Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1147 Hailong Island! (3 updates)

"The lair of Tianluo Island is quite secretive. No wonder these guys have been robbing ships in the nearby waters, but no sect has ever been able to come to Tianluo Island and destroy Tianluo Island."

The great elder also said with hatred.

"It turns out that the green-haired ancestor is actually a group of pirates!"

Ling Feng lightly knocked on the railing beside him. He had previously practiced a boxing technique called "Nine Levels of Sea-Suppressing Fist".

This boxing technique can be said to be of a very low level for the current Ling Feng, and he rarely uses this boxing technique anymore. However, sailing on the sea in the past few days reminded him of the time when he practiced this boxing technique. The kind of artistic conception that I realized when practicing the martial arts.

Gradually, Ling Feng seemed to enter a state of enlightenment.

After a warrior reaches the divine realm, in addition to strengthening his own spiritual consciousness and tempering his own soul, the perception of the power of artistic conception is also an important part of improving his strength.

For example, the artistic conception of water, the artistic conception of fire, etc.

The understanding of these artistic conceptions is the stepping stone to understanding the attribute rules. The higher the level of cultivation, it is no longer limited to attack and defense with one move, but a contest between artistic conception and rules.

Feng Zhengde on the side couldn't help but feel envious when he saw Ling Feng's eyes showing occasional enlightenment from time to time.

Enlightenment is a state that ordinary people can encounter but cannot seek. Every epiphany can be said to be an opportunity and a blessing.

It was only the first time that Ling Feng went to sea and he was able to realize that this kind of talent and this kind of understanding may have gone beyond the level of a monster, and he was directly a freak!

Suddenly, Ling Feng frowned slightly and woke up from his state of enlightenment. He stared at the sea in front of him, as if he sensed something.

The human divine pattern in the right eye condensed, and the infinite vision opened. Sure enough, in the sea about thirty miles away in front, there was a ship larger than their Zhenhai Dragon Boat.

The head of the Feng family seemed to have noticed something. He used the power of his spiritual consciousness and said in a deep voice: "It should just be the forces from nearby sects passing through here. Please try not to cause trouble!"


All the crew members nodded. The Feng family's reputation in Fengling County is indeed not small. However, in this Tianlan sea area, the sect world is its own entity. There are sect forces entrenched in each large island. These forces can be It may not give much face to their inland families.

As he spoke, the Dazhenhai dragon boat had already quickly approached. However, when it was still two full miles away from the formation, a roar came.


The roar was astonishing, shaking the waves, and two dark figures suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea, each riding a huge seahorse. Those seahorses were about two meters long, with scarlet eyes, and their tails slapped the water, hanging in the air, looking at It looks quite weird.

Seahorse Knight?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He didn't expect that the sects in these sea areas would actually tame seahorses into mounts. It was quite strange.

The face of the head of the Feng family suddenly changed, and he obviously recognized the other party's identity.

Feng Chan also reminded Ling Feng in a low voice: "Master Ling, those seahorses are the symbol of Hailong Island. Hailong Island ranks third among the ten major sects in the Tianlan Sea Area. Both island owners have the strength of a mid-level human emperor. , difficult to deal with.”

The head of the Feng family also lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, leave it to me to handle it later."

The head of the Feng family also respected and feared Ling Feng. Although the young ancestor was powerful, he was by no means someone to be trifled with.

If he gets angry and kills the people on Hailong Island, then the Feng family will be at odds with Hailong Island.

From now on, Ling Feng will just slap his butt and leave, but it is impossible for the Feng family to just slap their butt and give up on such a large family.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and smiled bitterly in his heart: Is he so cruel? It's as if he kills people on sight...

Secretly memorizing the name of Hailong Island, the reason why the Tiansheng Empire is stronger than the Tianbai Empire is also related to the distribution of power in the entire country.

The maritime sect and the inland sect, the two major sects, are at odds with each other, so that the warriors of the entire Tiansheng Empire are relatively fierce. Over time, the overall cultivation level of the Tiansheng Empire is naturally higher than that of the Tianbai Empire. Out a lot.

Therefore, the number of disciples absorbed by human holy places like Donglingxian Pond in the Tiansheng Empire is much higher than that in the other three empires.

Among them, the Tianbai Empire is at the bottom. Basically, for decades or even hundreds of years, it may not be possible to give birth to a disciple who is favored by the Dongling Immortal Pond.

On the other hand, lower-level holy places like Yunluo Holy Land and Five Thunder Holy Land would occasionally select some good seedlings in the Tianbai Empire.

At this moment, the two Hailong Island disciples riding seahorses stopped in front of the Feng family's Zhenhai dragon boat with fierce expressions on their faces, and said coldly: "Look at your flag, it's not a ship in the Tianlan Sea area, right?"


The head of the Feng family bowed his hands to the person who asked the question and said with a smile: "We are just passing by. If I have offended you in any way, please forgive me."

With that said, the head of the Feng family took out a bag of Yuan Stone and threw it towards the disciple of Hailong Island.


The disciple from Hailong Island grabbed the Yuanshi bag, and the expression on his face softened a little, but he still had no intention of giving way. He said in a cold voice: "We at Hailong Island are operating here. No outsiders are allowed within a radius of two hundred miles. The forces enter, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!”


The head of the Feng family frowned, "I wonder if we can be accommodating. We are really in a hurry."


The Hailong Island disciple said arrogantly, "Who do you think you are? You want to compromise? If it weren't for the fact that you, an old man, still know some etiquette, I would have called my fellow disciples to sink your broken boat! Get out of here if you know what's good for you. We won't leave here within a month!"

"One month?"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He didn't want to wait even a day, let alone a month.

He must kill the patrolling angel!

The head of the Feng family saw Ling Feng's appearance and hurriedly said, "Everyone, I am the head of the Feng family in Fengling County City. I have some friendship with the Dragon Island Master of your Hailong Island..."

"Don't try to make friends with me. Even if you bring up the king of heaven, you have to get out!"

The Hailong Island disciple showed an extremely impatient look on his face, "If you say another word, I will sink your broken boat!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with cold light. He clenched his fists and wanted to make a move, but the head of the Feng family held his shoulders.

"Little brother Ling, no!"

The head of the Feng family shook his head at Ling Feng, "We can take a detour and it won't take too long."

Although the head of the Feng family was also angry, as a human emperor, he had to be taught a lesson by a mere king-level warrior, but he couldn't help it.

Because he was the head of the family, he had to consider the consequences of everything he did.

Ling Feng sighed in his heart. If he went alone, he would be able to destroy those two arrogant guys with a slap, no matter whether it was Hailong Island or Tianlong Island.

However, in order not to cause trouble to the Feng family, he could only endure his anger for a while.

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