Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1114 Weird boy! (2 updates)

Southern Xinjiang, among the endless mountains.

On the border between the human race and the monster race, there are countless unknown small mountain villages, far away from the world of warriors, living a simple life where men farm and women weave.

The men in the village sometimes also do some hunting work. If they can hunt back a wild beast when they go out, it will be enough to feed the villagers in the village for several days!

In the quaint mountain village, suddenly one day, an injured young man came. The young man looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, but his cold eyes made even the big men in the village feel terrified.

The boy's clothes were stained with blood, and when he arrived at the village, he seemed almost dead.

He was like a stone, not talking to anyone, just sitting under the big tree at the entrance of the village, for one day, two days, three days...

The elders in the village probably guessed that this was no ordinary young man, so since the other party had no intention of communicating with them, there was no need for them to provoke him.

Perhaps, when his injury heals, he will leave on his own.

Gradually, there was a brave little girl in the village. With the encouragement of her friends, she boldly approached the young man who looked very miserable.

Different from those dark-skinned children in the countryside, this boy has a very white face, and there is a cool feeling around him, which makes the girl named Xiaohui feel very magical.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? There's a lot of blood on your body. My father is the doctor in the village. Do you need..."

The young man glanced at Xiaohui coldly and immediately looked away.

Just a little girl of seven or eight years old!

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Xiaohui glared at the young man angrily, and suddenly a look of sympathy flashed in her eyes, and she asked softly: "Are you mute? How pitiful!"

A trace of anger flashed in the young man's eyes, and he glared at Xiaohui so hard that Xiaohui collapsed to the ground in fright.

What boring ordinary people!

The young man snorted in his heart. He was seriously injured when he entered a secret place to hunt for treasure, so he temporarily stayed in this village to recuperate.

Strictly speaking, he is not a good person, but he is not crazy enough to kill anyone on sight.

He had no interest in these ordinary people who were not even warriors, not even the interest in killing them.

"Wow, you're such a weirdo!"

Xiaohui crawled back a few steps, and when she looked back, her friends had already disappeared.

Xiaohui didn't dare to stay alone, so she ran away immediately, not daring to face that weird guy alone again.

"Boring lowlife!"

The young man snorted. Maybe he was no longer the legendary genius of the empire, but he still had his own pride.

In confusion, he came to Southern Xinjiang. His defeat at the hands of that man would be a lifelong shame. He wanted to get a stronger opportunity and step on him again!

Wherever you fall, get up!

Half an hour later, the girl named Xiaohui appeared in front of him again, with her hands behind her back. She grinned shyly at the boy and said, "Hey, my name is Xiaohui, what's your name?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then felt a sense of impatience in his heart. Did she think she would pay attention to such a little brat?


"Hehe, I guess you must be too hungry to speak."

The little girl took out a few large cakes from her pocket and handed them to the boy with a smile. "You haven't eaten for several days, so you must be starving. Xiaohui was so hungry that she couldn't sleep even if she didn't eat for a day!" "

The young man's eyelids twitched slightly. Does this idiot think he is an ordinary person like her?

"Yes, and this!"

The little girl magically took out a jar of hot sauce from behind, narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "It will be delicious if you dip it in this sauce!"

"Hmph, ordinary people can eat, how could I..."

The next moment, the little girl opened the lid of the hot sauce, and a smell came out, and a "rumbling" sound came from the boy's belly.

Although he was a warrior and basically no longer needed to eat ordinary food to maintain his life, what was that aroma about?

The young man swallowed, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Hehe, you are indeed hungry!"

Xiaohui looked at the boy with bright eyes, tore off some dough, dipped it in the hot sauce, and handed it to the boy, "It's really delicious!"


The young man snorted coldly in his heart and thought to himself: What kind of good things can ordinary people eat? I don’t know how much delicacies I have eaten!

However, he still raised his hand slightly, took the piece of bread, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, the boy ate the pancakes and the jar of hot sauce in the little girl's hands as quickly as a wind and a cloud.

"Wow, you are so edible!"

Xiaohui looked at the boy gobbling up the food and couldn't help but swallow. This was all her ration for today!


The little girl's stomach also growled, but she quickly covered her belly and said with a smile: "Well, I'm not hungry, you can eat!"

The young man glanced at the little girl blankly, threw down some crystal coins, and then turned around, never looking at the little girl again.

"Hey! You weirdo, you took someone else's cake and didn't even say thank you!"

The little girl's mouth was pouted. When she saw those shiny round stones (crystal coins), she quickly picked them up.

These are my trophies!

"Big! Weird! People!"

The little girl glared at the boy angrily, ran back a few steps, stopped again, and said to the boy's back: "I'll come see you tomorrow!"


The young man leaned against the big tree and thought to himself: The injury has almost recovered, and tomorrow is the day when the demon king will die!

The next day, the little girl jumped to the entrance of the village, holding pancakes and hot sauce in her hands. However, under the big tree at the entrance of the village, except for the pool of blood, there was no trace of the weird man anywhere.

"Xiaohui, that weirdo who bullied you is gone!"

A boy about the same age as Xiaohui walked around under the big tree a few times and said with a smile: "Look, I also found a lot of these shiny stones!"

Xiaohui's eyes were filled with mist, "Humph, you left without even saying hello. Did you treat her as a friend?"

"Eh? Xiaohui, why are you crying?" The little boy glanced at Xiaohui strangely and said numbly: "The weirdo who bullied you is gone, aren't you happy?"

"Humph!" Xiaohui glared at the little boy, snatched the crystal coin from his hand, and said angrily: "This is mine!"

Then, he rushed back to his residence.

The little boy was stunned for a moment and murmured to himself: "Xiao Hui is indeed a weirdo. Only weirdos and weirdos can communicate!"

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