Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1125 A weak person dares to make noise? (1 update)

"Damn it, it seems Yan'er must be in trouble!"

Ling Feng frowned. At present, the Iron Sword Sect was searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the second young lady of the Feng family. Tuoba Yan did not have much experience in communicating with others. Once he encountered the other party making things difficult for him, he would probably take action directly.

Ling Feng secretly regretted that he actually asked Tuoba Yan to find out the information on his own. He was really careless!

Not long after, Ling Feng found seven or eight sect disciples wearing standard uniforms not far from the inn, surrounding Tuoba Yan. There were several disciples beside him, vomiting blood and falling to the ground, looking like they were dying. .


Ling Feng slapped his forehead, Tuoba Yan really had a conflict with the disciples of Iron Sword Sect.

"Humph, you little witch, you are probably the one who hid the second young lady of the Feng family! Now you actually dare to hit someone. You don't take our Iron Sword Sect seriously at all!"

Seeing the crowd of onlookers growing in number, the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect felt even more confident.

In this land, their Iron Sword Sect is the local snake and the leader!

"This little girl is finished! She even dares to provoke the Iron Sword Sect!"

"Hey, if she's just averagely pretty, that's fine. But if she's a little pretty, it'll be miserable. As the saying goes, it's the beauty who suffers!"

"Looking at her figure and slender waist, she must be a beautiful woman, just like a flower. It's a pity that she provoked the Iron Sword Sect!"

I saw Tuoba Yan's hand movements, and the Tiance treasure mirror was looming. In fact, after hearing that she was inquiring about the Feng family, the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect immediately came forward to harass her, and made obscene remarks.

If not, Tuoba Yan would not take action easily.

"Iron Sword Gate, what is it?"

At this moment, an extremely discordant voice came from the crowd, and a man also wearing a cloak jumped out from the crowd and jumped in front of the girl, with a shining long sword in his hand. Revealing an astonishing edge.


When Tuoba Yan saw Ling Feng coming, a hint of joy appeared on his face. He was about to call out Ling Feng's name, but immediately realized that something was wrong. He closed his lips, stood behind Ling Feng, and whispered: " I’m not here to cause trouble!”

"I know!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, heaved Shi Fang Ji Mie on his shoulders, and said coldly: "Get out of here! Before I take action to kill someone!"

The disciples of the Iron Sword Sect were furious when they heard this: "How dare you act so boldly here! You are dead. No one in the entire Welling City can save you!"

Ling Feng shrugged, waved his sword, drew a horizontal line on the ground, and said coldly: "If you cross this line even half a step, you will die!"


Ling Feng's arrogant attitude even angered the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect. One of the disciples saw a long sword in his hand and sneered: "What a boy who doesn't know how high the sky is. Now, I will enforce the law with the Iron Sword Sect." As a cousin, I am acting as a city guard, and I will kill you here!"


The disciple of the Iron Sword Sect let out a low roar, thrust out his sword, and the air buzzed for a while, which was somewhat powerful.

The Iron Sword Sect can become the dominant force in Welling City, and indeed it has some background.

However, in Ling Feng's eyes, he was pitifully weak.

If you want to find Feng Yan, you should first contact the Feng family. The "on the run" second lady of the Feng family may be a good choice.

"I'll give you one last chance to attack me. Have you really thought about it?"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he issued a final warning to the Iron Sword Sect disciple!

"Arrogant! You're just a nobody, you're so daring! I'll destroy you!!"

The disciples of the Iron Sword Sect laughed in anger, swung their swords, and their sword energy exploded, attacking and killing Ling Feng.

A killer?

So, no wonder I am!

Ling Feng suddenly had murderous intent in his eyes, and with a flash of sword light in his hand, without any fancy movements, he saw the disciple of the Iron Sword Sect. He only had time to shout in fear before he collapsed to the ground, and blood flowed out like a spring. It flowed from his neck.


The body of the Iron Sword Sect disciple fell heavily to the ground. The disciples nearby were already watching the crowd, and they were all dumbfounded.

One move, instant kill!

That is a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall at the Divine Origin Realm level!

"A weak person dares to make noise?"

Ling Feng swung his sword to dry the blood on the blade, glanced at the other Iron Sword Sect disciples, and said coldly: "You guys want to try it too?"


The remaining disciples were all silent. They didn't dare to attack Ling Feng. They looked at each other and immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

The onlookers nearby also quickly dispersed to avoid provoking this cold young man.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng took back and destroyed all directions, and took Tuoba Yan directly to the west direction of the city and flew out.

"Where to go?"

Tuoba Yan followed Ling Feng and murmured in his heart, "Aren't you going back to the inn?"

"I won't go back. Tie Jianmen is the leader of this area. Living in an inn is too big a goal. We have a better place to go." Ling Feng said with a faint smile.

"A better place to go?" Tuoba Yan was a little confused and had no idea what Ling Feng had in mind.

"Black Dragon Pond!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said, "What the Iron Sword Sect is going to do, we just need to destroy it!"

The people from the Iron Sword Sect sent out so many disciples but could not find the Second Miss Feng. He had never seen this person before, and it was even more impossible for the Iron Sword Sect to find the Second Miss first. In this case, then Instead, let the second young lady of the Feng family come to her door.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If that second lady is smart enough, she should understand her intentions.

What happened to the Feng family, and why Feng Yan, the young master of the Feng family, disappeared? He had a hunch that as long as he found the second Miss Feng, he might have an answer.

The two moved as quickly as possible, and after about half an hour, they had left Welling City through the west gate and arrived at a very deserted place.

According to the mark on the map Ling Feng bought, this area is where the Black Dragon Pond is.

The young master of the Iron Sword Sect spent a lot of manpower and material resources to surround the Black Dragon Pond, thinking that some important treasure was about to be revealed.

Originally Ling Feng was not interested in the treasures in the Black Dragon Pond, but if it was to deal with the Iron Sword Sect and seize the treasures by the way, it would be completely different.

You're a bastard if you don't take advantage of it!


Ling Feng did not hide his aura at all. As soon as he arrived at the Black Dragon Pond, he was immediately discovered by the disciples sent by the Iron Sword Sect to garrison here.

One of the burly men stared at Ling Feng with a fierce look on his face, and said fiercely: "This place is a hundred miles away, and it is blocked by my iron sword gate. If you take another half step forward, don't blame the sword in my hand for being rude." !”

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Ling Feng nodded with enlightenment and said with a smile: "I'm so scared!"

"If you know you're scared, just hurry up..."


Blood splashed, and before the strong man finished speaking, a head rolled off his neck, and the world in front of him became dark.

"You! Come on -"

The voice suddenly stopped again. Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and swung out his sword again, killing another disciple as well.

Anyway, these guys from the Iron Sword Sect are not good birds. If they are killed, they will be killed. Ling Feng will not show any mercy at all.

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