Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1146 Going to sea! (2 updates)

Three days passed by in a flash.

It is worth mentioning that Ling Feng found a lot of wealth and treasures from Patriarch Luo that day. Leaving aside those harmful skill secrets, those yuan crystals and a large number of holy and precious weapons can also be regarded as A huge wealth.

This old guy is sitting on Tianluo Island and has indeed collected a lot of good things.

In addition, Ling Feng actually discovered a very vicious technique that could enhance his own cultivation by plundering the Yuan Yin from a woman's body.

No wonder that old bastard Qi Hongwu is so lustful, he seems to have practiced this kind of technique.

And this also strengthened Ling Feng's determination to not only kill the angel patroller, but also to bring down the entire Tianluo Island in one go.

"Brother Ling, the Zhenhai dragon boat going out to sea has been prepared. We can set off at any time!"

Early in the morning, the head of the Feng family came to Ling Feng's residence and reminded him that he could go to sea.

Ling Feng stood up. In the past three days, Ling Feng didn't waste even a moment. In addition, the battle with Tianluo Ancestor actually stimulated his potential, and his realm also changed from the third level of Shenyuan Realm in one fell swoop. Breakthrough to the fourth level of Shenyuan Realm.

Even though it was only a small level of progress, it was promoted from the early stage of the Divine Origin Realm to the middle stage of the Divine Origin Realm. This step has trapped many practitioners to death, and it will be difficult to break through it throughout their lives.

Ling Feng pushed the door open and nodded slightly at the head of the Feng family outside the door.

The head of the Feng family was very respectful towards him, and the entire Feng family basically regarded Ling Feng as their "little ancestor".

They are both in the Shenyuan realm, but they can even trample on the Human Emperor, so I won’t accept it!

"Brother Ling, let's set off for the western suburbs port in a moment. With the speed of Zhenhai Dragon Boat, we can reach Tianluo Island in less than three days."

The head of the Feng family said slowly.

Although they can fly directly in the air with their cultivation level, flying is a very draining matter after all. After flying for three days in a row, when they arrived at Tianluo Island, they were all exhausted. How could they compete with Tianluo Island? People fight.

Even a strong man like Tianluo Ancestor did not fly over directly with his help, but used a gray-backed golden eagle as a means of transportation.

Ling Feng nodded and said calmly: "Since Master Feng has prepared everything, let's set off now."

"Please come with me."

The head of the Feng family made an invitation gesture and was about to set off when he saw two figures rushing forward quickly, "Let's go too!"

One is fat and the other is thin, but they are not Lan Yingying and Huang Fatty.

These two guys are very affectionate and loyal to Feng Yan. They will go to Tianluo Island to rescue Feng Yan even if they take risks. This kind of friendship is rare in the world of martial arts.

Of course, this is also inseparable from Feng Yan's character.

This is why even though Ling Feng only interacted with Feng Yan once, he already had a pretty good impression of him.


The head of the Feng family glared at these two people, "Do you think going to Tianluo Island is fun? If something happens to you, how will our Feng family explain to the Huang family and the Lan family!"

Lan Yingying and Fatty Huang shrank their necks. Seeing the stern look of the head of the Feng family, they immediately dared not speak.

The head of the Feng family snorted softly and said to the back of a rockery not far away: "Chan'er, you don't have to hide anymore, you are not allowed to go either!"


Feng Chan frowned, "I don't care, I'm going to save my brother together!"

"You girl!" The head of the Feng family became worried and gritted his teeth and said, "Here, please tie up the second young lady!"

"Master Feng, in my opinion, you should let the second lady and the others go together."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Even if you can tie her up for a while, with the cleverness of the second lady, wouldn't it be even more dangerous to escape and go to Tianluo Island by yourself?"

"Yes, yes!"

Feng Chan nodded repeatedly, "Dad, if you don't let me go, I will go myself!"

"There's really nothing we can do about this crazy girl like you!"

The head of the Feng family sighed softly, flicked his sleeves, and said helplessly: "Go, go, go!"

"Hehe, long live daddy!"

Feng Chan happily hugged her father's arm, but received a blank look from the head of the Feng family.

Ling Feng followed the father and daughter, passed by the place where Tuoba Yan lived, and called her with him.

From the memory of the ancestor of Tianluo, Tianluo Island was divided into an inner island and an outer island. The inner island was only inhabited by the angel patroller, while the power of Tianluo Island was established in the outer island area.

Feng Yan was naturally imprisoned on the outer island.

He had already thought clearly. After arriving at Tianluo Island, he would go to the inner island alone and make sure to kill the injured angel patroller.

This can be regarded as the first step in his revenge for the Tiandao clan!

The Zhenhai Dragon Boat's speed in this vast sea is almost as fast as the full flight of a strong person in the Shen Yuan Realm. However, the consumption of Yuan Stone is undoubtedly very terrifying.

That is to say, even if an ordinary family or sect with a family like the Feng family could afford to buy such a sea-suppressing dragon boat, they would definitely not be able to afford such a price.

On this trip, in addition to the head of the Feng family and Ling Feng and his party, the first elder and the second elder of the Feng family, plus ten king-level experts from the Feng family, went to Tianluo Island to rescue the young master of the Feng family. It can be said that a Quite a luxurious lineup.

Ancestor Luo died that day. With such a force, it was basically more than enough to rescue Feng Yan.

After all, although there is still an angel patrol on the inner island of Tianluo Island, this person does not seem to be able to leave the inner island directly, which gives the Feng family and his party an opportunity to take advantage of.

All in all, this is Ling Feng's first time to go to sea in a real sense. The Tiansheng Empire is different from the Tianbai Empire. Although the territory of the Tiansheng Empire is three times larger than that of the Tianbai Empire, in fact, it has about half of the land, but the sea area , so basically big families or sects will often go to sea.

Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan were obviously landlubbers.

Fortunately, given their physical fitness, they would not get seasick.

Two days passed, and the sea was calm. However, on the third day, the face of the head of the Feng family began to look serious.

There are some magic formations arranged on the hull of the Zhenhai Dragon Boat, which can calm the waves to a certain extent, so the boat has been so smooth in the past two days. However, in the depths of the sea, large waves have become more dense, and the speed of the Zhenhai Dragon Boat has increased. It also started to take a turn for the worse.

"The undercurrents of this generation are very turbulent and frequent. Without this chart, we would probably have to circle around for ten days and a half, and we may not be able to get close to Tianluo Island."

The head of the Feng family held a map in his hand and frowned: "However, even so, I still underestimated the complexity of this generation's terrain. It is estimated that our Zhenhai dragon boat will not be able to land on Tianluo Island. After about fifty miles, we must abandon ship and fly.”

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