Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1129 The second young lady of the Feng family! (1 update)

Under the leadership of Fatty Huang, they walked through walls and drilled holes, and finally came to a very secret basement.


"Dong, dong, dong..."

Fatty Huang knocked the two long and three short signals very rhythmically, and then there was a "click" sound from the other side of the stone door. Then, Ling Feng saw a familiar face again. It was the same face he had seen before. The Lan Yingying whom I saw in the Demonic Battlefield.

As soon as Lan Yingying saw the strong man next to Fatty Huang, she immediately closed the door with a bang and cursed: "You bastard fat man, I asked you to bring that Ling Feng back, but you did." What the hell!”

Ling Feng's forehead darkened, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. He released the transformation of the Bahuang Body Training Technique, his body returned to normal, and his face became much softer.

"Lazy girl, look who I am?"

Ling Feng reached out and pressed the stone door. Lan Yingying took a closer look and then relaxed.

"Master Ling, it turns out it's really you!"

With that said, Lan Yingying quickly pushed open the stone door and invited Ling Feng to enter the stone room.

Feng Yan had a high opinion of Ling Feng before, and even regarded him as an irreconcilable friend. Lan Yingying's attitude towards Ling Feng was naturally quite polite.

Fatty Huang also followed him into the stone room, closed the stone door again, and muttered a few words. Then he turned to look at Lan Yingying, and said with a smile: "I, Fatty Huang, can do anything wrong, Yingying." , you underestimate me too!"

Lan Yingying glared at Fatty Huang, "You didn't make any mistakes, but who watched Young Master Feng go to Tianluo Island, and said that there must be a treasure in Tianluo Island! What happened!"


Fatty Huang's face stiffened, "You can't blame me, that's what the hexagram says. Besides, Young Master Feng is going to Tianluo Island, can I still stop him?"


Lan Yingying put her hands on her hips. This woman was acting petty, so it was impossible for her to make sense.

At this time, a girl wearing plain white clothes walked out of the inner room of the stone room. Although she was not wearing any makeup, she had a unique charm. Especially a pair of bright eyes, with a very smart feeling. At first glance, she looks like a smart and intelligent woman.

Although Lan Yingying could be considered a beauty, she was dwarfed by the girl in white.

Even Ling Feng was slightly shocked, but he soon returned to normal.

Come to think of it, this woman in white is the second young lady of the Feng family. She is indeed a stunning beauty. No wonder even an old guy like the master of the Iron Sword Sect would have evil thoughts.

"You must be Ling Feng, Mr. Ling. My younger sister, Feng Chan, has met Mr. Ling."

The second Miss Feng moved lightly and walked up to Ling Feng. She smiled at him and said softly: "Eldest brother often mentions you as an old friend in front of me. Although you and I have never met, the name of Mr. Ling is dear to me. But my ears almost felt like cocoons.”

Ling Feng laughed dryly, "Brother Feng is really ridiculous. Compared to Brother Feng in terms of my abilities, I feel ashamed."

"Brother Ling, this is the second young lady. The second young lady is the smartest person in the entire Fengling County. If the second young lady hadn't said that you successively attacked the Iron Sword Sect and deliberately wanted to keep us together, I wouldn't have taken the initiative to find you. of."

Fatty Huang patted his round belly and laughed.

After hearing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but take another high look at Miss Feng Er. This woman is quite extraordinary!

The so-called Fengling County is a county on the border between Tiansheng Empire and Tianbai Empire. Welling City is just a city in Fengling County.

Originally, the Feng family was in charge of the entire Fengling County, and was roughly equivalent to the governor of Fengling County. Their status was aloof, far beyond what a small Iron Sword Sect could compare to.

However, all changes started when Feng Yan went to Tianluo Island.

Soon, Ling Feng learned from Miss Feng Er that after Feng Yan mysteriously disappeared on Tianluo Island, the master of the Iron Sword Sect suddenly visited the Feng family and said that he had news about Feng Yan and would bring the Feng family to the Feng family. The head of the family and Feng Chan were invited to the Iron Sword Gate as guests, saying they were discussing the matter of rescuing Feng Yan.

But what happened next was completely beyond Feng Chan's expectations. Her father, as if his mind had been controlled, actually wanted to marry her to the old pervert who was the master of the Iron Sword Sect.

Fortunately, Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying were secretly cooperating and rescued her. Otherwise, I'm afraid no one would know about the Iron Sword Sect's conspiracy.

"In this way, from the moment Brother Feng stepped into Tianluo Island, everything was the conspiracy of the Iron Sword Sect. He set up a trap step by step to lure the head of the Feng family into the trap. The purpose is probably to annex the entire Feng family."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and analyzed in a deep voice: "Now that the master of the Iron Sword Sect has the head of the Feng family in his hands, he can completely control him and then the entire Feng family."

"It's just that for a behemoth like the Feng family, the Iron Sword Sect dares to think of eating it in one bite. It seems that the Iron Sword Sect is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

Feng Chan nodded slightly and said softly: "Master Ling is really smart. I asked Fatty Huang and Yingying to inquire about some information in the past few days, and then I found out that the master of the Iron Sword Sect is Tianluo Island's master. Ancestor Luo’s personal disciple!”

"Is there another Tianluo Patriarch!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, "In this case, Brother Feng is probably in the hands of this Tianluo Ancestor. Has he already..."

"No, not yet!"

Feng Chan took out a jade plaque and said slowly: "It's just the natal lamp plaque left by the eldest brother. If the light of this lamp plate does not go out, it means that the eldest brother is not dead yet."

"so far so good."

Ling Feng felt relieved. If Feng Yan died, his work would have been in vain.

"Is it possible that Mr. Ling cares so much about elder brother? I would like to thank you here." Feng Chan bowed to Ling Feng again, which made Ling Feng blush and feel guilty.

"They're all friends!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to help Feng Chan up and said with a smile: "Then what are the second young ladies' plans next?"

The strength of Patriarch Luo that day was unknown, but if he dared to provoke a behemoth like the Feng family, his abilities would not be compromised.

"What my little sister means is that I hope I can find a way out of the city first. As long as I return to Fengling County, I can expose the Iron Sword Sect's conspiracy and let the elders in the family deal with the Iron Sword Sect and Tianluo Ancestor together!"

Feng Chan bit her silver teeth and said in a deep voice.

"That's a good idea." Ling Feng nodded. Although Feng Chan is only a woman, she can still analyze problems calmly in such a situation. She can be regarded as a strange woman.

If the elders of the Feng family took action, he would not be in danger alone.

However, the whole city is now under martial law, and with the help of Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying, although they can help her hide, they can't take her out of the city.

To put it bluntly, the fist is still not strong enough.

But Ling Feng is different. Unless the master of the Iron Sword Sect takes action himself, no one can stop him!

After all, the bitch is not a vegetarian!

"Okay, second lady, don't worry, I will handle the matter of leaving the city."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. Although things seemed a bit troublesome, he finally had some clear information, which was better than searching for it without any clue before.

If he could do such a big favor for the Feng family, then he would have no reason to refuse Feng Yan if he asked for the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower.

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