Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1116 I became a devil!


There was an explosion, accompanied by a burst of smoke and dust, and blood splashing. A Qinglin Jiao, a junior demon king level, was finally killed!

Yan Hong, a strange young man, put away the body of the Qinglin Jiao and immediately invaded its lair. Inside, there was a treasure he needed for this trip.

A strange ice-cold flower that would allow his Ice King Domain to continue to evolve.

The young man took the strange flower away, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes. His hunch was indeed correct. It was time for him to leave this ghost place.

But, before leaving...

The image of a cute girl flashed in Yan Hong's mind.

I'm in a pretty good mood today, so I'll go back and see that idiot kid.

Although he didn't want to admit it, in his heart, he had begun to regard that girl, who had no cultivation at all and was extremely ordinary, as his friend.

Outside the Qinglin Jiao's nest, there was a very beautiful, bright red flower. Yan Hong picked a handful of flowers. That stupid kid would probably like them very much.

A faint smile appeared on Yan Hong's face.

Perhaps even Yan Hong himself didn't know how long it had been since he had smiled after being defeated by Ling Feng.

Or maybe, being naturally arrogant, he has never laughed over such a trivial matter.

Soon, Yan Hong returned to the village, but before he entered the village, he smelled a very strong smell of blood.

That peaceful and peaceful village, uncontested by the world, has turned into a sea of ​​blood. All you can see are corpses and blood!

"Stupid brat!"

Yan Hong's heart seemed to be grabbed. The cruelest thing in the world is to tear beautiful things into pieces in front of his eyes.

He thought he had his first friend, and maybe a glimmer of sunshine shone in his gloomy life.

But at this moment, what he saw almost made him crazy!


Yan Hong's figure was like lightning, and he quickly flew under the big tree where he was recovering from his injuries.

Under the tree, a very weak and immature body lay. The ordinary girl named Xiao Hui fell in a pool of blood. She even held a piece of bread in her hand.

Same bread as that time.

"Damn it!"

Yan Hong felt that something was torn into pieces in his chest.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He thought he would never have tears.

Tears are for the weak!

But at this moment, Yan Hong discovered that everything he had pursued in the past, those glory, those auras, all combined, could not compare to that piece of dough.

Because that is a gift from a friend!

"Stupid little brat!"

Yan Hong pounced forward, and the girl named Xiaohui spat out a mouthful of blood. She still had a trace of breath!

"Kid, don't die!"

Yan Hong wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and put his hand on Xiao Hui's back.

His vitality was too cold, so he could only control the vitality in his body, making it as gentle as possible, and poured into Xiaohui's body bit by bit.

"Weird...weird, are you crying? were caught by Xiaohui, you...can actually cry!"

Xiaohui coughed up blood, and her young body endured extremely severe pain. A wound on her abdomen almost cut her off at the waist.

This idiot is still laughing!

Yan Hong's eyes were a little red, "You idiot, I will save you. Don't worry, I can save you! I can definitely do it!"

"Oh? That's great, that's great. Please save me by the way! Give me your body!"

Suddenly, Xiaohui's eyes turned pitch black, and a mass of black energy surged crazily from her body.

The black energy turned into an extremely ferocious face, pouring directly from Yan Hong's eyes and mouth into his spiritual sea.

It turns out that Xiaohui was already dead!

"Hahahaha, a natural holy body! Compared with my original body, it is so much stronger!"

The black smoke quickly occupied Yan Hong's spiritual sea. Feeling the powerful talent of this body almost made him tremble with excitement!

"The Demonic Art of Forgetting Love" is simply tailor-made for this body!

Yes, that black smoke was a ray of spiritual thought that the Ghost-faced Demon Lord Lin Canglang escaped from.

Although his body was destroyed by the bitch, his last ray of spiritual thought escaped.

What he didn't expect was that he would be so lucky to find such a perfect body in such a remote place.

"Is it you who killed that stupid brat?"

Yan Hong's mood became extremely furious, "Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

A terrifying power of consciousness suddenly erupted in Yan Hong's spiritual sea, instantly dispersing the darkness shrouding the spiritual sea.

"What, what...what's going on!"

Lin Canglang had an incredible look in his eyes. How could a mere boy in the Divine Origin Realm possess such powerful power of consciousness!

"no no!"

Lin Canglang roared unwillingly, "I want revenge! Revenge! -"

Gradually, the roaring sound subsided in Yan Hong's spiritual sea. Yan Hong's body went limp and he collapsed directly to the ground.

He sat there dreamingly, looking at the body on the ground, and lost his mind for a while.

A long time, a long time...

Finally, the hunters who went into the mountains and forests to hunt finally returned to the village, but what they saw in front of them made them almost crazy.


Everyone is dead!

Their parents, elders, wives, children, and all the villagers fell in a pool of blood and turned into shriveled corpses, and even their appearance could not be clearly distinguished.

The angry villagers kept searching inside the village, but couldn't find even a single living person.

However, they saw a dazed boy sitting in a daze under the tree at the entrance of the village. Next to him, there was a corpse.

"It's this devil! It must be this devil who did it!"

The Orion villagers could no longer control their inner anger. They held steel forks and hunting knives and rushed towards the dazed young man.

The steel fork pierced the boy's body.

The hunting knife slashed the boy till he was bleeding.

However, from the beginning to the end, the young man didn't even say a word. He just looked at Xiaohui's body and looked up to the sky laughing.

"If the last light in my life is gone, then why do I still need the light? I will go to hell, I will become a devil!"

Finally, the young man stood up and with a wave of his hand, all the hunters were separated.

In just one breath, all the hunters died!

The young man stood among the pile of corpses, looking up to the sky and roaring, "Heaven, he is dead!"

Some huge information suddenly emerged in his mind. The young man was stunned for a moment, and soon understood that it was the thing left behind by the divine thought that had just died in his own spiritual sea.

"The Art of Forgetting Love by Heavenly Demons. Well, the world has become ruthless, so I will forget love too!"

The young man's eyes became cold, and his figure flashed and disappeared into the deep forest ahead.

(PS: Do you still remember that the mysterious black-robed man said that "The Demon's Forgetting Love Secret" was not meant for Lin Canglang. Now, Yan Jinghong, who has completely gone dark, has obtained this holy-level demon Ling Feng will face a more terrifying enemy. In addition, has Lin Canglang really received the lunch box? Is this immortal Xiaoqiang really dead this time?

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