Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1137 Little Medical Saint! (1 update)

With that said, Ling Feng took out the red-eyed ice silkworm and asked the head of the Feng family to extend an index finger.

The red-eyed ice silkworm bit the index finger of the head of the Feng family, and all the toxins in the body were swallowed up bit by bit by the red-eyed ice silkworm.

This poison, which can make the emperor's capital miserable, is a great source of nourishment for the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm.

"This...this is..."

The head of the Feng family looked at the ice silkworm in his palm, his eyelids twitched, he suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed: "Could this be the legendary ice silkworm with red eyes?"

"As expected of the head of the Feng family, yes, this is indeed the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm." Ling Feng smiled faintly, and at the same time, in conjunction with the golden needle, he guided the Qi Guiyuan for the Feng family, so that he could recover as soon as possible.

"It's a miracle. There are such rare things as the Vermilion Eyed Ice Silkworm in this world. It's a blessing that I can meet Little Brother Ling."

The face of the head of the Feng family became more and more rosy, and he gradually regained his bearing. His eyelids twitched, and he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Ling Feng and said: "Little brother, you seemed to have said before that you are the successor of the Medical Saint, and Your surname is Ling, could it be that you are a descendant of the medical sage Ling Hanyang?"

"Oh?" Ling Feng glanced at the head of the Feng family in surprise, "You also know my grandfather?"

He did not expect that his grandfather's name as a medical saint would be famous not only in the Tianbai Empire, but also in the Tiansheng Empire.

"It turns out you are the grandson of Medical Sage Ling. No wonder, haha. No wonder your medical skills are so amazing!"

The head of the Feng family couldn't help but laugh loudly, "God will not stop my Feng family!"

In about half a quarter of an hour, Zhu Jing Bingsi had completely absorbed all the toxins in the body of the Feng family. In addition, Ling Feng's Etai Xuan acupuncture technique helped him unblock the disordered tendons in his body. Now Feng is Although the head of the family is not in peak condition, he has recovered about 60% of his strength.

"Little Medical Saint, thank you so much this time."

The head of the Feng family took a deep breath, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "When I recover 100% of my cultivation, tomorrow morning will be the day when Qi Hongwu dies!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. The head of the Feng family was also a talented person. He did not get carried away by his anger and immediately went to settle the score with the master of the Iron Sword Sect.

"I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle tomorrow, little Medical Saint. Today, I can only ask you to stay in this other hospital for a night. When I regain the power, I will definitely take care of the little Medical Saint!"

"Where is the name of the little medical saint, but the junior is still far behind."

Ling Feng calmly bowed his hands to the head of the Feng family, and then continued: "I was a little tired after treating the senior just now. I think this hospital is actually not bad, so I went to find a place to rest first."

"Master, please excuse me."

The head of the Feng family took a deep breath. The shame of the past few days will be paid back tomorrow!

Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan and left first. Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying also said hello to the head of the Feng family, and immediately retreated to rest. Only the Feng family's father and daughter were left in the hall.

After watching Ling Feng leave, Feng Chan confirmed again and again that her father was okay, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, "Dad, you're okay, that's great!"

"Yeah, I finally escaped!"

The kind look on the head of the Feng family gradually became solemn, "Chan'er, tell me, father, how did you get to know Mr. Ling?"

"He is my brother's friend. I met him in the battlefield of gods and demons. He seems to be from the Tianbai Empire. This time he came specifically to see my brother. Later, he heard about our Feng family and found his daughter. After picking up Dad, you already know what happened."

"Just because of your relationship with Yan'er, you don't hesitate to take such risks to come to my Feng family?"

The head of the Feng family frowned. It's not that he judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. In fact, nowadays, even close relatives may not be trustworthy sometimes, let alone a friend who has only known him for a few days.

Feng Chan gritted her silver teeth and said weakly: "Dad, if my daughter dares to risk her life, Master Ling is definitely not a bad person, and he has no other purpose."

"Chan'er, don't worry. Daddy doesn't suspect that little brother Ling has any other intentions. If he has any ill intentions, why bother to cure his father."

The head of the Feng family shook his head slightly, "It seems that we have to wait until Yan'er is rescued before we can know the cause and effect of all this. Maybe Yan'er has really made a good brother and good friend!"

"Of course, if such a talent can stay in our Feng family..."

"Dad, it's better not to have any ideas about him. There's no way he will stay in our little Feng family."

Feng Chan pursed her delicate lips and told the head of the Feng family how the two demon pets in Ling Feng's hands easily killed a powerful human emperor.

After hearing this, the head of the Feng family couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Who the hell is this kid!"

The head of the Feng family sighed with emotion, shook his head, and said slowly: "It's a pity that the woman next to little brother Ling, although taciturn, seems to have a good relationship with little brother Ling, and in terms of appearance, compared to you The girl is not inferior at all, hey, otherwise..."

"Dad!" Feng Chan's pretty face blushed slightly, she glared at her father, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Haha... You girl, beauties have loved heroes since ancient times. Although Fengling County is a big city, the only one who can catch your eye is probably little brother Ling."

The head of the Feng family shook his head and smiled, "That's all. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. If you have a fate with him, it's best. If you don't have a fate, you can't force it. As a father, I finally saved a small life. Tomorrow... hum snort!"

As he said that, the head of the Feng family flashed his eyes, and he clenched his increasingly powerful fist: "Tomorrow will be the day when Qi Hongwu dies!"

Feng Chan nodded bitterly. She had already gritted her teeth in hatred that Qi Hongwu had done such an outrageous thing to her father. No matter how kind-hearted she was, she would not have the slightest bit of kindness and compassion for such a scumbag?

Tomorrow is the day Qi Hongwu is buried!

In Ling Feng's room.

Tuoba Yan gritted his teeth and glanced at Ling Feng, and said with some disgust: "Hey, you guys seem to be quite concerned about Miss Feng Er. Why, do you want to stay and become your son-in-law?"

"Where did you go?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "This is also to rescue Feng Yan. Who told me that the only Blood Jade Yangquan Flower I know is in Feng Yan's hands."

"Tch, who knows!"

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth lightly with a look of disbelief.

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, "Say, Yan'er, you are so good, why are you so concerned about this for no reason?"

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!"

Tuoba Yan's pretty face turned red, and then she realized that she had lost some of her composure. She gave Ling Feng a hard look, opened the door, and rushed out immediately.


Looking at Tuoba Yan's leaving figure, Ling Feng couldn't help but touch the back of his head and muttered, "It's inexplicable, it's really inexplicable!"

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