Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1131 Died on the spot! (3 updates)

"A lackey from the Iron Sword Gate?"

The green-hatted man burst into laughter immediately, "It's clear that Iron Sword Sect is my lackey on Tianluo Island. Second Miss, as long as you come out, just follow me back to Tianluo Island. Master, he has already It’s been a long wait!”

"Tenluo Island?"

Feng Chan's expression suddenly changed, "You... you are the disciple of Patriarch Tianluo!"

"Hehe, the second young lady is really smart as ice and snow."

The cuckold man smiled softly and made a friendly gesture of invitation: "Second Miss, please."

He said he was asking, but the powerful momentum enveloped the surrounding area, making it impossible to escape.

Miss Feng Er bit her lip: "What if I say no?"

The green-hatted man chuckled, glanced at the people around Feng Chan playfully, clasped his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, his tone was leisurely, but his words were very cold: "So the second lady thought that with these rabble, you can be with me Do you have the money to say no in front of me?”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

The cuckold man shook his head and laughed, "Then don't blame me for crushing their heads one by one in front of you!"


The yellow fat man gritted his teeth and jumped out. Although his legs were shaking, he still jumped out very manly.

"Your fat master's life cannot be taken away so easily!"


The cuckold man glared at Fatty Huang, which frightened him so much that his legs weakened and he collapsed directly to the ground.

"Hahahaha, a bunch of ants!"

The cuckold man smiled even more happily. In his eyes, these people were just like ants!

Of course, the main reason is that as long as the pressure of the Demon King is not unleashed, the appearance of the bitch really has no deterrent effect.

"It's a good laugh!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed Fatty Huang. Ling Tian's sword opened up and enveloped everyone, immediately isolating the pressure of the cuckold man.

"Sword power?"

The cuckold man's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he noticed Ling Feng's extraordinary features. He frowned and said coldly: "Second Miss, your friend is quite interesting! However, he is still too weak!"


In an instant, the void trembled, and an even more terrifying aura erupted.

Even Ling Feng's expression condensed slightly. This cuckold man was actually a human emperor!

Feng Chan suddenly turned pale. She didn't expect that in order to catch her, Tianluo Island would directly send out the powerful Human Emperor!

In her opinion, even though Ling Feng's strength was extraordinary, he was at best on par with her elder brother. How could he resist the powerful Human Emperor?


The cuckold man smiled brightly and narrowed his eyes at Feng Chan, "Second Miss, do you still think you have the ability to resist under my hand? Who said you want to watch these ants, one by one? One died in front of you?"

"How dare you!" Feng Chan gritted her teeth, secretly anxious, thinking about how to get out of trouble.

"Haha, sorry, I made a slip of the tongue."

The cuckold man smiled softly: "How could I take action against Second Miss's friends? As long as Second Miss obediently follows me to Tianluo Island, I will ensure that these friends of yours are safe and sound, otherwise..."

The cuckold man waved his sleeves, straightened the cuckold on his head, and said slowly: "Within three breaths, I hope the lady can follow me and leave, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Feng Chan's face turned pale. He knew that if he went to Tianluo Island, he would never come back. But if he didn't go, what would happen?

Not only will it not change anything in the end, but it will also harm Fatty Huang, and Lan Yingying will also suffer along with it.

Especially Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan, they are basically outsiders, how can they drag him to be buried with him?


Thinking of this, Feng Chan sighed softly and was ready to sacrifice his life.

As long as Yingying and the others can return to the Feng family, there may be a chance of improvement.

"I promise……"

At this moment, a cold and arrogant voice interrupted her, "Human Emperor, are you amazing?"

Ling Feng glanced sideways at the cuckold man, took a step forward, and stood in front of Feng Chan.


The cuckold man had an angry look on his face. Feng Chan was very important to his master, Patriarch Tianluo. He was about to take Feng Chan back to Tianluo Island intact, but he was disturbed by this ignorant boy. .

Does this kid really think that he doesn't dare to kill him?

"Master Ling, my little sister appreciates your kindness, but..."

Feng Chan gritted his silver teeth and said in a sad voice, "If Feng Chan is destined to be like this, I don't want to risk the lives of any innocent people for Chan'er."

Ling Feng looked back at Feng Chan. This woman was so kind-hearted and worthy of his help.

"He's just a piece of trash who only pretends to be cool. His words can just be treated as farts."

Ling Feng shrugged and said with disdain: "If he takes you away today, then I, Ling Feng, won't be very embarrassed!"

The face of the cuckold man opposite him froze, and he stared at Ling Feng coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: "Boy, do you know who I am?"

Ling Feng glanced at the cuckold man up and down, imitating the tone of a bitch and said: "Aren't you the bastard green bastard brother!"


The cuckold man's eyes became colder and colder, "I'll give you three breaths to kneel down and kowtow, otherwise I will kill you!"


The green-hatted man's eyes were full of ice. He raised three fingers, bent one, and uttered one word coldly.

Ling Feng sneered: "Three breaths? No need to count, I am here, come here and kill me!"

His muscles trembled violently, and the cuckold man simply put down his palm, and laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, you asked for this! Go on your way with peace of mind! In the next life, remember to keep your eyes open to see clearly who can be messed with and who , can’t be messed with!”

Applause was like wind, sweeping in front of Ling Feng. The cuckold man aimed his palm at Ling Feng's forehead and slapped it hard.

However, the next moment, a roaring voice exploded behind the cuckold.

"You bastard, you can touch this person in the beast's hood?"


Without any warning, the back of the cuckold’s head exploded instantly, his brains exploded, and he died on the spot!

Then, there was another "swish" sound, and the Zifeng in Feng Chan's arms turned into a ray of purple light. At this time, it penetrated through the wound on the head of the "bastard green", and complained in his mouth, "Smelly donkey, come on!" Can you please let me know before you take action? So much life will be wasted!"

I saw the tortoise's green body suddenly shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then I saw Zifeng penetrated from the heart of the corpse. He took a deep breath with a look of "unsatisfied desire" on his face. He looked like he wasn't full yet.

"Hey! You were too slow!"

The mean donkey snorted softly and hugged a pair of donkey hooves to his chest, as if he just killed a cat or a dog and didn't care at all.

"This this……"

Feng Chan, Fatty Huang, and Lan Yingying looked at this scene in stunned silence, their eyes almost falling out.

That cuckold man is a human emperor!

Human Emperor!

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