Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1174 The Queen of Fantasy Heart! (2 updates)

"Why did you stop?!"

"What happened? Why did you stop halfway through? It shouldn't have happened, right?"

The spectators looked at the three people who were originally far ahead, but they all stopped on the steps one after another. Only Ling Feng, riding Juechen, had now reached more than 700 steps.

"This guy, is he a freak?"

"To reach level 700 so fast, his power of consciousness must be too terrifying!"

Everyone looked at Ling Feng in stunned silence. Now, Ling Feng had undoubtedly become the focus of the audience.

When Ling Feng crossed the seven hundred and ninety-nine steps, his body finally swayed slightly and he began to feel that terrible mental suppression.

"According to the previous rules, from the 799th step to the 800th step, the mental suppression will be three times stronger. Even I may have some difficulty."

Ling Feng frowned. He naturally understood the reason why Yang Huanzhi and the others stopped. The staircase itself was an opportunity and a blessing.

However, Ling Feng wanted to completely maximize this good fortune.

He wanted to practice at the 999th step, and the effect would be countless times better than at the 400th or 500th step.

Of course, the risk is also countless times higher.

"What exactly does this little guy want to do? With his understanding, he shouldn't understand the meaning of the soul steps. Doesn't he want to use the magic circle of the steps to temper his spiritual consciousness?"

Elder Tianyi shook his head. If he continued to go up, even with the power of his divine consciousness, he probably wouldn't dare to stay above the eight hundred steps to refine his spiritual consciousness.

And he is the powerful Human Emperor!

Deep in the Tianhuan Palace, in a room filled with red orchids and filled with smoke, a graceful woman lay quietly on her side on the bed, her eyes looking at a curtain of light in front of her, inside which was the scene on the ladder of the soul. .

"My Lady Queen, the young master went out to have fun again."

Next to this aloof queen, there was a maidservant whose strength was above the sixth level of the Divine Sea Realm. She looked at the purple-clothed young man within the light curtain with a smile and chuckled.

"Forget it, let him go on his nonsense. He disguises himself every time. Do you think he can hide it from me? Having such a troublesome brother is really..."

Queen Huanxin shook her head and sighed softly: "I heard that this guy also imitated others to create some combination. Some combinations are difficult to make, but he just set up a deception combination. If people know that this guy is my younger brother, It’s really a shame.”

"I think the young master is very cute like this!"

The maid pursed her lips and smiled softly.

"You girl, I'm afraid you've been dazzled by his sweet words."

Queen Huanxin raised her jade finger and gently poked the maid between her eyebrows. She looked at Ling Feng who was far ahead on the light screen and said lightly: "This young man is quite interesting. At such a young age, he can win The origin of something like the Supreme Black Diamond Card should not be simple. I have never seen it in the Inland Sea before. It must not be a genius from the Tianlan Sea Area."

"Perhaps, he is a descendant of a big family who came out to gain experience."

The Queen of Fantasy Heart speculated to herself.

"I think so. He is not even afraid of people from Tianhuang City. He is definitely not from our Tianlan Sea Region. He is talented, young and wealthy. It's a pity that his cultivation level is a little low, otherwise... …”

The maid glanced at Queen Huanxin with a smile, and giggled: "In so many years, Xiang'er has only seen such a young man, who is even remotely worthy of you, the Queen!"

"You little girl, your words are becoming more and more insignificant!"

"Hehe..." Xiang'er stuck out her tongue and showed a playful expression.

Although Queen Huanxin usually looks aloof and repulsive to others, she is actually a very kind and gentle master.

Otherwise, how could she dare to joke with the Queen like this.

Queen Huanxin glared at Xiang'er fiercely, her eyes slightly wrinkled, and said calmly: "But, what exactly does this kid want to do? Is it possible that he really can't see the soul ladder's tempering effect on spiritual consciousness? Really? It's a pity that there is an ancient soul-refining secret method of my Yang family hidden in this soul ladder. It seems that he has no chance to glimpse it. "

"There is also the ancient secret method of refining souls. Your Majesty the Queen, even Xiang'er doesn't know about it!"

"Of course you don't know. Only this secret technique, combined with the time hourglass, can exert the true power of the time hourglass. Unfortunately, even I have only slightly understood the mystery. If this young man can help If I regain this secret soul refining method, I will commit myself to marry him, so why not!"

"That's such a pity. He is about to complete the soul ladder. Alas, Your Majesty, your request is so difficult. It seems that you will never be able to get married in this life."

"You girl, stop being such an unserious person! I think you have been led astray by that stinky boy from Huanzhi. I will send you to Qianjue Island right now and never let you have a chance to come into contact with that boy again. "

Queen Huanxin frowned, pretending to be fierce, Xiang'er immediately shrank her neck, raised her eyes and glanced at Queen Huanxin, and said very insincerely: "Hehe, Xiang'er doesn't dare to do it anymore! "

Xiang'er smiled and said: "However, even if none of them can understand the secret method of soul refining, it is still a great blessing to be able to practice in the hourglass of time for a day!"

Now it seems that the one who has the best chance to get the right to use the time hourglass is undoubtedly Ling Feng. Of course, it is just a chance. Those who pass the ladder have a chance. Dan Yao needs to stand out among these passers to truly get the right to use the time hourglass.

Although Xiang'er is optimistic about Ling Feng, who is far ahead all the way, it is too early to draw a conclusion now.

Queen Huanxin yawned lazily and whispered softly: "Forget it, let's go to the scene to see. I always feel that the boy will not give up the opportunity on the soul ladder."

The maid bowed slightly and closed the light curtain in front of her.

Queen Huanxin slowly closed her eyes, as if she fell asleep in meditation.

The next moment, Queen Huanxin seemed to break the void and appeared directly above the soul ladder.

When everyone saw Queen Huanxin, they all worshipped her as a god and bowed down.

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