Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1171 You are not beautiful! (3 updates)

Ling Feng couldn't bear the annoyance of Murong Zining, so he had to speak clearly, and then he and Tuoba Yan checked into an inn in front of him.

Murong Zining stood there blankly, clenching her pink fists tightly, feeling a burning sensation on her face.

It was all because of that damn misunderstanding that I offended this young genius.

What made her even more depressed was that Ling Feng was not moved by her beauty at all, and didn't even have the slightest pity for her.

This guy, is he a straight man?

"Humph, I am so condescending and begging for you again and again, but you are so disrespectful to me!"

Murong Zining gritted her silver teeth, took a deep breath, the anger on her face gradually subsided, and murmured to herself: "But no matter what, since he decided not to kill Murong Sui, there is still room for change. Hum, Brat, I don’t believe it, sooner or later you will fall under my skirt!”

"Please remember this, I will ask you to beg me sooner or later! Humph!"

After saying that, Murong Zining glared fiercely in the direction where Ling Feng disappeared, then moved lightly and returned to Qunying Pavilion.

Qunying Pavilion was originally a villa, and its conditions were many times better than those of an inn. Unfortunately, Ling Feng did not have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Xuehai Inn.

In the room, Tuoba Yan turned to look at Ling Feng, bit her lips, and said softly: "Hey, Ling Feng, that Murong Zi Ning is from Tianhuang City. If you reject her repeatedly like this, isn't it tantamount to provoking trouble?" The entire Tianhuang City?”

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Anyway, I already have a token. As the Venerable Huanghai, he wouldn't slap himself and shut me out for such a trivial matter."

"That's true." Tuoba Yan smiled lightly, "But you are so heartless. People are chasing you like this, and you are not willing to let go."

"Hmph, this kind of woman..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and the face of the woman he hated most emerged in his mind, and sneered: "This Murong Zining looks noble and holy on the surface, but in fact, she is full of scheming. I am not that So coaxing!”

"You know again?" Tuoba Yan glanced at Ling Feng and thought to himself, you are such a stupid person, when did you know what a woman is thinking?

"The more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at lying!" Ling Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of vicissitudes of life, he shook his head and smiled, "Okay, let's not mention it. Anyway, this woman should not be easily believed. However, after this incident , If this woman is not stupid, she will not take the initiative to provoke me, but will reveal some information in order to please me, which is beneficial to me. "

Tuoba Yan nodded, then his eyelids twitched, and he suddenly gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng and said, "I never lied to you!"

"Haha, you are different." Ling Feng said with a smile: "You are not beautiful!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng fiercely and raised his pink fist as if to hit Ling Feng.

"You're just kidding." Ling Feng raised his hand in surrender and changed the subject: "I've been traveling for days, so I'd better take a good rest in these two days to recuperate and prepare for the test the day after tomorrow."

Tuoba Yan nodded slightly, "Well, judging from the magic circle on the Soul Locking Bridge, the assessment of Queen Huanxin should be related to the power of divine consciousness. This time, isn't it another opportunity for you to perform?"

"No matter what the test is, I am determined to win the hourglass of time."

Ling Feng thought for a while and pulled out the azure jade-scaled snake, and sneered: "You finally didn't lie to me this time, huh, I'll give you a chance to bring you into the sea of ​​miracles. "

"Haha, thank you so much, young hero, thank you so much, young hero!"

That day, the Jade Scaled Snake heard that Ling Feng was finally willing to take him into the Sea of ​​Miracles, and he thanked Ling Feng repeatedly.

"But there are conditions."

Ling Feng grabbed the azure jade-scale snake's neck and grinned: "You must first make a master-slave contract with Yan'er. From today on, you will treat her as your master."

Although Tuoba Yan is not weak in strength, he focuses on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. His physical strength is much inferior to that of warriors of the same level. Once he is close, it will be difficult to escape.

And this Sky Jade Scale Snake is at the level of a half-step demon emperor after all. With its protection, Tuoba Yan's safety index will naturally be greatly improved.

"This..." The Azure Jade Scale Snake immediately fell into hesitation, "Young hero, after all, I am also a half-step demon king!"

"That bitch is still a serious demon emperor!" Ling Feng glared at the azure jade-scaled snake and sneered: "If you don't agree, it's easy to handle. I heard that snake gallbladder is a great tonic."

"I agree!"

The azure jade-scaled snake lost its temper immediately. The snake's life was important. It was better to be a spiritual pet than to be slaughtered for its courage, or to become someone else's natal demon soul.

In Jian Chen's family, Jian Chen's father, Jian Xibai, was filled with murderous intent. He held Jian Chen's body in his arms and cried bitterly in front of his father.

And Jian Xibai's father is naturally the second elder of Tianhuan Island, Jian Liang.

"Father, that's what happened!"

Jian Xibai knelt in front of his father and said bitterly: "That boy named Ling Feng, relying on the support of the great elder, actually cut off Chen'er's head in public. He didn't take us seriously at all!"


Anger surged in the eyes of the second elder. Jian Chen was the grandson he valued most, and he spent countless resources to cultivate him. Now that he died so young, the second elder almost became angry and passed away.

"Father, I think this is because the Great Elder deliberately wanted to suppress our lineage, so he found that little bastard. The purpose is to make our Jian family no longer have a foothold on this Tianhuan Island!"

Jian Xibai gritted his teeth and said.

"He dares!"

Jian Liang slapped the table hard, smashing an intact table into powder, "If you don't avenge me, I will never be a human being! That old bastard, the Great Elder, and that little bastard, you all must die!"

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