Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1115 My name is Yan Hong! (3 updates)

Three days passed in a flash.

Three days later, the boy came back.

This time, he was more seriously injured, and the expression on his face was even more terrifying, as if he had failed at something again.

The villagers in the village began to feel a little uneasy when they saw this weird boy coming back. Fortunately, the boy didn't do anything bad last time, so they could only turn a blind eye and close one eye. Eye.

And in the village, the only one who is happy is probably the girl Xiaohui.

In fact, Xiaohui seemed to see herself in that boy, because after her mother was eaten by the monster outside the mountain, she had become as withdrawn as the boy for a long time.

She felt that she could understand this weirdo, and maybe something bad had happened to him.

"Damn it, if I hadn't lost to that man and destroyed my invincible heart, how could I not even be able to subdue that beast!"

The young man clenched his fists tightly. Ever since he was defeated by the guy named "Ling Feng", he felt that even his luck had been robbed away.

He is no longer the smooth-sailing genius. It seems that wherever he goes, he encounters obstacles.

"Hey, you're back again!"

At some point, Xiaohui appeared in front of the young man with a smile again. Seeing the blood gushing out from the young man's abdomen, he couldn't help but wrinkle his eyes.

"I still have herbs and bandages at home, I'll get them to you!"

The little girl ran away very seriously, and then returned within a short time.


When the girl came back, she was out of breath, but with a sweet smile on her face.

Because she felt that she suddenly became a doctor like her father!

The young man frowned. What on earth did this boring little girl want to do?

The young man pressed Xiaohui's shoulders, frowned, and glared at her coldly. These ordinary herbs could not have any effect on his injuries.

"Don't move!"

Xiao Hui raised her head and smiled at the boy, "I know you are in pain, but you will feel better after the bandage is done! Xiao Hui is a top-notch doctor in the village!"

As she said this, Xiaohui stuck out her tongue with some guilt, even though she had only treated kittens and puppies before.

Looking at Xiao Hui's innocent eyes, the young man's heart softened. He let go of his hand on Xiao Hui's shoulder and allowed the little girl to bandage him.

Just take it as such and repay her favor for giving him that big cake last time.

Although, the young man himself felt a little strange. He obviously looked down on these ordinary people at all, let alone the food eaten by these low-class people.

Xiaohui worked for a long time before finally bandaging the wound on the boy's abdomen. Seeing her masterpiece, Xiaohui nodded with satisfaction.

However, it didn't take long before the newly wrapped bandages were all stained red with blood, making Xiaohui sweat drip from her forehead.

"No, why is the styptic grass useless?"

"That's because the demonic aura of the Qinglin Jiao is still attached to my wound. How can ordinary hemostatic grass be effective?"

The young man finally spoke for the first time, took out a bottle of elixir from the Naling Ring, gritted his teeth and said, "Crush this and apply it on it for me."


Xiaohui was obviously stunned for a moment. It turned out that this weirdo could talk, and his voice was very nice and soft, which was different from the people in the village!

After a while, Xiaohui crushed the elixir and applied it on the boy's wound. The boy frowned, and then gradually spread it out. The blood on the wound stopped as expected.

"What a powerful medicine!"

Xiaohui looked at the young man in surprise, wondering how he took out the bottle of elixir like a magic trick.

"Sure enough, they are just some ignorant ordinary people."

The young man shook his head, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "If you like this bottle of elixir, take it."

"May I?"

Xiaohui blinked her eyes and quickly shook her head, "No, I don't know your name yet. I'm not your friend, so I can't accept the gift from you!"

The boy felt funny in his heart. This little girl is quite clever!

"My name is Yan Hong, the Hong of Jinghong!"

A cold light flashed in the young man's eyes. Before he regains everything that belongs to him, he should call himself Yan Hong!


Xiaohui scratched the back of his head, obviously not knowing which bird the shocked bird was.

"Is it red red?"

The young man shook his head, "Jinghong's Hong."

"Is that bright red?"

The corners of the young man's mouth twitched slightly. He realized that explaining this to this girl was just asking for trouble.


Xiaohui shook her head and frowned, "Anyway, I'd better call you a weirdo!"

After saying that, Xiaohui put away the bottle of elixir and said with a smile, "Then we are friends now?"

"What a joke, what is my identity as a young master! Do you, a little kid like you, deserve to be my friend?"

Yan Hong cursed in his heart, but said lightly: "So be it!"

Maybe, I really need a friend.

Even if it was just when I was injured, I met a little girl of seven or eight years old in an unknown mountain village.

Anyway, no one will know that they have such a child after leaving here.

Yan Hong practiced in the village for another three days, and then left again.

This time, he greeted Xiaohui and told Xiaohui that when he left, he would definitely come back to see her friend.

Then, he left this small mountain village and continued to find trouble with the Qinglin Jiao Demon King.

He had a hunch that this time, he could succeed!

Another three days.

Xiaohui would wait at the entrance of the village every morning. She felt that although the weirdo named Yan Hong had a weird temper, his words must be true.

On the morning of the third day, the premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

She felt that Yan Hong was coming back.

That is my big friend! Also the first true friend!

However, a cloud of black smoke floated from the entrance of the village, and the black smoke turned into an extremely ferocious face. Wherever it passed, the uncles, aunts, and aunts in the village all fell straight down, and then quickly changed. Into shriveled corpses.

"Jie Jie Jie, there is such an alluring smell of blood in this village! I am going to kill this person!"

Soon, the black smoke drifted to the side of the big tree at the entrance of the village. The pool of blood on the ground was the source of the alluring aura.

"Well, have you left already? Damn it, then, just use the blood of you ignorant villagers to quench my thirst!"

The ferocious face in the black smoke twisted and became more violent, frantically plundering the lives of ordinary villagers, wailing and calling for help, endlessly...

Suddenly, this little unknown mountain village, which had nothing to do with the world, turned into a slaughterhouse of Shura!

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