Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1136 Soul Expelling Insect! (4 more updates)

Ling Feng helped the head of the Feng family sit up and sat up. He thought for a moment, then took out a row of golden needles and directly inserted a golden needle into the Shenting point on the head of the head of the Feng family.

Just hearing a dull wheezing sound, the head of the Feng family coughed violently and woke up leisurely.

"Chan'er, go, go quickly!"

As soon as the head of the Feng family woke up, he immediately pushed Feng Chan and asked her to leave the Feng family quickly. Now that the entire Feng family has fallen into the control of the Iron Sword Sect, the situation of the Feng family is over.

"Master Feng, hold Yuan Shouyi tightly and guard your mind. If I read it correctly, there should be a soul-repelling insect in your body. This kind of insect devours the true energy and vitality in your body and controls your mind. On the other hand, it will continuously release toxins and corrode your body.”

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "The master of the Iron Sword Sect obviously masters the insect-repelling spell in his eyes, which can speed up the process of secreting venom from the soul-repelling insects, so once the insect-repelling spell is activated, you will I started to lose my mind and feel miserable. Well, it’s really a bit tricky!”

Hearing this, the head of the Feng family and Feng Chan looked at each other with sad expressions.

Although they had never heard of soul-repelling insects, judging from Ling Feng's description, it was definitely not an easy disease to treat.

"Little brother, I can't thank you enough for standing up for me when my Feng family is in trouble. You'd better leave now, I can still hold on!"

The head of the Feng family sighed lightly. With his own cultivation, he was unable to resist the so-called soul-repelling insect. He didn't think that a young boy like Ling Feng, who was in his early twenties, could actually have such ability.

Ling Feng turned a deaf ear and just integrated a ray of spiritual power into the body of the head of the Feng family to sense the location of the soul-repelling insect.


The head of the Feng family's eyelids twitched suddenly: This power of divine consciousness is clearly...emperor level!

Could it be said that this young man is actually a human emperor?

"Senior, I am not a powerful human emperor, I am just a god-refining monk."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said slowly: "Next, I will explore your spiritual sea. I hope that senior will not use his own spiritual power to resist me."

"Haha..." The head of the Feng family smiled with difficulty, "At this moment, even if I want to resist, I'm afraid I'm powerless."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and with a flash of his eyes, he injected the power of divine consciousness again. This time, the intensity of the power of divine consciousness was more than five times stronger than before.

The spiritual sea of ​​an emperor-level powerhouse is vast and boundless. If you want to explore it quickly, you naturally have to exert some effort.


The head of the Feng family suddenly gasped in pain. Although he could no longer control the power of his spiritual consciousness, his body's instinct would still allow him to fight against the invading spiritual power.

That kind of collision of spiritual power almost caused a storm in the spiritual sea of ​​the head of the Feng family.

Seeing how uncomfortable her father was, Feng Chan said urgently: "Master Ling, stop quickly, daddy can't stand it anymore!"

"No...I can patient!"

Perceiving Ling Feng's huge power of consciousness, the head of the Feng family believed even more that this young man who looked a little too young was indeed capable of getting rid of the control of the master of the Iron Sword Sect for him.



The head of the Feng family was convulsing with pain. In just a moment, he was already sweating profusely and almost out of breath.

Feng Chan could only watch her father endure this huge pain and burst into tears.

Even Fatty Huang, Lan Yingying and others, watching from the side, felt their scalps go numb.

How much pain does this have to cause a powerful human emperor to become so embarrassed?

"I finally found you! You're really well hidden, but it also proves that my judgment was correct."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, "By devouring the host's spiritual power, it disguises itself as a soul wave that is exactly the same as the host's. Hum, Zifeng has already mastered this skill!"

"Come out!"

With a low cry, Ling Feng used the power of his consciousness to form a large net, tightly wrapping the little gray insect, and in the heart-rending pain of the Feng Family Patriarch, he pulled it out of his ear. A tiny insect about the size of a thumb was struggling ferociously, hissing, fangs and claws showing, as if to demonstrate towards Ling Feng.

It is the legendary extremely vicious soul-repelling insect.

In fact, if he hadn't obtained the Ten Thousand Poisons Book of Prescriptions from Su Dongling, the "Tianbai Empire's No. 1 Poison Master", he might not have been able to know about this poisonous insect.


With a squeeze of his fingers, Ling Feng crushed the poisonous insect to death. Although the venom secreted by this poisonous insect was of considerable value, Ling Feng did not have much interest in researching it.

"The soul-repelling insect has been taken out. Now, the master of the Iron Sword Sect can no longer control your mind."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "The next step is to dissolve the toxins in your body and restore your cultivation."

When Feng Chan saw Ling Feng crushing the poisonous insect, she felt her scalp numb: "How could there be such a terrifying insect in Daddy's body?"

After a burst of severe pain, the head of the Feng family gasped for air with a pale face and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. However, he was pleasantly surprised to find some changes and exclaimed: "Okay! I feel like my whole body has suddenly become lighter. Little brother, you are really God!"

"It's not completely healed yet. The venom of the soul-repelling insect has corroded your internal organs. If you don't receive treatment, I'm afraid you won't survive more than a month."

Ling Feng's words were like a basin of cold water poured on the heads of the Feng family and his daughter.

"But it doesn't matter, the little soul-repelling insect poison can't stop me." Ling Feng smiled casually and said lightly.

"Master Ling!"

Feng Chan glanced at Ling Feng angrily, bit her lips and said, "Next time you speak, please stop breathing heavily!"

Ling Feng chuckled. This was also a habit he had left behind when he followed his grandfather (Ling Kun) to practice medicine. As a traveling doctor, it would be difficult to make a living if he didn't make the problem more serious and scary. !

Thinking back to the days when I was with my grandfather, although it was a bit harder, at least I had my relatives around me. Now, the world is so far away that I couldn’t trace my grandfather even if I wanted to.

"It turns out to be little brother Ling."

The face of the head of the Feng family recovered a little, and his energy improved a lot. He raised his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Little brother Ling, if our Feng family can make a comeback this time, you should be the first to contribute, no matter what the request is. , I will definitely agree to it."

"It's still very early."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Why did Tianluo Patriarch of Tianluo Island insist on capturing the second lady? There may be other conspiracies in it. In short, only when Tianluo Patriarch is solved can everything be truly cleared up. However, we must first remove the poison from your body."

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