Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1151 Azure Jade Scale Snake! (3 updates)


The girl in black roared loudly, her eyes full of despair.

However, at this critical moment, another black shadow flashed. The plump island owner's wife grabbed the slender waist of the girl in black and blocked her behind her. At the same time, she burst out with all her energy and stretched out her hand. Grab it and hold the golden arrow 1.

There was a "click" sound, and the arrow shattered into pieces, but there was also a trace of burnt blackness on her palm.

Without the help of Chaos Reincarnation or the Beast Soul Fusion of the Asshole, Ling Feng actually caused some damage to a mid-level Human Emperor. Even if it was just a little burn, it was definitely enough to be proud of.

"Boy, do you want my daughter's life?"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the island owner's wife, but she did not dare to explode. After all, in her opinion, Ling Feng was already the descendant of Donglingxianchi.

With her back to the Dongling Fairy Pond, even if Ling Feng went too far, she would not dare to have an attack.

"Be bold!"

The second senior brother seized the opportunity and immediately pointed at Ling Feng's nose and roared: "You brat, if you dare to hurt my little junior sister, you are seeking death!"

However, although he cursed fiercely, he did not dare to take a step forward.

Even the girl in black was defeated head-on by Ling Feng, just because of him?

Not even close!

"Do you have a say here?"

Ling Feng didn't even look at the second senior brother, looked up at the island owner's wife, and sneered: "Your daughter? Hehe, I said old daughter, you are not up to standard as a mother. Even your own daughter can actually admit her mistakes. !”

"Mother, don't listen to this kid's nonsense!"

The girl in black's complexion changed slightly and she defended hurriedly.

The island owner's wife turned back and glanced at the girl in black next to her. She was clearly her daughter, and there was no mistake.

"Hmph!" The island owner's wife snorted coldly, "Don't think that just because you are a descendant of the Holy Land, you can talk nonsense here!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly showed extremely envious eyes and stared at Ling Feng.

The head of the Feng family even slapped his thigh, "I said little brother Ling is so great, he is indeed a monster from the Holy Land!"

"Heir of the Holy Land?"

Ling Feng felt confused for a while, but he quickly realized: It turns out that this old woman regards herself as a descendant of the Holy Land, interesting! Then you have to make good use of this identity.

Ling Feng's face straightened, and he neither denied nor affirmed, but said lightly: "Hmph, look carefully, even if your daughter has practiced poison skills, but the blood is directly transformed into azure jade scale snake venom, Isn’t that too exaggerated?”

"Azure jade scale snake venom?"

The island owner's wife's pupils shrank slightly. Yes, Hailong Island is indeed good at practicing poisonous skills, but the mouthful of poisonous blood that her daughter just spat out was indeed a bit weird.

That kind of violent venom even surpassed her poison skills.

"who are you!"

The island owner's wife was not a fool. She slapped the girl in black with her palm, trying to catch her first.

"Are you still asking? As far as I know, although the azure jade-scaled snake is extremely poisonous, it actually belongs to the phantom beast system and has the ability to confuse the mind. I am afraid that this woman is your daughter only in the physical body."

Ling Feng sneered, raised his bow again, pointed it at the girl in black, and said coldly: "What a smelly monster, even I dare to plot against you!"

“Damn it, I fell short!”

Sure enough, the smooth skin of the girl in black began to change inch by inch, growing jade-colored scales one after another! The two eyes gradually turned into deep emerald green snake eyes. The upper body still maintained a human posture, but the lower body had turned into a snake tail!


The island owner's wife looked horrified, staring coldly at the demon snake, and said hatefully: "You lowly beast, please give me back my daughter!"

"Humph, you stinky bitch, if you and your daughter didn't insist on provoking me, Grandpa Snake, I would have no interest in provoking you damn humans!"

The demon snake's eyes were filled with anger. He was sleeping peacefully on the seabed, but he was surrounded by people from Hailong Island who wanted to capture him, extract the beast soul, and turn him into the woman's natural demon soul.

Human life is life, but his demon life is not life?

At his wits' end, he used illusion to control the girl in black and attached himself to her body.

The reason why it provoked the conflict between Hailong Island and Ling Feng and his group was to create chaos so that he could take the opportunity to escape.

Who knew that that damn brat could be so strong!

"Stop talking nonsense and get out of my daughter's body!"

The island owner's wife was full of evil spirits, staring at the demon snake coldly, and threatened: "If not, I will definitely kill you without a burial place!"

"Tch, who are you threatening? Now that I'm possessed in your daughter's body, I'm capable. You can slap your daughter to death with one slap!"

The demonic snake was a bachelor, and sneered: "Anyway, Grandpa Snake, I have lived for hundreds of years, but I just pity this beautiful little girl. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, anyway, I have someone to support me when I die, my life is worth it" !”


The wife of the island owner was so angry that she couldn't kill her own daughter.


The demon snake looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. "Grandpa Snake is just standing, how do you want to be treated?"

Ling Feng sneered, "Smelly snake demon, I don't care whose daughter you are in the flesh. You have plotted against me, so prepare to die!"

With that said, Ling Feng pulled the bow string again and prepared to shoot an arrow.


The wife of the island owner panicked and said urgently: "This little friend from the Holy Land, please don't hurt my daughter!"

She now fully believes that Ling Feng is the descendant of the Holy Land. If she dares to make any mistakes, she can only surrender to Ling Feng first, lest Ling Feng shoot her daughter. When the time comes, there will be no revenge, no revenge.

"Want to rescue your daughter?"

Ling Feng chuckled and suddenly said: "I have a way to separate your daughter from that demon snake, but why should I help you?"


The island owner's wife took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "What do you want?"

Ling Feng shrugged, smiled and said: "I am the most fair person. I can save your daughter. However, this demon snake has plotted against me, so you must leave the demon snake to me."

"Of course." The wife of the island owner nodded. Although the demon soul of the azure jade scale snake was extremely rare, the situation forced her to hand over this strange snake to save her daughter.

"Okay, feel free!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, then stared at the demonic snake with malicious intent.

"Boy, Grandpa Snake advises you not to meddle in other people's business!"

When the demonic snake saw Ling Feng's gaze, he couldn't help but swallow hard, felt weak in his heart, let go, and prepared to run away.

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