Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1138. Feng family meeting! (2 updates)


The door was slammed shut by Tuoba Yan, and Ling Feng shook his head helplessly. This woman changed her face as soon as she said she would. It was really confusing.

Lifting his palm, there was a trace of black ashes between his fingers, which was left after the soul-repelling insect was crushed.

"Such an evil and sinister insect should have been extinct thousands of years ago. Who is Patriarch Luo on that day?"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered with coldness, he touched his chin and analyzed: "What secret is hidden in the second young lady of the Feng family that made Patriarch Luo spend so much effort to get her..."

"That's all, these things will come to light sooner or later."

Ling Feng shook his head, feeling tired for a while. After all, he had expended too much mental power just now to pull the soul-repelling insect from the spiritual sea of ​​the head of the Feng family. Now, he should rest a little and recuperate. Charge up.

One day passed quickly.

On the second day, the "seriously ill" head of the Feng family actually took the initiative to summon all the elders and direct descendants of the Feng family to hold a meeting in the main hall of the Feng family.

"What does the head of the family want to do? He's already so sick, and yet he's calling everyone together."

Some children of the Feng family who don't know the truth only know that the head of the Feng family suddenly fell ill and handed over power to his "future son-in-law". Coupled with the support of the elders, the Feng family was completely under the control of the master of the Iron Sword Sect. control.

However, the head of the Feng family, who had not appeared in front of the clan members for more than ten days, now took the initiative to summon all the clan members. This made people vaguely feel that something big might be going on in the Feng family.

"I feel that the head of the family suddenly asked a master of the Iron Sword Sect to act as the head of the family. It is simply a mess. The small Iron Sword Sect is nothing."

A young man said angrily.


An older tribesman next to him immediately pulled the boy, "You kid, you want to die! If the people from the Iron Sword Sect hear this, no one can save you!"

"Humph, Iron Sword Sect, Iron Sword Sect, Iron Sword Sect all day long, when will it be our Feng family's turn for these outsiders to take charge of the family!"

The young man clenched his fists, with strong hatred on his face.

"Hey, what can we do? The Great Elder and the others all support the Acting Patriarch out of nowhere. Is it possible? You can't disobey these clan elders!"

"What the hell is this? It's so fucked up!"

The younger generation of Feng family disciples all sighed. Ever since the Dai family leader came to power, life for their Feng family has really not been easy.

At this moment, in a corner of the main hall, Ling Feng crossed his arms and leaned against a pillar, listening lazily to the chatter of these Feng family disciples. It could be seen that these Feng family disciples were quite bloody. It's a pity that the elders of the Feng family are under control, and they can't help themselves.

Tuoba Yan, Fatty Huang and Lan Yingying are standing next to Ling Feng, and they will also witness today's show.

The master of the Iron Sword Sect would probably scratch his head and never think that someone could actually take out the soul-repelling worm from the body of the Feng family, and that there was such a rare thing as the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm, that he could do it within such a period of time. , to resolve the poison in the body of the Feng Family Patriarch.

Not long after, the Feng family father and daughter finally walked up to the throne of the head of the family in the main hall under the gaze of everyone.

Wearing a green shirt and a long sword.

There was an air of excitement in his steps, he was majestic, he held his head high and held his chest high. In the surprised eyes of the Feng family, the high-spirited and unparalleled patriarch finally came back!

A pair of bright eyes, calm and intimidating, stood in front of the throne of the head of the family, scanning all the people of the Feng family.

"The head of the house...the head of the house has recovered?"

"Great, haha. Now it seems that the head of the family can regain power again. Damn the Iron Sword Gang, I've had enough!"

In the midst of a burst of discussion, the head of the Feng family raised his hand slightly, and all the children of the Feng family immediately closed their mouths and stared with excited eyes at the head of the family who had led the Feng family to glory.

He is back, and the Feng family can regain its glory!

"Fellow tribesmen, I have called you here today to discuss important matters!"

Patriarch Feng calmly suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and said coldly: "A few days ago, my Patriarch was controlled by thieves and did some things that he couldn't help himself. That's why the entire Feng family became traitors of Iron Sword Sect. Controlled. Today, the master of this family will eradicate the traitors and restore the reputation of the Feng family!"




The younger generation of Feng family members raised their hands in the air and cheered.

"Hmph, what a master of the Feng family, you are really not afraid of death!"

At this moment, an extremely discordant voice came from outside the door. Surrounded by several elders of the Feng family, they walked into the main hall in a swagger.

Surprisingly, it was the master of the Iron Sword Sect, Qi Hongwu!

All the Feng family disciples fell silent and stared angrily at the "acting head of the family". In just a few days, the Feng family was in chaos. This old man should have died long ago!

In particular, he actually wanted to possess the most beautiful second lady of the Feng family, which made the younger generation very unhappy.

You're such an ugly, old bastard, and you don't take a piss and take a picture of your old face. You're so shameless!

For a time, everyone in the clan, except for those who were controlled by Qi Hongwu with the soul-repelling insects, all looked at Qi Hongwu with cannibalistic eyes!

The roars became one in an instant.

"Eradicate the traitors and restore our reputation!"

"Down with the old bastard from Iron Sword Sect!"

"Just in time!"

The head of the Feng family stared at Qi Hongwu coldly with evil eyes, and said bitterly: "Qi Hongwu, today is the day you die!"

However, Qi Hongwu still looked confident. He only thought that Qi Hongwu used some secret technique to suppress the soul-repelling insects. He sneered and said: "Old man Feng, it seems that you haven't purchased the soul-repelling tarsal poison yet." What a taste!”

While talking, Qi Hongwu made a hand gesture and muttered something.

However, in the past, the head of the Feng family would fall into madness because of the severe pain and be controlled by the soul-expelling insects, but this time, the head of the Feng family actually stared at him with a sneer, without any abnormalities at all.

" is this possible!"

Qi Hongwu's eyelids twitched, finally showing a hint of panic.

The soul-repelling worms were raised by the ancestors of Tianluo. Only their direct disciples knew how to use them. How could anyone else be able to take out the soul-repelling worms for the Feng Family Patriarch?

Finally, Qi Hongwu's eyes flickered and fell on Ling Feng in the corner. With an angry look on his face, he shouted coldly: "Boy, was it you who did this?"


Ling Feng took a step forward and said with a faint smile: "I'm sorry, Master of the Cuckold Sect, I, Ling Feng, have done countless good things in my life. I don't know which one you are talking about?"

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