Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1135: Cut off and rule forever! (3 updates)

"Dad, you will definitely get better. When the time comes, we will go together to rescue my brother. We will definitely be able to do it!"

Feng Chan wiped the tears from her face and resisted the urge to cry. At this time, she had to be stronger.

"Hey... Chan'er..."

The head of the Feng family clenched his fists, regretting that he was too careless and fell into the trap of the master of the Iron Sword Sect!

But at this moment, a playful voice sounded: "Haha, the love between father and daughter is really deep."

The door of the other courtyard was kicked open, and Qi Hongwu, surrounded by several elders of the Feng family, quickly approached the other courtyard. There was a playful look in the corner of his eyes, and he seemed to see something very interesting. scene.

"Why, my second young lady, I have promised to let you meet your father, but it seems that you are not ready to marry the leader of this sect!"

Qi Hongwu raised his head and laughed, and the beard on his chin trembled. He looked old and ugly, just like an old goat.

"You treat my father like this, do you still think I will marry you? Antidote, give my father the antidote!"

Feng Chan stretched out her palm and shouted coldly at Qi Hongwu.

"What's the rush? As long as you cooperate well, Master Feng will be fine."

Qi Hongwu sneered and looked at Feng Chan, showing a terrible possessiveness.

Although this old pervert knew that Feng Chan must be dedicated to Patriarch Tianluo, before that, such a beautiful beauty couldn't be wasted!

There are two other chicks who seem to be pretty good, hehe...

Sooner or later it will also belong to our sect master!

Of course, these thoughts must wait until Feng Chan is solved.

"Of course, if you promise to accompany me to the bridal chamber tonight, my sect leader can also consider giving an antidote to ease the pain of Family Master Feng!"

As he said that, Qi Hongwu swallowed his saliva and stared at Feng Chan with a pair of evil eyes.

If eyes could undress, Feng Chan probably had a hundred pieces of clothing stripped off her body.

"Chan'er, you can't promise him! Leave quickly, I...I'll stop him!"

The head of the Feng family struggled to get up, barely mobilizing the energy in his body, and punched Qi Hongwu. However, only halfway through the blow, he saw Qi Hongwu murmuring something in his mouth. The head of the Feng family just felt a splitting headache. His eyes instantly became dull, and he retracted his fist abruptly. His whole body was shaking, and he fell directly to the ground, rolling around crazily.

"What a bitch, how dare you resist!"

The master of the Iron Sword Sect snorted, looked at Feng Chan, and sneered: "How about it, you are a filial daughter, I guess you don't want to watch your father suffer, right?"

Feng Chan gritted her silver teeth and looked at the elders of the Feng family, her elders and uncles. They all just turned away and watched this scene, but they didn't even dare to fart.

This is my elder!

This is the elder of the Feng family!


The eldest elder of the Feng family sighed. Seeing that the master of the family had fallen to this point, he didn't want to help. However, as long as he disobeyed the master of the Iron Sword Sect even a little bit, he would activate the terrible curse, and his brain would be like It was bitten by countless poisonous insects, and the pain was so painful that my soul twitched. Moreover, every time an attack occurs, the poison in the body will become a little more severe, making the life worse than death.

After doing this several times, who would dare to be the master of your Iron Sword Sect?

If they disobey him and become the head of the family, this will be their fate!


Feng Chan felt desperate. If she could sacrifice herself in exchange for her father's life, then...

"Second Miss, have you forgotten what I told you?"

Ling Feng's spiritual voice came to her ears. Feng Chan turned her head and glanced at Ling Feng. She saw this stern young man standing up, walking in front of her, and standing between her and Qi Hongwu. He stretched lazily and said carelessly: "Hey, what about the cuckold sect master, who gets a woman by controlling other people's fathers? Don't you think you are too classless!"

"Huh, this is my housework, it's not your turn to take care of it!"

Qi Hongwu gave Ling Feng a cold look. Did this kid really think he didn't dare to kill him?

"Why is it not my turn to take care of it? The second young lady's eldest brother and I are good brothers, and his sister is naturally my sister. The second young lady has not married yet, so no matter how you calculate it, it is me who is the righteous one. The relationship between brothers should be closer!"

Ling Feng pointed at Qi Hongwu's nose very rudely and said: "Besides, you old green turtle, you can tell by just looking at your face that you have yang (wei) and kidney deficiency, can that thing still be used? You’re in a hurry!”



Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying couldn't help but laugh out loud. However, seeing that the atmosphere seemed not right, they suppressed it again, and their faces turned red.


Qi Hongwu's face turned red, "You're looking for death!"

"Is this because I hit on a sore spot? Are you so anxious that you jump over the wall?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and said with a smile: "For a patient with kidney deficiency like you, I suggest you cut it off for permanent treatment. It can't be cured anyway."

"Asshole! I think you're tired of living!"

Qi Hongwu was so angry that he was shaking all over. He raised his palms, and the momentum around him suddenly exploded. A strong wind swept away, knocking away those disciples with lower cultivation levels.

"No messing around!"

Feng Chan stepped in front of Ling Feng, glanced at Ling Feng gratefully, clenched her pink fists, stared at Qi Hongwu, and said in a deep voice: "You go first, I... I still need to think about it again! "


Qi Hongwu glanced at Ling Feng coldly, his murderous intention growing in his heart. However, considering that he had to dedicate an intact Feng Chan to Patriarch Tianluo, he could only endure it for the time being.

"Boy, people who talk a lot tend to die faster!"

Being disturbed by Ling Feng, Qi Hongwu lost all his thoughts, flicked his sleeves, and left with the elders of the Feng family.

After Qi Hongwu walked away, Ling Feng cursed, "This guy brings a strong Human Emperor from the Feng family as his bodyguard wherever he goes. He is really insidious and cunning!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. If it hadn't been like this, he would have summoned the stupid donkey just now and killed that old bastard.

Feng Chan looked at her fainted father with a sad expression, looked back at Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said, "Master Ling, I can only trust you now."

"I try my best!"

Ling Feng once again reached out and put his hand on the wrist of the Feng Family Patriarch. When he checked the pulse for the first time, he only saw that the Feng Family Patriarch was poisoned. Now it seems that the Feng Family Patriarch was poisoned by a compound mixed poison. One controls the mind, and the other corrodes the body. It is really a little tricky to resolve this poison.

However, this is not a big problem for Ling Feng, who has already obtained the next volume of "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra".

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