Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1130 The bastard green brother! (2 updates)

"How are brothers Ling going to take the second lady out of the city?"

The fat man Huang was a little curious when he saw Ling Feng's vow.

Although Ling Feng's ability is indeed not small, the whole city is now looking for Ling Feng. Even if he can use his uncanny disguise to get through, there are still three of them, and the target is not small.

If others don't tell him, he, the fat man, can't even hide his fat body!

"Everyone, please relax a little. I'll let you go somewhere."

Ling Feng smiled casually, so to speak, today is different from the past. Now Ling Feng has many trump cards. He can even challenge the Human Emperor and expose the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. It is not a big deal.

I saw a flash of purple light, and a curtain of light appeared in front of everyone. Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "This is a magic weapon given by my master, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. It has its own world inside. I only need to send a few people into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace." Of course, you can easily get out of Welling City."

"A world of its own!"

Fatty Huang's pupils shrank, "My dear, this must be at least a top-grade holy weapon!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and was noncommittal. This fat yellow man's vision was not low.

Miss Feng Er glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, secretly guessing which force existed in the Tianbai Empire that dared to hand over a treasure like a top-grade holy weapon to a talented person in the realm of Shen Yuan. In the hands of the juniors.

Of course, she would have never imagined it even after she thought about it, because Ling Feng simply made it up. His treasure was obtained from the relics of the ancient Five Elements Sect thanks to the blessing of a stupid donkey.

Soon, Ling Feng took Feng Chan and others to meet Jianlu and Tuoba Yan in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying had met Tuoba Yan before, so they didn’t need any introduction. You bitch, when you see another "guest" coming in, you will inevitably act like a bitch.

As for Zifeng, it seems that he has completed the evolution of his shell and has now become a smaller version of the ice lin, but his body is still glowing purple.

It seems that no matter how this guy evolves, his body color will never change!

Zifeng, who had regained his cuteness, was obviously keen on being cute again. When Miss Feng and Lan Yingying saw Zifeng's appearance, they immediately felt overflowing with motherly love and let it go.

After settling this group of people, Ling Feng returned to the outside world and transformed into a big man with an arched back.

The bow on his shoulder is naturally the Yi Divine Bow. When Ling Feng restrained his breath, there was nothing special about this big bow except that it was a little bigger. Naturally, no one would have thought that such a big bow would The bow could turn out to be an immortal weapon!

After looking at the map, Fengling County is located to the north of Welling City. Not long after, Ling Feng had arrived at the North City Gate.

The city gate has been put under martial law, and many Iron Sword Sect disciples are searching and questioning at the city gate, and there are many wanted notices for Ling Feng posted on the city wall.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and swaggered towards the city gate, but was soon stopped by a disciple of the Iron Sword Sect.


The disciple glared at Ling Feng fiercely, holding a wanted list in his hand. He looked at Ling Feng's body and then waved his hand, indicating that Ling Feng could leave the city.

"Wait a minute, brother, your wanted list is wrong."

Ling Feng snatched the statistical notice from the Iron Sword Sect disciple's hand, looked at the portrait on it, and frowned.

There is nothing wrong with the appearance in the portrait, except that the eyes are a little fierce. I guess the young master of the Iron Sword Sect painted himself as a very vicious person, so the artist below painted his eyes particularly fiercely when he was writing.

"What's wrong?"

The disciple of the Iron Sword Sect frowned, and suddenly his eyelids twitched, "Do you know where this wanted criminal is?"

Ling Feng was secretly amused: Isn't that wanted criminal right in front of you?

However, Ling Feng was naturally not stupid enough to say it. He just nodded slightly and said, "Well, I have actually seen this boy. Because he looks so handsome, I have a deep impression."

The corner of the Iron Sword Sect disciple's mouth twitched slightly, where is your focus?

"Those who provide clues will also receive a certain reward. If you dare to cover up and conceal it, you know the consequences!"

The disciples of the Iron Sword Sect looked sternly and stared at Ling Feng.

"I've seen this guy in a restaurant in the south of the city before. I guess he hasn't left the city yet."

Ling Feng joked casually.

"Okay, I got it! You can go!"

The Iron Sword Sect disciple casually dropped two crystal coins and said bitterly: "This arrogant boy actually dares to stay in the city. However, he can't be arrogant for long. As soon as the ancestor arrives, this boy will die." time!"

"Ancestor?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that he was talking about the "Ancestor of Tianluo".

Interestingly, it seems that Qi Shaozhen really wants to kill him, but before that, he may die in his own hands!

After leaving the city and looking north for dozens of miles, Ling Feng released Feng Chan and others.

Feng Chan obviously liked Zifeng very much, kissing and hugging Zifeng. Zifeng also seemed to like Feng Chan's ice aura very much, and he didn't refuse. However, he still managed to maintain the "Uncle Zifeng" attitude. reserved.

In contrast, Jianlu has not been favored by any women. Even Tuoba Yan, who is used to Jianlu, is not interested in this guy, let alone the two daughters Feng Chan and Lan Yingying.

On the other hand, the fat yellow man kept circling around the black donkey, seeming to be extremely interested in how the black donkey became a sperm.

"It really came out!"

Feng Chan looked around, with a hint of joy on her pretty face, and smiled at Ling Feng, "Thank you so much, Mr. Ling, for your help. I will thank you deeply when you return to the Feng family."

"You don't have to be polite, Miss Second."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said in his heart: I already have what I want, but I have to ask Feng Yan for it.

At this moment, a burst of applause came suddenly.

"Haha, it's interesting. The second lady actually found such a helper and sneaked out of the city. It's really interesting!"

I saw a man in a blue robe walking out of the depths of the forest, his hands behind his back and his majestic appearance. He was covered in green and even had a green hat on his head.

This style is really...

It’s hard to describe in one word!

The bitch couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing, "Ah, this isn't a bastard, brother bastard!"

The cuckold man frowned, but his bearing was not bad. He took a deep breath, looked at Feng Chan again, and said in a sinister manner: "Miss Feng Er, you are not a good bride, you have to be the best in the world." Running around makes it really easy for me to find it!”

Feng Chanfeng frowned slightly, stared at the cuckold man, and said coldly: "Are you the lackeys of the Iron Sword Sect again? You guys are really haunting!"

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