Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1119 Yi Divine Bow! (3 updates)

Time passed by little by little, and I didn't know how long it had been.

When Ling Feng opened his eyes, he found that the ground under him was soaked with sweat.

"Another experience worse than death."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, a little worried that if this continued, he would become a masochist.

"Oh, you woke up after only being unconscious for half a day this time. You are getting more and more tolerant of pain!"

At some point, the Dharma image of Emperor Tianbai floated over and smiled at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. Now he almost didn't have the strength to move his fingers.

After adding two more Hunyuan locks, Ling Feng felt that his breath had been suppressed to about the sixth level of the Yuan Realm. His body was extremely heavy, as if there were seven or eight mountains behind him.

However, this is also the inevitable stage of each Hunyuan lock. When you get used to the heavy pressure of the Hunyuan lock, once the Hunyuan lock is opened, both the strength and speed will get a qualitative leap.

If the seven locks are opened at the same time, Ling Feng initially estimated that it should be a few points stronger than the normal use of the Chaos True Body.

If the seven locks are opened at the same time and the Chaos True Body is added, Ling Feng is even confident that he can face the sixth-level strongman of the Divine Sea Realm head-on.

In the early stage of the Divine Yuan Realm, he can fight head-on with the peak of the middle-level king-level strongman. Unless you see it with your own eyes, I am afraid no one will believe this terrifying combat power.

Moreover, this does not include Chaos Reincarnation and Beast Soul Fusion!

"Okay, it seems that you have rested enough."

The Dharma Image of the Emperor Tianbai pursed his lips and said slowly: "Now, it's time to show you my second inheritance!"

Ling Feng was a little excited in his heart. After all, he was about to go to an unknown area. Whether it was the Tiansheng Empire or the Dongling Fairy Pool, the level of cultivation was generally much higher than that of the Tianbai Empire. If he could get a new trump card, it would be great.

"Come with me!" The Dharma Image of the Emperor Tianbai waved to Ling Feng and followed the dark and deep passage to the second gate.

There was also a strange inscription mark on the stone door, which seemed to be a seal.

"Open your Hunyuan lock and blend a wisp of Yuan Qi into it."

Ling Feng injected Yuan Qi as he was told. Then, he heard a muffled "boom" sound, and the stone door opened. Then, there was an extremely dazzling light, which almost blinded Ling Feng's eyes.

"So bright! So dazzling!"

Ling Feng raised his hand to cover his eyes. After a long time, the dazzling light gradually dissipated, and he could see clearly that there was a stone platform in the center of the stone room. On the stone platform, a longbow lay quietly.

A longbow without arrow feathers.

The bow body was golden, shining, carved with dragons and phoenixes, more than one person long, and the bowstring was vigorous and trembling gently, as if there was a dragon soul attached to it.

Just a glance from a distance, Ling Feng felt a great sense of oppression, almost making him a little breathless.

"This... is this a holy weapon?"

"A holy weapon is nothing! This is an immortal weapon!"

The Dharma image of Emperor Tianbai laughed, "This bow is called the Yi Divine Bow, and it is a replica of the Sun-shooting Divine Bow used by the ancient true gods."

"..." Ling Feng's forehead darkened, revealing a trace of disappointment, "A replica!"

"Why do you look so disappointed!" The Dharma image of Emperor Tianbai rolled his eyes, "The Sun-shooting Divine Bow is a divine weapon, an ancient divine weapon, even the powerful Immortal Emperor may not be able to control it, even if it is given to you, you can't use it!"


Ling Feng sniffed, this is true.

"Besides, even if it's just a replica, this Yi Shen Bow is also an entry-level immortal weapon. I dare not say about other places, but in the entire Dongling Domain, including that Dongling Immortal Pool, the number of entry-level immortal weapons will not exceed three. Most of the so-called immortal weapons are not entry-level, at most they are pseudo-immortal weapons."

"So awesome!"

Ling Feng stared at the longbow and swallowed his saliva, "But senior, this bow without arrows seems to be useless, right?"

"Hehe, this is the power of this Yi Shen Bow!"

The Dharma Image of Tianbai Emperor grinned, "Go, pick up the Yi Shen Bow!"

Ling Feng nodded, strode to the stone platform, stretched out his hand to grab the handle in the center of the Yi Shen Bow, a terrible devouring force came from the bow, in a moment, Ling Feng felt that all the vitality in his body was drained, and his whole body collapsed directly to the ground.

"This...what's going on!" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. This bow actually devoured the owner's vitality. Can it still be used?

"Open the Hunyuan lock and try again?" Tianbai Emperor Dharma said with a faint smile.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and directly opened the three Hunyuan locks, then reached out to grab the longbow. This time, the devouring power really disappeared, and there was even a force of feeding back, which came bit by bit. The vitality that was just absorbed was actually returned.

"Hehe, kid, do you understand now?"

Tianbai Emperor Dharma narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I know!" Ling Feng nodded repeatedly, "Only those who have the Hunyuan lock can control this bow!"

"Yes!" Tianbai Emperor Dharma stroked his long beard, "From today on, you are the only owner of this Yi Shen bow, and no one can have the idea of ​​​​playing with this bow."

Ling Feng grabbed the longbow, the bow was extremely long, even with Ling Feng's height, he could only barely grab it and would not touch the ground.

However, when high-level warriors fight, flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, using this bow in the air does not have much effect.

"Now, I will teach you how to control this bow."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang said calmly: "This bow is integrated with the Hunyuan Lock of forging Qi in your body. If you want to use this bow, you must combine the power of the Hunyuan Lock. This bow string is made of the dragon tendons of Beiming Candle Dragon." Refined, when you open the Hunyuan Lock, you can trigger the resonance of the candle dragon's tendons, thus producing dragon essence arrows."

"The Long Yuan Arrow has been perfected. It can shoot thousands of miles, destroy mountains and rivers, and shatter the world. It is infinitely powerful. With the power of a single bow, it can destroy the entire empire!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang said calmly: "With the level of this Yi Divine Bow, it can at least allow you to use it to the ancestral realm. Moreover, if you usually only use swordsmanship, and suddenly use this Yi Divine Bow, how can you attack the enemy?" The lethality caused by being unprepared can be imagined.”

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, he could use the celestial weapon from the ancestral realm!

This time it is really developed!

"Same as the sword intention, the bow naturally also has the bow intention. Since you can understand such a heaven-defying thing as the reincarnation sword intention, the bow intention is no problem."

Emperor Tianbai stretched out his hand and a huge amount of information was integrated into Ling Feng's mind.

"This is the bow technique performed in conjunction with the Yi Shen Bow. I named it the three styles of Yi Shen, namely: Falling Star Style, Chasing Moon Style, and Penetrating Sun Style. Before leaving the misty ghost forest, you can take a good look at it. If you realize it, it will be of great benefit to you.”

"There is also some information, which is some insights into the Gale Wind Bow Intention that I understood back then. It should be helpful to you in understanding the Bow Intention."

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng held the Yi Divine Bow in his hand, and his heart surged. It was really not in vain that he had endured the pain of being implanted in the Hunyuan Lock, and finally got the reward!

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