Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1153 The mysterious strong man! (1 update)

Not long after, Ling Feng carried the still unconscious girl in black out of the cabin, threw her into the arms of the island owner's wife, and said calmly: "Okay, your daughter is fine."

The island owner's wife looked at the girl in black and found that although she was unconscious, her breathing was stable and there was indeed nothing wrong with her.

"She is just a little weak. Within three days, she will basically recover completely."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "Okay, the deal is completed, it's almost time for you to leave. I think the deck is quite crowded. With so many people, the ship is about to sink."

The eyelids of the surrounding elders of the Feng family twitched wildly.

Good guy, could this expulsion order be any more obvious?

The wife of the island owner frowned and forced a smile, "Well, little friend, the demon snake also stole a token from my daughter. It belongs to our Hailong Island. I wonder if I can return it, little friend? "

"What kind of token is not a token? I have never seen it before. Also, the demon snake has been killed by me. According to the agreement, the demon snake is left to me to deal with. Do you have any objection?"


The island owner's wife felt depressed in her chest and almost wanted to spurt blood.

Ever since he became the Human Emperor, when had he ever experienced such bird energy in this Tianlan Sea area?

But now, he actually swallowed his anger repeatedly in front of such a junior in the Divine Origin Realm.

She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth: "No! I mean! See you!"

"Oh, that's fine." Ling Feng plucked his ears angrily, pointed to the horizon, and said with a smile, "No objection, let's go then?"

"Go! Go!"

The island owner's wife gritted her teeth and nodded, hugged her daughter, then flicked her sleeves and said to the disciples of Hailong Island: "Let's go!"


The disciples of Hailong Island looked at each other. However, the island owner and his wife were gone, so they had no choice but to summon the seahorse monster and follow the island owner’s wife. In the blink of an eye, all the people on Hailong Island disappeared into the distant sky. among.

"Hey, she knows what's going on!"

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Senior Feng, you wasted a lot of time just now. Now speed up and head to Tianluo Island at full speed!"

"Yes Yes!"

The head of the Feng family nodded quickly. Now, the Feng family is even more in awe of Ling Feng.

Carrying a fairy weapon and two emperor-level demon pets with him, even ordinary powerful emperors may not be so awesome!

the other side.

The wife of the island owner of Hailong Island flew to a nearby desert island with a group of disciples, her face as dark as water.

"Master's wife!"

The second senior brother looked indignant, "That Tian Lan Hai Token must be in that boy's hand!"

"Do you still need to tell me?"

The island owner's wife gritted her teeth and said: "That boy, at such a young age, is so cunning!"

"Then let's go get the token back? This is Tianlan Sea Area anyway, as long as we do it secretly enough..."

The second senior brother obviously also understood the concerns of the island owner's wife, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly.


The wife of the island owner slapped her away, "Dongling Fairy Pond is not something we, a small offshore force, can provoke. That boy's master dares to hand over the fairy weapon directly to him. Do you think he will have no means of escape?" ?"

"If he hadn't died, our entire Hailong Island would have died!"

"Yes Yes!"

The second senior brother was so slapped by the island owner's wife that stars appeared in his eyes. He spat out a mouthful of blood and nodded repeatedly, "This is what the senior lady taught you."

"Okay, don't mention this matter anymore. Just give that Tianlan Hailing to this kid! Damn it, the Venerable Huanghai only issues ten Tianlan Hailing every hundred years. I, Hailong Island It’s so hard to get one!”

Although the wife of the island owner decided not to pursue the matter further, she still felt pain in her face when she thought of how precious the Lanhai Order was that day.

If you let your daughter enter the sea of ​​miracles, she might be a human emperor when she returns!

At this moment, in the sky, the island owner's wife suddenly saw a tiny black spot. The black spot flashed past, almost beyond what the naked eye could see.

So much so that even a powerful human emperor like the island owner's wife only saw a vague shadow, and in just a blink of an eye, the shadow disappeared.

"What speed is this?"

The island owner's wife almost wondered if she was dazzled.

Just for a moment, she seemed to feel a ray of murderous intent. Although it passed briefly, it still made her heart skip a beat.

This frightening feeling told me that what I saw at that moment was definitely not dazzled.


A peerless strongman that even he can’t understand!

The wife of the island owner took a breath of cold air. In the Tianlan sea area, the ten sects outside the sea are the overlords. Her strength is considered to be at the peak level, but the black shadow just now...


The island owner's wife swallowed hard and secretly guessed in her heart: "Could it be that he is the protector behind the boy named Ling Feng? If he had really taken action against Ling Feng just now, maybe that strong man would not only be against He warned them, but directly killed them all."

"Go back...back to the island..."

The island owner's wife felt her legs become weak for a while, and it took a long time before she said these words, her voice still trembling.

The disciples on Hailong Island were confused for a moment. What happened to Master Niang? Why was she so scared all of a sudden?

Although Donglingxian Pond is scary, it's not like being scared just by hearing its name.

On top of Zhenhai dragon boat.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at the sea ahead. Tianluo Island was getting closer and closer, and his heart became calmer and calmer.

At this moment, the only thought in his mind was to kill the angel patroller. The Tianlan Hailing and the Lord Huanghai were all forgotten at this moment.

He knew very well what he was about to face, but he couldn't restrain himself and wanted to kill the angel patroller.

He already had many trump cards, and he was facing an injured Angel Patroller. This was his best chance to kill the Angel Patroller.

Even if he couldn't kill the angel patroller in one fell swoop, he still wanted to explore the truth and understand how powerful his enemy was.

After all, he knew that the angel patrol would not be able to leave the inner island of Tianluo Island. Even if he was defeated, he would still have a chance to escape.

He is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible for him to do something that will lead to death.

"We are almost there, there are still more than fifty miles, there are too many reefs ahead, we can only abandon ship and fly."

The head of the Feng family interrupted Ling Feng's reverie, pointed to an island in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"It's finally here!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. Being made such a fuss by the Hailong Island group, almost an extra day was wasted. However, the delay was not too long at last. The people on Tianluo Island should not have thought that their island Lord, there has been an accident.

At this moment, they sneaked into Tianluo Island quietly and were able to catch them off guard!

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