Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1113 She can still be saved! (1 update)


The next moment, Ling Feng arrived and held Lin Xianer's body as she was about to fall to the ground.

Her eyes had become hollow and distracted, and only her last breath kept her from dying immediately.

Lin Canglang had obviously made a plan, leaving Lin Xian'er to breathe, but it was able to hold Ling Feng back even more, so that he had no time to distract himself.

"This old bastard!"

The bitch cursed and swooshed, and chased away. Ling Feng could only hug Lin Xian'er, watching her vitality slip away little by little, clenching his fists tightly.

Immediately taking out a row of golden needles, Ling Feng used Taixuan acupuncture to seal the last breath in her body. As long as this breath did not escape, Lin Xianer would not die completely.

However, this can only guarantee Lin Xian'er's vitality for about a year, and within this year, Lin Xian'er will become a living dead.

"I'm sorry... Ling... Ling Feng, I've... dragged you down again!"

Large tears rolled down Lin Xianer's cheeks, and every word seemed to exhaust all her energy.

"No, I didn't think carefully enough! It was my negligence that hurt you!"

Ling Feng hugged Lin Xian'er's body. Her body began to feel stiff and cold.

Taixuan acupuncture can guarantee her temporary immortality, but her body is like a clepsydra. No matter how much life force is poured into it, it will all flow away without leaving any trace.

Ling Feng could only temporarily seal her aura and hold her breath. Within a year, as long as he found some elixir, there was still a way to revive her.

For example, in the battlefield of gods and demons, the blood jade Yangquan flower that Feng Yan of the Holy Empire obtained that day had the effect of "life and death, flesh and white bones", and could definitely save Lin Xian'er.

(PS: See "Chapter 687 Blood Jade Yangquan Flower" for details)

"Being able to... be able to die in your... your arms, I... I am very satisfied... very satisfied..."

Lin Xian'er's breathing became a little intermittent, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Stop talking." Ling Feng clenched his fists, forced a smile, and said slowly: "Don't worry, don't you know my medical skills? I can save you, trust me."

"I trust you……"

Lin Xian'er's pupils gradually dilated, and she used her last strength to tremble: "I... still want to see you..."

"I know I know!"

Ling Feng held back his tears, raised his hand and released Duanmu Qingshan from the Palace of Five Elements.

Duanmu Qingshan was still in a very confused state, but he knew that Ling Feng was not controlled by Lin Canglang. This kid was still as cunning as ever!

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed again, and Duanmu Qingshan saw a dying girl in Ling Feng's arms.

Duanmu Qingshan hurried forward and asked in a deep voice: "Xiao Feng, what happened, where is Lin Canglang?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't protect your daughter..."

"Female... daughter?"

Duanmu Qingshan suddenly felt a panic in his mind. He lowered his head and glanced at Lin Xian'er, and he was immediately sure that she was his daughter!

Because she and her mother are so similar!


Duanmu Qingshan couldn't help but shed tears. After more than ten years, the father and daughter reunited again. Unexpectedly, it would be a scene like today.


Lin Xian'er took a deep look at Duanmu Qingshan, and a smile appeared on her face. Finally, her consciousness gradually dissipated, and under the influence of Taixuan acupuncture, she completely turned into a living dead.

"Xiaorou, Xiaorou!"

Duanmu Qingshan suddenly went crazy and kept injecting Yuan Qi into Lin Xian'er, no, it should be said to be Duan Mu Rou's body. Unfortunately, the Yuan Qi was like a mud cow pouring into the sea, and had no effect at all.

"Master, you are also a doctor, you should understand Xian'er's situation!"

Ling Feng quickly grabbed Duanmu Qingshan, but he pushed him away.

"No, I don't care! Why, why is God so unfair to me, Duanmu Qingshan, why! Why! God, why do you treat me like this! Why!"

Duanmu Qingshan roared crazily, and there were even tears of blood in his eyes!

He had already suffered too much torture at the hands of Lin Canglang, but all the pain added up was not worth the pain of losing a daughter.

"Master, Xian'er can still be saved!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "I will use Taixuan acupuncture to keep her alive. Within a year, as long as I find the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower, I can cure Xian'er!"

"Blood Jade Yangquan Flower!"

Duanmu Qingshan is also a Taoist doctor, so he has naturally heard of this rare flower, but the world is so vast, where can he find such a rare treasure?

"Don't worry, Master. I already have a clue to a blood jade Yangquan flower. No matter what the cost, I will find this flower and save Xian'er."

Ling Feng reached out and pressed Duanmu Qingshan's shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "Master, at this time, you can't fall down first. You should know my medical skills!"

Duanmu Qingshan's mood finally stabilized slightly, but she was holding Duanmu Rou's body, blaming herself in her heart.

As a father, I have really failed, such a failure!

"Xiao Feng, thank you!"

Duanmu Qingshan looked at Ling Feng gratefully. It was all thanks to this apprentice that he could see the light of day again and find his daughter.

"You and I are master and apprentice! I said on the day I became a master, once I am a master, I will always be a father!"

Ling Feng took out some elixirs that restored the power of Qi and blood, handed them to Duanmu Qingshan, and said calmly: "Master, you must have suffered a lot these days. These elixirs will have some effect on the recovery of your injuries." Helpful.”

"Having a disciple like you is the greatest luck in my life, Duanmu Qingshan."

Duanmu Qingshan pinched those pills. In comparison, the ones he helped Ling Feng were too few.

"It's just a pity that the devil Lin Canglang escaped again. But this time, the devil's vitality is seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't be able to make trouble again in a short time."

Ling Feng snorted coldly and checked the situation in Duanmu Qingshan's body again. It seemed that Lin Canglang's so-called "three lives and three deaths" were probably just made up temporarily in order to escape. However, to be on the safe side, Ling Feng still used Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm to absorb the toxins in Duanmu Qingshan's body and nip it in the bud.

About an hour later, Bitch finally returned, but judging from his expression, he must have returned in vain.

"Damn it, that old guy has no other skills, but his ability to escape is really top-notch!"

The bitch cursed loudly. Ling Feng had known this would happen. Lin Canglang deliberately used Lin Xian'er to drag him down because he didn't want to be trapped by his own chaos force field.

Everything turned out as he expected, and he managed to escape.

"This old devil is indeed very scheming and terrifying, but at the end of the game, he will definitely be the one who dies!"

Ling Feng snorted softly, with murderous intent surging in his eyes. It took a long time before he finally calmed down.

"Let's go, return to Tianmang Fortress first."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Now it seemed that his next plan was to go to the Tiansheng Empire and borrow the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower from Feng Yan.

The Tiansheng Empire is also the only place to go to Donglingxian Pond.

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