Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1155: Being fat will ruin everything! (3 updates)

"Hey, it's a joke!"

The bitch grinned and stared at the old man maliciously. After all, he was a human emperor, so he must have some treasures in him!


The old man swallowed hard, grabbed the pipe on the table, and immediately tried to use the rules of space to escape.

"Still want to run?"

The stupid donkey snorted softly, slapped his hoof, and directly blocked the void. Then he used the "Collapse of Heaven Hand Seal" to directly smash the old man's head into pieces.

With Jianlu's current strength, killing the first-level Human Emperor is basically as easy as eating and drinking.

"Humph, die of pretending."

Ling Feng shrugged, ignored the cheap donkey who was plundering the old man's belongings, and split the heavy stone door open with a sword.


There was an explosion and the stone door shattered. In the stone room, a young man was seen, half lying on a chair, seemingly taking a nap.

That young man was not the high-spirited genius boy back then, Feng Yan.

"elder brother!"

Feng Chan immediately rushed into the stone room, but when she took a closer look at her brother's appearance, she couldn't help but stay where she was.

Brother is still a brother, but why is it so...


Judging from the appearance, it can be vaguely recognized that the young man is indeed Feng Yan, but his face has basically gained three or four circles of fat, not to mention his body, which has gained more than ten circles of fat!

With his current body shape, he is several times fatter than that fat man.

"Oh no, Mr. Feng, what did you do? You are fatter than me, the yellow fat man!"

That fat man Huang secretly chuckled in his heart. Compared with Feng Yan now, he has become a thin man!

Lan Yingying looked at Feng Yan with a dull expression. This was still the handsome and handsome man in her impression!

Being fat will ruin everything!

Feng Yan was taking a nap when he suddenly heard the sound of the stone door exploding and woke up immediately.

It's a pity that he didn't jump up when he was like a carp, and he almost collapsed the chair.


When Feng Yan saw the person coming, his old face suddenly turned red, and he said helplessly: "If you were blocked in your cultivation, and were force-fed all kinds of natural materials and treasures every day, and remained motionless for more than a month, you would also become fat. Such……"

"elder brother……"

After all, Feng Chan was her biological sister, but she quickly accepted Feng Yan's appearance, threw herself into Feng Yan's arms, and burst into tears, "Brother, just hope you're okay!"


Feng Yan sighed softly, gently touched the back of Feng Chan's head, and said with a wry smile: "Good sister, I never thought that I, an elder brother, would have to rely on my sister to save me."

Feng Chan raised her eyes, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "Actually, it mainly depends on Master Ling and the others."

"Master Ling?"

Feng Yan raised his head and realized that there were two other people in the crowd.

"Brother Ling!"

Feng Yan was deeply impressed by Ling Feng, but he didn't expect that he and Ling Feng were just acquaintances, but Ling Feng would actually go to a ghost place like Tianluo Island to save him.

"Brother Feng."

Ling Feng walked forward and said with a faint smile: "I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Brother Feng has gained a lot of weight."

"Brother Ling, please stop teasing me..."

Feng Yan felt helpless in his heart and cursed: "That damn Tianluo Ancestor, after he captured me, he fed me all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures every day. He is simply a lunatic! Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are free of charge!"

"Haha, maybe this is a blessing in disguise for Brother Feng."

Ling Feng grabbed Feng Yan's wrist, felt his pulse for a moment, and then said: "The Jinmai Fist in your body is sealed, so the energy of these medicinal materials is accumulated in your body, and you will naturally gain weight. However, as long as I open it for you, If you practice your blood vessels and muscles diligently, you will naturally be able to return to your original shape within a month, and your cultivation will be even better."

"Oh?" Feng Yan's eyelids twitched and he said quickly: "Brother Ling, I really don't know how to thank you!"

"Brother Feng also helped me when I was on the battlefield between gods and demons. He repaid me with a little help from others."

Ling Feng took out the golden needle and cleared the veins in Feng Yan's body, then slowly said: "Okay, now all the energy accumulated in your body can be used for your use, maybe you can break through to the king level in one fell swoop! "

"Thank you, Brother Ling!"

Feng Yan looked at Ling Feng with excitement, feeling the long-lost vitality flowing in his body, and even felt like crying with joy.

"Actually, I have something to do when I come here this time. I hope Brother Feng can help."

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and said lightly.

"What's the matter? As long as I, Feng Yan, can do it, I will go through fire and water, no matter what!" Feng Yan said firmly.

"There is no need to go through fire and water." Ling Feng said solemnly: "Brother Feng, do you still remember the Blood Jade Sunflower that you picked in the battlefield of gods and demons? There is a senior sister beside me who unfortunately was killed by a traitor and her life hangs by a thread. We need this Blood Jade Yangquan Flower to be resurrected.”

"I see."

Feng Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Fortunately, after leaving the battlefield of gods and demons that day, although I gave most of the spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs to the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce for auction, I kept the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower. Come down, after all, this Blood Jade Yangquan Flower is like a second life, and it may be used at some point. Since Brother Ling needs it, I will give this strange flower to Brother Ling."

With that said, Feng Yan opened his space ring, took out the still delicate Blood Jade Yangquan Flower, and handed it to Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, here it is!"

Obviously, half of Feng Yan's space ring is also a flower and grass ring, which can plant those spiritual flowers and spiritual grass to keep the vitality of those spiritual flowers and spiritual grass.

"Thank you very much."

Ling Feng accepted the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower, and a big stone fell in his heart. My efforts over this period of time were finally not in vain.

"Brother Feng, your father and the elders of the Feng family are outside. You can join them in a moment. I still have some things to do. You can also go back to the Zhenhai dragon boat and wait for me for some time. I think, I am very Will be back soon.”

After saying that, Ling Feng looked back at Tuoba Yan and said calmly: "Yan'er, you can stay with Miss Er and the others for the time being, and wait for me on the dragon boat with them."

"Master Ling!"

Feng Chan gritted her silver teeth and said, "Do you want to go to the inner island alone to find the master of Patriarch Tianluo? You... you can actually wait for dad and the others to come together..."

"No need, I am enough alone!"

Ling Feng shook his head. He actually had no idea. However, the more people went with him, the more dangerous it would be.

If you are alone, even if you can't defeat him, it will be less troublesome to escape.

After all, the opponent is an angel patroller, and Ling Feng doesn't think that bringing a few more junior human emperors will be of much help.

Ling Feng showed a confident smile to Feng Chan, then strode out of the stone room and said to the donkey, "Donkey, let's go!"

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