Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1126 You bitch, someone is looking for you! (2 updates)

Black Dragon Pond is located a hundred miles away from the western suburbs of Welling City. It is a cold and barren land. Except for those hunters who rely on hunting monsters and beasts, generally very few people will come close to it.

However, in the past few days, Iron Sword Sect, a local leader in Welling City, suddenly surrounded this place, as if he was looking for some treasure.

"Young Master, would you like to let the disciples rest for a while? Although they have taken the Fire Marrow Pill beforehand, the cold air of the Binglin is extraordinary. In the past three days, the Binglin has not been forced out. On the contrary, the disciples under the sect have died. Twenty or thirty."

An old man, wearing a thick fox fur coat, his face was slightly blue, and when he opened his mouth to speak, he could release a stream of cold air.

This is really rare for a king-level powerhouse.

Beside him, a twenty-year-old young man in yellow clothes with an ordinary face and a very evil spirit was staring indifferently at the deep pool in front of him. Is there any sound of shivering disciples coming from inside?

"Elder Ying, this young master is determined to obtain such an important treasure as Binglin!"

The young man said with a cold face: "These people are just some lowly handyman disciples, dog-like slaves. They will die when they die. As long as they help this young master get Binglin, their lowly lives will be considered valuable." It's hard for me to get the news. A rare elemental life form, the Ice Lin, lives in the Black Dragon Pond. If someone makes a mistake and prevents me from taking down the Ice Lin, everyone will be killed. All will die!”


The corners of Elder Ying's mouth twitched slightly. The old master was already cruel and unkind enough, but this young master went even further. He even didn't care about the lives of his disciples. Like father, like son.

"Hmph, if you want to blame it, blame these useless wastes. It's been three whole days and I haven't even seen Binglin's shadow!"

Qi Shaozhen, the young master of the Iron Sword Sect, smiled coldly, "However, this cold air is definitely not wrong, and since yesterday, the cold air has become more and more terrifying. Even the Fire Marrow Pill can hardly suppress it. It must be the Binglin who noticed it. In crisis, the cold air is released!”

Qi Shaozhen stared at the deep Black Dragon Pond, with an extremely burning color flashing in his eyes, and licked his lips with excitement: "Who would have thought that the Black Dragon Pond so close to my Welling City actually hides a piece of ice? Lin, this elemental life form, is immortal. If I can tame it and annex the power of the Feng family, our Iron Sword Sect will definitely become one of the super sects! Hehehe..."

Elder Ying shook his head. He was not very kind-hearted for the sake of the handyman disciples, but the ice-cold cold air was so strong that it almost froze all the energy in his body. After a while, he started to move his hands. If the energy was blocked, If Binglin escapes, the master of the Iron Sword Sect may not be able to spare him.


At this moment, an extremely violent roar came from the depths of the Black Dragon Pond. The air seemed to freeze, and the temperature of the entire Black Dragon Pond dropped to freezing point.

Then, under the deep pool, countless disciples were heard roaring and wailing hysterically.



Almost instantly, those wails were heard, and the pond quickly froze, condensing into streaks of ice and ice dragons, and bursts of snowflakes floated over the entire Black Dragon Pond!

"All disciples, prepare!"

Not only did Qi Shaozhang's face show no trace of fear, but he became even more excited, and his whole body could not help but tremble slightly.

"Hahaha...he's out, this beast is finally forced out!"

Qi Shaozhen poured out a handful of fire marrow pills, Gulu swallowed it in one gulp, and roared loudly: "Elder Ying, what are you waiting for? This ice lin is in the dormant period, and its strength has only recovered to about 10%. As long as you take advantage of it, Take this opportunity to bind it with the beast-controlling silver ring. This ice lin is my young master’s spiritual pet!”

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Elder Ying chuckled, his face full of compliments.

But at this moment, a light voice made the two people's expressions freeze.

"Well, my luck is indeed good. I have an ice elemental life form, Binglin, and I am still at the level of a half-step demon king. It seems that my luck is really good!"

In the shocked expressions of Qi Shaozhang and Elder Ying, a purple shadow landed on the shore of the Black Dragon Pond extremely unexpectedly. It landed as if there was no one else around. It just sighed to itself about how lucky it was, as if it had not seen the group at all. Looks like someone from the Iron Sword Gang.

Next to the purple-clothed boy, there was a girl closely following. Although she was wearing a cloak, just by looking at her graceful figure, one could roughly imagine her peerless elegance.

The purple-clothed boy snapped his fingers, and a small purple snake suddenly appeared on his shoulders. He spat out a letter and laughed, "Master, it's really Binglin. I can evolve again!"

Qi Shaozhen was horrified and had the urge to vomit blood. He couldn't help but roared: "Bastard, who are you! That ice lin belongs to me!"

Ling Feng turned his head and gave Qi Shaozhang a toothy smile: "Oh? Is your name engraved on Binglin's head?"

The corner of Qi Shaozhang's mouth twitched, he stared at Ling Feng fiercely, and said angrily: "Nonsense! It took me three days and three nights to force him out. That Binglin belongs to me!"

"Oh, that's it." Ling Feng shrugged, "Thank you, thank you for helping me force Binglin out."


Qi Shaozhang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This guy's shamelessness was simply outrageous!

But soon, Qi Shaozhang came to his senses and burst out laughing, "It's really ridiculous. I've been led astray by you. Who are you? Why should I explain to you! Elder Ying, give him a ride." , Hey, anyone who dares to take advantage of this young master will die!"

Qi Shaozhang's face was full of evil spirits. When the fat around his mouth reached, even the King of Heaven would not let him spit it out.

This kid is only in the divine realm at best, and Elder Ying can crush him to death with just one finger!

Elder Ying's face suddenly darkened, he shook his head and smiled: "Boy, you have to look at the target to kill people and seize treasures. Could it be that your brain was kicked by a donkey, and you are so brain-dead that you dare to run wild on my territory."

Elder Ying said, smiled, and continued: "Just in time, the feng shui of this Black Dragon Pond is quite good, and it is suitable for your burial place!"


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, "Donkey? You bitch, someone is looking for you!"

The next moment, a black shadow flashed, and a huge... butt suddenly fell from the sky.


That huge butt hit the Elder Ying's head without any bias, slamming his head into the ground.

The stench, along with the feeling of shame, made Elder Ying almost spit out the yellow bile water.

"Ugh! What the hell, it stinks to death!"

Elder Ying struggled wildly, but under the asshole, it was not his turn to act wildly.

"You bastard, this beast is willing to sit on your face. That's a blessing from your previous life. You actually dare to talk about the stinky smell of this beast. This beast must give you a slap in the face!"


Then there was an explosion, a fart erupted into the sky, thick smoke billowed, and the smelly Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan frowned.

Not to mention that Elder Ying, who was under the ass’s butt, immediately vomited out a mouthful of overnight rice and fainted from the smell.

Damn it, biological weapons!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, he was so mean and had no morals and no limits.

However, the deterrent effect is still there.

Elder Ying is also a king-level strong man. If Bitch doesn't take action, it will take a lot of effort for him and Tuoba Yan to subdue Elder Ying.

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