you ever acted in it?"

Just when Ling Feng was at a loss, he heard the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord say: "This kid is only in the Divine Yuan realm. Gu curses of that magnitude are used to deal with the Demon Emperor. Naturally, they will not have much impact, but This kid probably won’t be able to withstand that force and will become an idiot.”

Lin Canglang pondered for a moment, then nodded, "That's right. This is my first time using the Corpse Evil Gu Curse. There are some discrepancies in the actual situation, which is normal."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had gotten through it.

As for the previous scene of beating Lin Xian'er, Ling Feng's attack looked vicious, but in fact he didn't use much force.

Of course, Lin Canglang was also too superstitious about the corpse evil curse. Otherwise, with his cunning level, he might not have been able to see the flaw in Ling Feng's play.

"Hmph, Ling Feng, Ling Feng, you are finally in my hands!"

Lin Canglang laughed ferociously, "Don't you really want to see that old ghost Duanmu? I will make it happen for you today!"

After saying that, Lin Canglang clapped his hands and said loudly: "Here, bring the old ghost in the stone room. This master-disciple reunion is a wonderful show that you can't miss!"


A believer of the Blood God Sect quickly went to the dungeon and escorted Duanmu Qingshan out.

After a while, Duanmu Qingshan was brought out under the push of the members of the Blood God Cult.

Duanmu Qingshan's body was covered with bloodstains from whipping, his hair was disheveled, his eyes were lifeless, and his whole figure had become extremely thin, like a withered bone. Where could he still have the demeanor of an immortal in wine? Obviously, Duanmu Qingshan had suffered Lin Canglang's inhumane treatment.

"Lin Canglang, you beast, you must die a good death!"

Duanmu Qingshan's voice was even a little hoarse, and even the curses seemed so weak.

"Old ghost Duanmu, these are the same words every day, why don't you change them to something new?"

Lin Canglang laughed strangely, "Old ghost, I want you to meet someone today, your proud disciple, Ling Feng!"

"Ling Feng? Feng'er?"

Duanmu Qingshan suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily: "You are talking nonsense, how could Feng'er fall into your hands, absolutely impossible! He will definitely kill you, the devil, and he will definitely cut you into pieces !”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Lin Canglang shook his head and laughed, "You really have confidence in your apprentice! Yes, you have indeed gained a good apprentice. As an apprentice, I heard that you fell into my hands, but you were extremely anxious. Woolen cloth!"

" beast, you devil!"

Duanmu Qingshan cursed loudly, but was kicked down by a Blood God cultist behind him, "How dare you, old man, be disrespectful to the Master?"

"Hey, let him scold, that's all he has left!"

Lin Canglang laughed ferociously, "Old ghost Duanmu, take a good look at it today. I have shown great mercy today and brought your disciple here to see you!"

"Ling Feng, come and see your master!"

Lin Canglang waved to Ling Feng, and Ling Feng walked over quickly. Seeing Duanmu Qingshan's appearance, anger surged in his heart, but his face remained calm, as if he no longer recognized Duanmu Qingshan.

"Feng'er, it's you, it's really you!"

When Duanmu Qingshan saw Ling Feng, he felt as if he was struck by lightning.

Actually, even Ling Feng has fallen into the hands of that devil Lin Canglang. It's over, everything is over, there is no hope anymore!

"How about it, old ghost Duanmu, are you still hoping that your good apprentice will come to save you? It's a pity that your fantasy is shattered!"

Lin Canglang snorted coldly, pointed at Duanmu Qingshan, and shouted coldly: "Ling Feng, why don't you kill this old ghost for me!"

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