Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1149: Destroyed at a glance! (1 update)

"Boy, how dare you speak so rudely in front of your master's wife!"

The second senior brother sneered in his heart, his chance to show off had come!

As long as he kills this brat for his junior sister and junior wife, he will naturally win their favor.

Ling Feng glanced at the second senior brother Ye Canan, then raised his eyes at the beautiful woman who still had charm, and sneered: "I'm sorry, I almost said the wrong thing just now. If an ugly woman like you gave birth to such an ugly monster, Then I don’t need to do anything in the second half of my life. I will regret it for half my life.”

When the island owner's wife heard this, she almost became angry.

Although she is indeed older, she is still famous in this Tianlan sea area, not to mention her daughter, who is ranked among the top beauties among the ten sects in the outer sea.

When this kid opened his mouth, it was too vicious.

"You little bastard, look at me tearing your mouth apart!"

The girl in black was so angry that her lungs almost exploded. She was extremely confident in her beauty, but she was actually called ugly and dared to humiliate her mother!

This brat is simply looking for death!

After all, the island owner's wife still had some magnanimity. She took a deep breath, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, you are really not afraid of death!"

"Hmph, just a suspicion will kill the whole ship of us. You poisonous bitch, why should I be polite to you?"

Ling Feng met the ice-cold gaze of the island owner's wife, "Don't think that you are a great person because you are the Human Emperor. Eight, if not ten, of the Human Emperors have died at my hands!"


The second senior brother looked at Ling Feng and then burst into laughter, "It's really hilarious. I didn't even make a draft before bragging. How dare a boy who is only in the Shen Yuan realm dare to speak out nonsense about killing people." Huang, haha, you made my stomach hurt from laughing.”

The disciples from Hailong Island who were riding seahorse monsters next to them also burst into laughter.

The Rebellion Killer Emperor in the Divine Origin Realm?

This is simply the biggest cowhide they have ever heard in their lives!

Not to mention that they didn't believe it, even the elders of the Feng family couldn't believe their eyes when they saw it with their own eyes.

After all, there is a Divine Sea Realm between the Human Emperor and the Divine Origin Realm.

Even a half-step Human Emperor at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm is basically unlikely to fight against the Killer Emperor, let alone a kid who is worthy of the Divine Origin Realm.

However, Ling Feng's beast soul fusion and chaos reincarnation are so unreasonable!

A group of disciples from Hailong Island came up to fight with their swords drawn.

Ling Feng smiled coldly: "With just a few green onions like yours? It only takes one look to kill such a thing!"

The second senior brother was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "You can speak arrogantly, but anyway, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"


Ling Feng stood on the Zhenhai dragon boat with a calm expression, a purple light flashing in his eyes.

Bang bang bang!

All the disciples who rushed forward had their heads exploded and died!

"You...what did you do?"

The second senior brother came to his senses and his pupils shrank sharply!

He asked himself that he could easily kill ten similar guards, but he was already at the king level, and the kid in front of him was only at the Divine Origin Realm, at most, he was at the middle level of the Divine Origin Realm!

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said calmly: "Didn't I tell you that all it takes to kill these guys is a look!"

This time, even the wife of the island owner was moved. One look in her eyes was so lethal. This boy should not be underestimated!

She wasn't afraid of Ling Feng's strength, nor did she care about the feudal princes on the ship. What she cared about was Ling Feng's talent!

Ling Feng's incredible combat ability made her feel very uneasy.

It is naturally impossible for a genius of this level to appear among ordinary forces. If this Ling Feng is a successor trained by the Holy Land, then offending the disciples of the Holy Land is not a wise choice.

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