Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1150 Successor of the Holy Land? (2 updates)

The girl in black was furious and rushed forward, using her poison technique to deal with Ling Feng.

Ling Feng calmly defused the girl's killing move.

"Want to kill me? Just you?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, took back the Destruction of Ten Directions in his hand, replaced it with the immortal weapon Yi Divine Bow, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Those toxins are indeed powerful, and even with Ling Feng's physique, they will inevitably be affected to a certain extent. However, as long as the distance is widened, her toxins are useless.

And the range of Yi’s divine bow——

Hum, even from eight hundred miles away, you can hit your head with one arrow!

"Open all three locks!"

Ling Feng snorted softly, and the three Hunyuan Locks in his body suddenly opened, creating a very special resonance with the bowstring of Yi Divine Bow.

This is the power of Yi Divine Bow. It does not require arrows, but it can rely on the connection between Hunyuan Lock and Yi Divine Bow to produce Dragon Origin Arrows that contain dragon power.

"Falling Star Pose!"

Ling Feng unfolded his leisurely sword step, distanced himself from the girl in black, put up the bow and drew the string, and a ball of golden light condensed. Then, starlight shone all over the sky, and an arrow was shot out, just like countless meteors falling, covering the girl in black. The entire area of ​​thirty feet was shrouded in this starlight.

The starlight in the sky collided with the green poisonous mist triggered by the girl in black.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst a violent explosion, there was only a muffled groan, and the girl in black was knocked back several steps, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"This bow..."

The girl in black stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, almost unable to believe that the terrifying power just now burst out from a kid who was only in the Divine Yuan realm.

And those disciples of Hailong Island were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Even though the woman in black was their nominal junior sister, she was the most talented genius in Hailong Island.

Although her cultivation level is only at the third level of the Divine Sea Realm, she already has strength comparable to the fifth or even sixth level of the Divine Sea Realm.

Coupled with the terrifying toxin, even the second senior brother could only be intimidated.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, actually used a bow to repel the poisonous palm of the younger junior sister.

Even the elders of the Feng family were also shocked. They didn't expect that Ling Feng actually had such a powerful weapon in his hands.

The fat man Huang slapped his forehead repeatedly, "I was wrong, I was wrong, it turns out that Brother Ling's bow is so amazing!"

"This bow is extraordinary. Could it immortal weapon?"

The wife of the island owner of Hailong Island looked at the ridiculously large longbow in Ling Feng's hand, and a thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

This boy, despite his young age, possesses such terrifying cultivation, and is armed with an immortal weapon, a long bow.

Could it be that he is a descendant of the Holy Land?

When she thought of this, the expression of the island owner's wife changed slightly. If she was really a descendant of the Holy Land, even if she had three hundred courages, she would not dare to take action against Ling Feng.

Although the ten sects in the outer sea seem to be awesome in the Tianlan sea area, compared with the Holy Land, they are not even as good as scum.

However, she wasn't sure yet, so she just narrowed her eyes and stared at Ling Feng, thinking about how this matter would end.

Seeing that the island owner's wife didn't take action, the disciples of Hailong Island were a little surprised.

This woman is indeed beautiful on the surface, but in fact she is definitely a femme fatale. Ling Feng injured her daughter, but the island owner's wife was so strangely not angry.

strangeness! Too strange!

The young man in black was shot back by Ling Feng's arrow. He was obviously very unconvinced. He gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng, and said in a hateful voice: "You brat, what kind of bow do you have? It's so powerful?"

"Hmph, you'll know if you try again!"

Ling Feng once again placed his fingers on the bowstring. This time, he directly opened the six Hunyuan Locks. The golden light on Yi's Divine Bow became even brighter, and the condensed dragon power was almost solid.


Dragons roared all over the sky and roared across the sky. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Is there still a dragon soul hidden in this bow?

If this is the case, wouldn't it be a legendary weapon?


The head of the Feng family swallowed hard, "Is this little brother Ling really a descendant of the Holy Land?"

The island owner's wife opposite her body trembled, and she was completely sure in her heart that Ling Feng was 100% a genius from the Holy Land.

Moreover, the closest holy land to the Tiansheng Empire is undoubtedly the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Only in the Dongling Immortal Pond can monsters of this level appear, and only in the Dongling Immortal Pond can a fairy weapon be rewarded to a disciple of the Divine Yuan Realm.

That is a fairy weapon!

Even if they sell all their property on Hailong Island, they still can't afford an immortal weapon!

Although the wife of the island owner looked hot, she did not dare to be so mad as to deal with the descendant of Donglingxianchi.

If the news leaks out, with the strength of Donglingxianchi, Hailong Island can be wiped out in an instant.


The girl in black bit her silver teeth and said coldly: "Do you think you can win with a broken bow?"

The girl suddenly took action, activating her essence and blood, and forced out a mouthful of poisonous energy that she had cultivated for many years!

"Touch of the Void!"

In the midst of the electric light and flint, Ling Feng's eyes flashed with purple light, and he tore the void apart in front of him, and purple shots emerged from the cracks in the void.

This move was originally used to imprison the opponent, but in this case, these moves can also be used as a shield for oneself.

Sure enough, with a "sizzling" sound, those purple tentacles were corroded and shriveled up. Even the void tentacles were poisoned like this. It is conceivable that if it fell directly on Ling Feng's face, Go on, I'm afraid even my head will melt.

"Hmph, what a vicious woman!"

Ling Feng blocked the poisonous gas with the touch of the void, drew the string again, and directly performed the strongest trick among the "Three Forms of Yi Shen".

"Japanese style!"

Countless golden light spots condensed into a golden arrow, which was shot out fiercely with the domineering dragon's power.

This arrow directly consumed about one-third of Ling Feng's vitality, making his face turn pale.

It can be said that the power of this arrow is absolutely no less powerful than the killing move of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Art, and is even slightly better.

The violent wind!

Blazing flames!

And the terrifying dragon power, all intertwined together, an arrow shot out, like a rainbow piercing the sun, even the sky would be shot, let alone a small flesh and blood body.


Before the arrow hit the girl in black, the terrifying power shattered all her clothes, revealing the snow-white skin underneath.

However, in an instant, this fair and tender skin turned black, as if all its vitality had been lost in one go.

What's even weirder is that a layer of green scales grows from the body surface in an attempt to resist the scorching power.

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