Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1120 Betrothed to you! (4 more updates)

In order to adapt to the two newly planted Hunyuan Locks and practice the "Three Forms of Yi Shen" of the Yi Shen Bow, Ling Feng stayed in the Misty Ghost Forest for another ten days before getting back on the road and heading to Ling Shen Sect.

In the past ten days, Ling Feng's overall strength has made great progress, especially the three movements of Yi Shen. It does not put a heavy load on itself, but the power it explodes can actually be slightly comparable to the "Tian-Slaying Sword Technique" .

You know, although as Ling Feng's strength increases, the consumption of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Art on him has also decreased a lot, but after using it up to five times, the energy in the body will basically be exhausted.

And this Yi Shen Three Moves is definitely a move that saves energy, and its strike range is wider than that of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique. If used in conjunction with the Infinite Vision, it can definitely be called a big killer.

(PS: This is similar to a sniper rifle, infinite vision positioning, super long-distance shooting with the Yi bow, and headshots with arrows!)

It basically only takes half a day to come out of the Misty Ghost Forest and return to Lingshen Sect.

Returning to Lingshen Sect, Duanmu Qingshan's heart was undoubtedly very complicated and exciting.

When Elder Yao heard the news of Ling Feng's return, he came up to him from a distance and said with a smile: "Master, Junior Brother Duanmu, you are finally back! Hahaha..."

The current Ling Shen Sect can be said to be a prosperous sect. With the spiritual veins transformed by Ling Feng, coupled with those high-level cultivation techniques and secrets, the overall strength of the Ling Shen Sect has been greatly developed.

Even Elder Yao has been promoted to the Huayuan Realm, something he would have never dared to think about before.

No wonder this old man smiled so happily that he blossomed.

In this area of ​​the Xianzong Mountains, basically all the sects have submitted to the Ling Shen Sect. Seeing the development of the Ling Shen Sect, even the original Liuyun Sword Sect and Qiankun Sect are dead-set on joining the Ling Shen Sect. .

Originally, what they called the upper three sects was just a ninth-rate sect. After following Lingshen Sect for just one year, they had been promoted to a fifth-rate sect.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. At the pace of Ling Shen Sect, it may not be possible to say that it will become a super sect, but becoming a first-rate sect is definitely a certainty.

After all, there are rumors in the sect that the relationship between Head Ling and the Cangqiong Sect is quite good!

Seeing that the original Wenxian Sect has become the current Lingshen Sect and has grown to such an extent, Duanmu Qingshan can be said to be comforted.

In his heart, he is still a member of the Wenxian Sect after all. Seeing that the old sect can undergo such changes, he is naturally excited.

It's a pity that if Lin Xian'er (Duan Mu Rou) had not turned into a living dead, he would have laughed even happier.

"Xiao Feng, it is indeed right to entrust this leader to you!"

Duanmu Qingshan turned back and glanced at Ling Feng, "The current sect is full of vigor and vitality. Even my master has been infected to a certain extent and wants to let go and fight!"

"That's just right!"

Ling Feng immediately smiled and said: "Master, you just gave up the position of the leader to me in order to find your daughter. Now that Xiaorou has been found, the position of the leader should also be returned to its original position. Lord."

"You boy!"

Duanmu Qingshan rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and said, "Master, you have done a good job, don't let this burden go away again."

"But this disciple really doesn't have time to take care of such a large sect!" Ling Feng said depressedly.

"Say it as if you've taken care of it before."

Duanmu Qingshan shook his head and smiled, "Boy, if you send me back, I will understand your thoughts. However, there is no need to give me the position of head master. I will, as the head master, I will take charge of the Ling Shen Sect on my behalf. There will always be only one leader of the Ling Shen Sect, and that is you, the leader of Ling Feng!"


Ling Feng couldn't resist, so he nodded and agreed.

Anyway, he is just a nominal leader. Elder Yao used to take care of the following matters, but now Duanmu Qingshan is in charge. With them here, he doesn't need to worry about it.

As for the younger generation, Luo Jianying and Jiang Wanqing are making good progress in their own general's mansion. In three to five years, they will be able to take on big responsibilities.

There is also that girl Su Hongxiu. Although she is not very outstanding in cultivation, her attainments in alchemy have surpassed that of Elder Yao, and she will become the "chief alchemist" in the sect in the future.

The development trend of the entire Ling Shen Sect is good. As a sect leader, I don't need to worry too much.

"Okay, as for the sect, it's up to you, Master Lao and Elder Yao."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "As for the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower, I will take care of it as soon as possible."

"I'm sorry to trouble you about Xiaorou."

When Duanmu Rou is mentioned, Duanmu Qingshan inevitably feels sad again.

Ling Feng shook his head and said solemnly: "Xiaorou is also a very important friend of mine. Even if she is not your daughter, I will do this."

"That's it." Duanmu Qingshan seemed to understand something, nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay, I will make the decision on this matter. When Xiaorou wakes up, I will betroth her to you!"


Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "Master, please don't mess with things. Xiaorou and I are just ordinary friends."

"That's it..."

There was a hint of disappointment on Duanmu Qingshan's face. Wouldn't it be better if he married his daughter to Ling Feng and kissed her.

However, since Ling Feng didn't have this idea, he couldn't force it.

Ling Feng did not stay in Ling Shenzong for too long. The next day, he prepared some herbs and elixirs that Lin Xianer usually needed for a year, then said goodbye to Duanmu Qingshan and left Ling Shenzong.

Duanmu Qingshan, who has inherited the Dionysus Kendo, is worthy of a big job!

Before leaving the Tianbai Empire, Ling Feng was preparing to return to Tianwei Academy. Although he had already graduated, Yan Cangtian was still his teacher. He was going to a foreign country during this trip, so he naturally had to inform Mr. Yan.

Soon, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan arrived at the entrance of the Sea Blue Sky Canyon. They were the best shortcut to return to the Tianbai Empire from the Xianzong Mountains. Ling Feng had already gone back and forth several times before, so it was considered a good shortcut. The road is familiar.

In this blue sea and sky moat, there are still many hunters operating in this area. It reminds Ling Feng of the blood python and his group he met when he passed through to the imperial capital for the first time, as well as that little boy Xiaoli. Girl, I don’t know how I am doing now.

"Let's go, the imperial capital won't be far away from here."

Ling Feng confessed to Tuoba Yan and took the lead, walking ahead. At this moment, there was a flash of purple light, and the bitch suddenly jumped out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"Boy, wait, there is another place, we can go and check it out this time!"

The bitch laughed mysteriously, which made Ling Feng confused for a while, and he couldn't help but ask: "Where?"

"You are such a noble person and forgetful about things. Have you forgotten Rockfall Canyon?"

The bitch rolled his eyes at Ling Feng with a look of disgust on his face.

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