Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1168 Death of Jian Chen! (4 more updates)

"Sorry, no comment."

Before Ling Feng could finish his words, Murong Zining frowned and said in a cold voice: "The secret treasure can be obtained by those who are capable, and those who are destined can obtain it. People with low cultivation like you, even if they know the secret secret The location doesn’t help either.”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. When the other inner sea geniuses asked questions, Murong Zining gave answers without losing his grace, but he looked at him with a look of contempt.

This scene made the inner sea geniuses sneer secretly. The suffocation they had felt before was relieved by most of them in an instant, and they all looked over with amusement.

"You are really overestimating your capabilities. Do you think that you are great just because you have a few bad dollars?"

"Humph! Status can't be bought with money! No matter how rich you are, you're just a mediocre person, and you can't catch Miss Murong's eyes at all!"

"Who do you think you are? Who is Miss Murong? How can such a little miscellaneous fish talk to you casually? You are overestimating your abilities!"

Mr. Jianchen saw this and felt happy in his heart. He quickly pretended to come forward to rescue him: "Brothers, there is no need to be so aggressive with this little brother. I think he just saw Miss Murong's beauty and beauty and couldn't control himself for a moment. ”

As he said that, Jian Chen also sent a message to Ling Feng's spiritual consciousness: Boy, I'm helping you. You can be careful about what you should say and what you shouldn't say!

Ling Feng smiled coldly, what such an incompetent person said was like farting, it simply stunk.

He ignored Jianchen. Ling Feng just glanced at Murong Zining. This kind of woman has always been aloof and always thought she was superior to others. In fact, in Ling Feng's view, she was just an ordinary vulgar girl. .

In comparison, the arrogant Tuoba Yan is much cuter.

"That's all, some people only know that dogs look down upon others, so I have nothing to ask."

With that said, Ling Feng walked back to his seat, no longer interested in this little princess of a deserted city.

Anyway, he entered the Sea of ​​Miracles not for some hidden secret, but for God-Slaying!

"You are presumptuous!"

Ling Feng's attitude immediately made those so-called inner sea geniuses furious. Before Murong Zining said anything, those clowns who supported their goddess jumped up one by one, "Boy, apologize to Miss Murong quickly, otherwise, I will make you regret coming out of your mother's womb!"

"Miss Murong, is it possible for a waste like you to talk nonsense? Kneel down and apologize, otherwise, you will bear the wrath of all our inner sea geniuses!"

"Kneel down!"


Those so-called inner sea geniuses were all aggressive and wanted to make Ling Feng embarrassed in public.

Isn't it just a little money? Without strength, no matter how rich you are, you are just a waste!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This group of people claimed to be the first-class talents in the inner sea, but what they did was really hard to praise. They all relied on their talents and were arrogant, with their nostrils turned to the sky, and there was no dust in their eyes. If they found anyone who was weaker or stronger than them, The mentality will immediately become unbalanced. If you have this kind of mentality, your achievements in the future will be limited.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng decided to leave this place.

However, Jian Chen forcibly blocked Murong Zining in order to stand up for him.

"Since you are seeking death, you can't blame me!"

Purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the next moment, two screams were heard. Scholar Han Jian and Jian Chen hugged their heads and cried out at the same time. Then, a cold light flashed, and everyone only heard a "pop", and a A big good head rose into the sky, accompanied by a stream of blood, spraying high, like a fountain.

The bright red blood light made everyone tremble.

Mr. Jianchen is dead!


With a dull sound, Jian Chen's body fell heavily to the ground, and everyone realized that this was not a dream, but real.

Jian Chen is really dead!

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