Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1148 I am your father! (4 more updates)

After the head of the Feng family asked people to turn the boat around and leave, the disciple from Hailong Island who had never spoken before respectfully said to the arrogant disciple: "Second senior brother, wouldn't it be wrong to just let them go like this?" Are they too cheap?”

"Hmph, the old guy who was leading just now, although he deliberately hid his aura, he couldn't hide it from me. This person has the cultivation level of the Human Emperor. It would be bad if he really pushed them too hard. Anyway, he would gain some benefits. Let’s leave it at that.”


The disciple's eyelids twitched, "You are actually a powerful Human Emperor. Second Senior Brother, you dare to point your nose at the Human Emperor and scold him. You are really powerful!"

"Hmph, so what if the Human Emperor, in this Tianlan sea area, who dares to provoke our Hailong Island!"

The appearance of the women on the boat appeared in the second senior brother's mind, and he couldn't help but lick his lips, his eyes burning with passion.

However, he still kept calm and said in a deep voice: "Right now, the junior sister is capturing a natal sea monster for the junior sister. If something goes wrong in our area, with the unruly character of the junior sister, we can blame it on you and me. But I can’t eat and walk around!”

"Yes Yes Yes."

The Hailong Island disciple next to him nodded repeatedly, "It's a pity. With your talent, Second Senior Brother, you are the most qualified person in our Hailong Island to get the Tianlan Hai Token. Who doesn't know that the person who owns this token People can gain the approval of Lord Huanghai and enter an inner sea holy land to explore the treasures left behind by the ancient sea sects!”

"No, in order to help my little junior sister improve her cultivation, my wife even went so far as to personally capture the sea monster for her!"

"Okay, stop flattering me! Junior sister is Master's daughter after all. No matter how outstanding an outsider is, nothing can compare to her own flesh and blood."

Although the second senior brother is extremely envious in his heart, what's the use of envy. If he can please the little junior sister in the future, he may not have the chance to inherit the position of the island leader.

"With so many of our disciples, we have sealed off the entire 200-mile sea area, and with Master's wife personally taking action, no matter how slippery the sea monster is, it can't escape Master's grasp."

The second senior brother snorted softly and controlled the seahorse beneath him. There was just a burst of bubbles on the sea surface, and then the two figures quickly disappeared.

About three hours later, the Feng family's Zhenhai dragon boat detoured more than 200 miles before finally returning to the route and continuing towards Tianluo Island.

"Haha, little brother Ling, in fact, this kind of thing is nothing. This Tianlan Sea Area is originally the territory of the ten sects outside the sea. It's not a big deal to tolerate it for a while."

The head of the Feng family gently patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and comforted him with a smile.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, but thought to himself: These guys are lucky, otherwise, we must let them know who is whose father!

At this moment, a dozen "Seahorse Knights" riding seahorses suddenly appeared behind them, coming through the waves at a speed that was more than three times faster than their big ship.

In just an instant, those seahorse knights stopped in front of the Zhenhai dragon boat. The leader glared at the head of the Feng family fiercely and cursed: "You guys, don't leave!"

The person speaking was not the second senior brother from Hailong Island whom I met in the sea behind a few hours ago!

The second senior brother stared at the head of the Feng family with murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "Okay, you guys, you are really courageous!"

The head of the Feng family was suddenly confused, "Little brother, we have already taken a detour, and you are chasing us with such a large force, is there anything else going on?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and saw that this time, in addition to the second senior brother from Hailong Island, the leader was a middle-aged woman who looked to be in her forties. She was wearing a large robe and had an imposing manner. In terms of condensation, she is definitely not inferior to Tianluo Ancestor. Obviously, she is also a powerful human emperor.

Next to the middle-aged woman, there was also a very young girl, dressed in black and close-fitting clothes. She was very beautiful, but she exuded an extremely cold aura.

From the appearance point of view, she is 40-50% similar to the middle-aged woman. The two girls should have a mother-daughter relationship.

The second senior brother's eyes suddenly turned cold and he said in a cold voice: "If I tell you to stop, just stop. You have to obey my orders from Hailong Island!"

At this time, the beautiful girl said coldly: "Second senior brother, were they nearby just now? Apart from them, was there anyone else?"

The second senior brother turned to look at the girl in black, and immediately seemed to have a different face, and said flatteringly: "Well! Little junior sister, they were the only ones passing through this place just now! Therefore, the sea monster is most likely to be killed by them. , I think that the Tianlan Hailing in your hand may have fallen into their hands!"

"Now that I think about it, the appearance of these people is too much of a coincidence. We just blocked the sea monster, and they happened to appear in the surrounding sea area. Master Wife, in my opinion, this was premeditated!"

Hearing what the second senior brother said, the graceful middle-aged woman frowned, stared at the head of the Feng family, and said in a deep voice: "Hand over the jade-scaled snake and Tianlan Hailing of that day, and then commit suicide to apologize. ”

"What kind of azure jade-scaled snake, what kind of Tianlan Hailing?"

The head of the Feng family looked innocent, "Madam, we have absolutely nothing to do with this matter!"

"Don't you admit it?"

The middle-aged woman didn't even raise her eyelids, but said coldly: "Then I'll kill you first, and then search carefully!"


The head of the Feng family vomited blood in frustration. This woman looks very beautiful, but who knew she was actually a poisonous woman!

"Senior Feng, you should understand by now that these so-called ten sects in the outer sea are basically a group of pirates. I am incompetent. A group of people can't catch a monster, and now it's all our fault!"

Ling Feng sneered, "The ten outer sea sects only have this ability!"

"You are presumptuous!"

The girl in black stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Who are you? How dare you insult Hailong Island!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, "It was you who asked us to take a detour, and now it's you who say we robbed your monsters and some bad brands. Now you ask me who I am? Huh, I'm your father!"


"Shut up!"

The disciples on Hailong Island suddenly became tense.

In front of the wife of the island owner of Hailong Island and the eldest lady, this boy actually dares to say that he is the eldest lady's father?

Isn't this taking advantage of the island owner's wife?

The head of the Feng family also had a black eye. It was better now, and he had to be beaten if he didn't want to.

However, now that things have come to this, there is no point in continuing to swallow it.

These people on Hailong Island are simply a group of unreasonable pirates!

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