Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1172 Profiteer! (4 more updates)

The day passed by in a flash.

Ling Feng woke up from his meditation, opened his eyes, and an astonishing sharpness swept over him with him as the center.

After this day of meditation, Ling Feng had a new understanding of the "Soul Dividing Art".

"It's time to see what the Queen of Illusion Heart's test is."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and went directly to the Tianhuan Palace in the core area of ​​Tianhuan Island without disturbing Tuoba Yan.

After Tuoba Yan entered into a master-slave contract with the Azure Jade Scale Snake, she actually made some breakthroughs in her cultivation, so Ling Feng let her stay in the inn to continue her meditation.

After she wakes up, she may have new breakthroughs in strength.

Soon, Ling Feng arrived in front of a majestic building, which was the Tianhuan Palace where Queen Huanxin lived.

There are nine hundred and ninety-nine steps in Tianhuan Palace, and Queen Huanxin lives in this palace, indicating her supreme status on this Tianhuan Island.

Anyone who comes to worship must look up.

Of course, these stairs have another meaning, that is, only geniuses who successfully climb the 999 steps within the specified time are eligible to participate in the assessment of the Queen of Fantasy Heart.

Among the geniuses who passed the ladder, there was only one who could borrow the time hourglass of the Queen of Fantasy Heart.

Once a year, and each time, a monster will be created that far exceeds the geniuses of his peers.

When Ling Feng arrived here, more than a hundred people had already arrived at the steps of the Tianhuan Palace!

In addition, there are many people who come to join in the fun, looking at the geniuses who climb the steps with great envy, because they at least have a chance to climb the steps, while ordinary mediocre people, the power of spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, or Those who are too weak in cultivation may fall to the ground as soon as they climb the steps and humiliate themselves.

Just like the Soul Locking Bridge, there is also a very terrifying magic circle on the 999 steps. Those who successfully climb the steps every year and finally enter the Tianhuan Palace to meet Queen Huanxin will not More than five, maybe even less.

"More than 90% of them are at the beginning of the king level, this battle!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. The level of cultivation in the Tianlan Sea Area was much higher than that of the Tianbai Empire. He could reach the king level in his early thirties. This kind of talent was even higher than that of Yan Cangtian. What's wrong?

Of course, if you want to be promoted to the imperial level before the age of fifty, it depends on your personal opportunities and talents.

There are many examples of people who have been promoted to the King level in their thirties, but still cannot be promoted to the King level throughout their lives.

The journey of cultivation originally consisted of thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge. Ten thousand king-level experts could eventually be promoted to human emperors, but only one or two.

"Most of these faces have not appeared in the Heroes Pavilion. It seems that the truly powerful people generally keep a low profile, while those guys in the Heroes Pavilion are just a group of sensationalists."

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and soon he saw a few familiar faces in the crowd.

One is the man in black robe next to Murong Zining, whose name seems to be Murong Ai. He had promised Murong Zining not to take his life again. If he stayed honest and did not cause trouble, he would naturally keep his word. If this Murong Sui was ignorant, he would never be merciful.

The other one was the purple-robed monk he met at the city gate before. This guy sold him two tickets to the Pavilion of Heroes at a high price.


When the purple-robed monk saw Ling Feng's gaze, he didn't feel uneasy at all. Instead, he came up to him with a smile and said with a beaming expression: "Hey brother, it's you again!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said lukewarmly: "You guys are really a profiteer!"

"Hey, you are not at a disadvantage in the Qunying Pavilion. I heard that Queen Huanxin gave you a top-quality Heavenly Fantasy Spirit Fruit worth one million yuan crystal. Speaking of which, you have to thank me. You are so If you have money, give me a dozen or two hundred thousand Yuan Jing, it’s not too much.”

The purple-robed monk narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng maliciously.

"Your face is really thicker than a black donkey I know!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, looking at the stairs ahead, too lazy to pay attention to this guy anymore.

"Brother, my name is Yang Huanzhi, what's your name?"

Seeing that Ling Feng ignored him, Yang Huanzhi bumped Ling Feng with his arm again and came up to him with a scowl on his face.

"What is my name and why do I have to tell you!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this guy is really familiar with himself.

"Hey, you don't know something. Ever since you made a big fuss in Qunying Pavilion and even killed the second elder's grandson Jianchen, there are many people in the city who want to know your name. I will be the first to announce your name. You can get a reward of 10,000 yuan crystals, or I will give you 10%, can you tell me?"

"..." Ling Feng was completely speechless. Who is this guy? He is so greedy for money.

"Twenty-eight is fine, how about three-seven? Four-six? I say brother, if you have money, everyone can make it, five-five, five-five is fine!"

"Take your money and get out!"

Ling Feng threw out a bag of Yuan Jing and threw it at Yang Huanzhi. The guy stretched out his body, caught the bag, and laughed and said: "I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to get out of here!"

"So greedy for money, where does this guy come from..."

Ling Feng shook his head and couldn't help but smile for a while. Yang Huanzhi seemed to be well aware of everything happening on Tianhuan Island. It seemed that this guy's origins were not simple, and judging from his physical skills and cultivation, They are much better than those so-called inner sea geniuses who appeared in Qunying Pavilion.

"I'm afraid he is a master who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. Moreover, he is very greedy for money!"

Ling Feng secretly commented on Yang Huanzhi and continued to look at the crowd.

Not far behind Murong Sui, there was a man in black clothed in a cloak. His face and body were completely covered by the cloak. It was not even possible to tell whether he was a man or a woman, whether he was fat or thin.

There was no aura emanating from his whole body, making him feel light and airy, like a wisp of ghost.

"This guy is a little weird!"

Ling Feng secretly remembered this man in black robes. It seemed that apart from Yang Huanzhi, this mysterious man in black robes should also be his rival in the competition for the hourglass of time.

At this moment, Tianyi, the great elder of Huandao that day, descended from the sky and landed on the stairs of Tianhuan Palace, condescendingly announcing the start of the competition.

"The Queen of Illusion Heart's test begins now!"

"Rule 1: The time is only twelve hours. If you cannot complete the stairs within twelve hours, you will not be able to pass!"

"Rule 2: You can only move forward, not back. If you take a step back, you will lose the qualification to continue the assessment!"

"Rule 3: Only warriors under the age of thirty-five are allowed to take the test. Those who are over the age can also be invited back!"

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