
Murong Zining's expression suddenly froze, and she couldn't laugh or cry for a while. This is nothing!

"Young Master must have misunderstood." Murong Zining shook his head and said very politely but not politely: "It is entirely because of Young Master's talent that Zi Ning made an exception and allowed Young Master to accompany him to the Sea of ​​Miracles. for any other reason."


Jian Chen only felt his face getting hot, but he soon felt that Murong Zining was probably being thin-skinned and was pretending to be reserved.

Then, Murong Zining narrowed her beautiful eyes and said with a hint of reverence: "Master Jianchen can pass through the Soul-Locking Bridge in just one breath. What kind of talent is this? With your divine power, The power of knowledge is at least at the level of an emperor. Even if I take you here as an exception, I think the city lord will have nothing to say. You geniuses here will probably not have any objections!"

"Crossing the Soul-Locking Bridge in one breath?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The inner sea geniuses present stared at Jian Chen in disbelief, "Oh my god, Mr. Jian Chen, when did the power of your consciousness become so terrifying!"

"It took me almost twenty breaths to pass the Soul Locking Bridge in one breath!"

"No wonder Brother Jianchen disappeared for more than a month and didn't show up. It turned out that he was cultivating his spiritual consciousness!"

"Emperor-level consciousness, no wonder Miss Murong thinks so highly of Master Jianchen, he is indeed very impressive!"

Everyone sighed in admiration, but Jian Chen, whose old face was so red that it almost bled, said, "Damn it, when did you cross the Soul-Locking Bridge in one breath?"

However, in this situation, Jian Chen naturally could not directly say that Murong Zining had misunderstood, otherwise, all the envious looks would probably turn into contempt and ridicule in the next second.


Tuoba Yan pursed his lips and smiled, and said lightly: "Ling Feng, it turns out that Murong Zining thought Jian Chen was you! It's really interesting!"

"It's indeed interesting!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile: "That Jian Chen is really thick-skinned. He's already at this level and he can still pretend!"

"How about it, do you want to expose him?"

Tuoba Yan became excited for a while. The aggressive look of Jian Chen just now made Tuoba Yan very unhappy. Naturally, he was happy to see Jian Chen making a fool of himself in public.

"Wait a little longer, I want to see how long he can keep pretending."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. He just crossed the bridge casually and caused a sensation out of nowhere. How helpless it was!

"Haha... Genius is 99% sweat and 1% talent. I just work a little harder."

Na Jianchen secretly wiped a cold sweat, feeling weak in his heart, but he still wanted to show off in a serious manner.

"Haha, as expected of Mr. Jianchen, what you said is really good. We should follow your example!"

"No wonder Master Jianchen is so highly regarded by Miss Murong. He is so humble. He is simply a role model for our generation!"

The corner of Jian Chen's mouth twitched slightly. The higher he is praised now, the worse he will fall when he is exposed.

Therefore, no matter what, you must not expose your flaws!

However, when he looked in the direction of Ling Feng, he couldn't help but swallow hard when he saw Ling Feng's joking expression.

Could it be that the guy who passed through the Soul-Locking Bridge in one breath was this kid?


In an instant, Jian Chen's mind went blank, this... this is going to end badly!

However, seeing that Ling Feng had no intention of exposing himself, Jian Chen calmed down, swallowed his saliva, and said with a smile: "As long as everyone works as hard as me, sooner or later they will be like me!"

"Young master is indeed humble and has the demeanor of a master."

Murong Zining smiled softly and said: "Zi Ning hopes to communicate with the young master in private for a while. With the young master's talent, Zi Ning will definitely benefit a lot."

"Haha... easy to say, easy to say..."

Jian Chen secretly sweated on his forehead. Damn it, I'm afraid the secret will be exposed this time.

At this moment, Ling Feng, who had been sitting silently in the corner, finally walked out of his seat. He glanced at Jian Chen with a half-smile, and immediately, Jian Chen's heart was in his throat again, and he quickly Said: "Little... boy, what do you want to do!"

"Haha, what are Master Jianchen afraid of?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, without looking at him. He looked at Murong Zining and bowed slightly, "Miss Murong, I once got a chart of the Sea of ​​Miracles by chance. I wonder what Miss Murong can do?" Can you tell me where the secret is in the Sea of ​​Miracles?"

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