Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1154 Isn’t it good to be alive? (2 updates)

As night fell, the dark night shrouded it, and in this vast sea, it was almost impossible to see your fingers.

Except for some crew members who were left to control the Zhenhai dragon boat, almost all members of the Feng family mobilized, taking advantage of the cover of night to stay low on the sea level and continue to approach Tianluo Island.

Since Ling Feng had stolen the memory of Tianluo Ancestor, he knew almost everything about Tianluo Island's defenses and sentries.

Before the Tianluo Island disciples who were on guard duty discovered that they had landed, Ling Feng directly used Jingmujie to destroy them.

About half an hour later, all the people who came to rescue Feng Yan finally successfully landed on Tianluo Island.

The size of this island is not large, but it is quite secretive. Patriarch Luo has obviously been doing some shameful things that day, otherwise why would his lair be so hidden.

After all, with his strength, in this Tianlan sea area, even if he is not ranked among the ten sects in the outer sea, he will definitely have a place.

"Senior Feng, follow me!"

According to Patriarch Luo's memory of that day, Ling Feng led the Feng family and his entourage to the place where Feng Yan was imprisoned very easily.


Seeing a dozen strangers approaching the place where Feng Yan was imprisoned, the eyelids of the Tianluo Island disciple who was responsible for guarding the place twitched wildly.

Ignorant secret sentries were placed around the entire Tianluo Island, strictly prohibiting anyone from approaching Tianluo Island. As a result, so many outsiders suddenly appeared, which made him feel very strange.

Could it be that those guys who were on guard were collectively lazy?

"The person who wants your life!"

The head of the Feng family glared angrily, and struck forward with his sword, cutting the Tianluo Island guard in half.

Ancestor Tianluo caused their Feng family such misery. This time it was their Feng family's turn to take revenge, so naturally they would not show any mercy.


A scream resounded through the sky, and then, all the Tianluo Island disciples gathered around the prison.

Soon, the elders of Tianluo Island were all alerted and rushed over immediately.

You must know that Feng Yan is a very important prisoner. Before the island owner left, he gave many instructions that even if all the people on the island died, Feng Yan could not be rescued by others.

This shows how important Feng Yan is.

If Feng Yan is lost, when the island owner comes back, they will all be left without food.

"You've come so well, the time of reckoning has come!"

The head of the Feng family and several members of the royal family had murderous intent blazing in their eyes.

Back then, the Feng family was facing the threat of annihilation. Today, they were going to kill all the damn Tianluo Island disciples.

A melee is about to break out.

There were several human emperors from the Feng family, so it was basically not Ling Feng's turn to take action. He just led Feng Chan and Fatty Huang into the prison, and rescued Feng Yan first.

Relatively speaking, the environment in the prison was pretty good, and Island Master Luo didn't make things difficult for Feng Yan that day. After all, he still needed to inspire Feng Yan's wild blood before he could "donate" it to the angel patroller. .

"elder brother!"

Feng Chan shouted loudly, and echoes came from the room, but there was no reply from Feng Yan.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, gently pressed Feng Chan's shoulders, shook his head at her, indicating that she didn't need to shout, just do whatever she wanted.

Feng Chan bit her silver teeth, nodded, and calmed down a little.

There was no one in the room. Ling Feng pretended to fumble around for a while and then exclaimed: "It turns out there is a mechanism here!"

Then, there was a muffled "click, click, click" sound, and a secret door opened in the wall. Behind the secret door, there was a narrow staircase, leading directly to the underground.

"It's really covert."

Ling Feng took the lead and went down the stairs, followed closely by Feng Chan, followed by Fatty Huang, Lan Yingying and Tuoba Yan.

Following the underground stairs and passing through a narrow alley, a stone room finally appeared in front of them. However, sitting at the door of the stone room was an old man with a gray beard.

The old man held a pipe in his hand, took a few puffs, puffed out a few eye circles, and said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, someone can actually find this place, it's interesting!"

Ling Feng took a step forward, stared at the old man, and said calmly: "Old guy, your Tianluo Ancestor has already burped. If you are wise, just get out of the way. I will leave you a way to survive."


The old man couldn't help laughing when he heard Ling Feng's words, "Are all young people so crazy these days?"

Then, the old man stretched his muscles and bones, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted with him as the center.

This old man who doesn’t look amazing is actually a human emperor!

Under the aura of the Human Emperor, Feng Chan and the others immediately couldn't stand upright and took a dozen steps back, almost being knocked over to the ground.

Only Ling Feng still stood on the spot, unfolding his sword at the same time, completely blocking out the old man's aura. The expressions of Feng Chan and others softened a bit.

"Oh? Sword power?"

There was a hint of surprise in the old man's eyes, and he immediately sneered, "It seems that he can barely stretch his muscles."

The old man stretched out, placed the pipe on the table next to him, and said calmly: "It's so boring to watch that kid all day long and not be able to beat or scold him!"

"Hmph, old guy, I'll give you another chance and get out of here, otherwise, hey..."

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the threat was unmistakable.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that he had heard wrongly. He had already shown the aura of a human emperor, and this boy actually dared to threaten him to leave.

This guy probably has a bad mind, right?

A mere Shenyuan realm, threatening the Human Emperor?

It’s just crazy!

The strangest thing is that the companions around him still look like they are taking it for granted, as if they will really die if they don't leave.

These juniors really don’t know how high the world is!

"Boy, I think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

The old man snorted coldly and kicked his left leg on the ground. A deep crack opened in the ground, spreading from the old man's feet.

"Hey, I gave you two opportunities in a row, but you didn't know how to cherish them. It's not that I don't know how to respect the elderly, it's just that some old guys rely on their old age to sell themselves off!"

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed with pain on his face, "You bitch, it's your turn to perform!"

With a flash of purple light, the figure of the bitch flew out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and stomped directly on the ground. The cracks in the ground immediately stopped spreading, and even hit the old man back at a faster speed.


The old man's eyelids twitched, and he immediately exclaimed: "Demon...Demon Emperor!"

"I told you to stop pretending! Isn't it good to be alive?"

Ling Feng shook his head and pointed at the old man gently, "You bitch, kill him!"

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