Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1139 The Feng family cannot be destroyed! (3 updates)

"Asshole, I'm the leader of the Iron Sword Sect! The Iron Sword Sect!"

Qi Hongwu was furious and roared crazily.

"But the leader of the Green Hat Sect is obviously more suitable for you!"

Ling Feng grinned and said, "Look at you, you are wearing green clothes and green robes, and your hair is green. If you say you are not a green-haired turtle, will anyone believe it?"


In the hall, countless children of the Feng family burst into laughter. The leader of the Iron Sword Sect was really wearing green clothes and green robes, and his ugly appearance made him look exactly like a green-haired turtle!

Qi Hongwu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, "You little bastard, you will regret it!"

"Little bastard?"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed coldly, "The little bastard in your family doesn't look like you at all. I strongly suspect that it was the cuckolded brother from your Turtle Green Island who cheated on you!"

"Cuckold brother?"

Qi Hongwu's eyelids jumped suddenly, "Could it be... Junior Brother Wang? Have you met Junior Brother Wang?"

"Hey, your last name is Wang, I feel a little sorry for you, Master of the Green-haired Turtle Sect."

Ling Feng looked at Qi Hongwu with a little sympathy, and immediately made Qi Hongwu vomit three liters of blood again.

This little bastard's mouth is a little too vicious!

It's no wonder. As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be black. After staying with the cheap donkey for a long time, Ling Feng's potential for venomous tongue has been fully stimulated, and it has been tempered to perfection.

"Qi Hongwu, take care of yourself first!"

The head of the Feng family swung his sleeves and said coldly: "All the children of the Feng family listen to my order, and do your best to kill the traitor Qi Hongwu, regardless of life or death!"


The clan members shouted loudly. This old bastard actually dared to poison the clan leader. He was so bold!


Faced with the siege of those Feng family children, Qi Hongwu laughed instead.

"Feng Zhengde, do you think you can rebel like this? You are too naive!"

Qi Hongwu had a grim smile on his face, "Just relying on these juniors, you want to deal with the Feng family elders under this master?"

"First elder, second elder, what are you guys still doing? Whoever dares to make a move will be destroyed by me!"

Qi Hongwu stood there calmly. The four Feng family elders at the level of human emperors were all controlled by him, and on the side of the Feng family head, there was only one human emperor like him. The others were not worth worrying about at all!

With the protection of the four powerful emperors, he was not panicked at all!

The four elders of the Feng family clenched their fists tightly. The elder gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Qi Hongwu, don't think about controlling me to do things for you anymore! Give me your life!"

"Hmph, naive!"

Qi Hongwu sneered and chanted the insect repellent spell. The four elders suddenly had a splitting headache. In a moment, they became dazed and were controlled by Qi Hongwu like puppets.


The children of the Feng family realized that not only the head of the family, but also the elders of the Feng family were controlled by the damned Iron Sword Sect leader.

"Damn it, what can I do!"

How could the head of the Feng family, a human emperor, defeat the four elders of the Feng family.

What's more, Qi Hongwu himself is also a powerful emperor!

"What's going on?" Qi Hongwu had a sneer on his face, "Feng Zhengde, do you think you can regain power just because you are a human emperor? Ridiculous, really ridiculous! Hehehe..." The children of the Feng family were all dejected. If the four elders attacked at the same time, how could they, the younger generation, resist? The head of the Feng family had a gloomy face. The situation was indeed not optimistic. He turned his head and looked at Ling Feng. According to his daughter, the two demon pets on Ling Feng had combat power comparable to that of a demon emperor. With two demon emperors and him as a human emperor, even if it was three against five, there might still be a chance. However, Ling Feng did not seem to have any intention of summoning the cheap donkey. He just smiled and said, "I say, Lord of the Green Hat Sect, your memory is not very good. I can take out the soul-driving insect of the head of the Feng family. Do you think I can't take out the soul-driving insects of the remaining elders?"

Qi Hongwu's eyelids jumped suddenly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He said coldly: "Stinky boy, it's you again!"

He was so angry that he trembled all over, and shouted coldly: "The affairs of the Feng family have nothing to do with you, but you insist on interfering. Well, well, then I will kill you first and see how you can take out the soul-driving insects of the four elders!"

"You dare!"

The head of the Feng family dodged and protected Ling Feng, and said coldly: "Qi Hongwu, you die!"

"Four elders, greet him!"

Qi Hongwu flashed and directly ordered the four elders to besiege the head of the Feng family, and he flashed and rushed to Ling Feng.

In his opinion, Ling Feng was the source of all these uncertainties. As long as he killed this kid, everything would be under his control again.


The four elders surrounded the head of the Feng family. The combined power of the four of them was so terrifying. In addition, the head of the Feng family had just recovered from a serious injury, so how could he resist the siege of the four emperors?

Almost as soon as they met, he was beaten and retreated with blood spurting out.

Fighting one against four was too much of a stretch after all.

Feng Chan hurriedly flew to his father's side, gritted his teeth and shouted at the Feng family members: "Uncles, brothers, you also saw that the leader of the Iron Sword Sect manipulated the four elders to deal with the head of the family. Are you indifferent?"

"Second Miss, do you want to lead your entire Feng family to destruction?"

Qi Hongwu sneered and said, "Listen to all the Feng family members. It's fine if you don't take action. This sect leader guarantees that your Feng family will be in peace. Anyone who dares to help Feng Zhengde will die! The Feng family will be destroyed!"


The tribesmen who had been persuaded by Feng Chan immediately fell silent.

Even if some clan members wanted to help the head of the Feng family, they were suppressed by the elders beside them.

If one person takes action, the entire Feng family will be wiped out!

Even if they were put together, how could they possibly defeat the four major clan elders!


The tide is over!


Feng Chan's heart felt cold again. Looking around at these tribesmen, no one dared to take a step forward.

"Are you still a family member? You people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Feng Chan was so angry that she was shaking all over. Before the decision of life and death, human nature seemed so cowardly.

"Hey...Second Miss, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood! We can't all be buried together. In this way, my Feng family lineage will be completely cut off!"

An old man from the Feng family sighed. He might not be afraid of death, but he had to consider the threat of "the annihilation of the Feng family".

"That's all, Chan'er, there's no need to embarrass everyone!"

The head of the Feng family struggled to stand up, "If I, the Feng family, cut off my lineage today, I, Feng Zhengde, will be the eternal sinner!"

"Why are you saying these depressing words? Just with this green turtle, the Feng family can't be destroyed!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's voice drifted over leisurely, without even the slightest hint of panic.

The head of the Feng family turned around and realized that Ling Feng was still able to withstand the powerful attack of Qi Hongwu, a powerful human emperor, while Qi Hongwu was like a blind man, under Ling Feng's attack. A bunch of beatings in front of him.

Obviously, when Qi Hongwu was distracted to disturb the minds of those in the Feng family, Ling Feng took the opportunity to use Qiankun Rebellion. Even though Qi Hongwu was a powerful human emperor, it was difficult to escape for a while.

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