Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1175 Maybe he can do it? (3 updates)

"Long live! Long live the Queen of Fantasy Heart!"

"Long live the Queen!"

Hundreds of thousands roared in unison, shaking the mountains and rivers.

What it includes is their respect and support for this legendary queen. It is this unparalleled beauty who provides them with a place to live in dangerous places like the Tianlan Sea Area, a place full of killings.

Under the protection of Queen Huanxin, many of their wandering people were able to marry and have children here, take root here, and become a paradise in the inland sea area.

The glory of Tianhuan Island was created by this queen!

Feeling the cheers of her subjects, Queen Huanxin just opened her eyes slightly, raised her hand, and signaled everyone to quiet down.

For a moment, all the subjects stopped shouting. They would execute any order from Queen Huanxin without hesitation.

This is the prestige of this queen!


Queen Huanxin took a deep breath and thought to herself: What would these subjects think if they knew that the real Queen Huanxin passed away years ago, and I... was just her daughter.

In short, no matter what, as long as I am alive, I must continue to protect this paradise in the name of the Queen of Fantasy Heart.

This is my promise to my mother!

And the only ones who knew the truth about all this were her younger brother and the personal maid Xiang'er who had grown up with her since childhood.

The real Queen of Huanxin had long been sick from overwork due to various wars in her early years. When she was dying, she used the technique of enlightenment to forcibly upgrade her eldest daughter to the imperial level.

And this counterfeiting has been going on for ten years.

It can be said that it was her mother who created Tianhuan Island, and it was she, Yang Huanxin, who protected this Tianhuan Island.

Seeing Queen Huanxin appear, the monks on the stairs who were participating in the test, after a brief period of confusion, all burst out with unprecedented fighting spirit.

Over the years, this high-ranking Queen has never appeared, only in this year!

An excitement emerged in their hearts, making their faces flush with blood, and they all roared and sprinted faster!

The man in black robe who had been sitting cross-legged on the more than 500 steps meditating looked up at Queen Huanxin, frowned, and thought to himself: "Why is this old witch still so young? No, Although they look similar, they are not her..."

"Old witch, it seems that you are one step ahead of me after all and die. Humph, in the battle back then, although you almost destroyed me physically and mentally, but God could not stop me, I actually found a suitable body. My body has been rebuilt for ten years and is about to return to its peak!"

"It seems that the secrets of your Yang family hidden in the soul ladder will belong to me. In another ten years, I will make a comeback and destroy your old witch's Tianhuan Island, and even more, I will occupy you. Daughter, hahahaha!”

A trace of burning color flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe, and then he took a deep breath, gathered his mind, and began to penetrate the secret method of soul refining on the soul ladder.

And the only one who was not affected by the appearance of Queen Huanxin was probably Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng had reached more than 860 steps, and the powerful soul pressure was beginning to become too much for him.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and in almost a few blinks, it had soaked the clothes on his back.

"Does every step as you go back give people such terrible pressure?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and began to doubt whether he could really stop practicing at the 999th step.

With more than 800 steps, the soul pressure has almost reached its limit. It may not be too difficult for me to pass the steps, but if I want to stop at the last step to practice for a few hours, I'm afraid...

"Are you giving up?"

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but the next moment, a trace of incomparable determination flashed in his eyes.

Since there are 999 steps on this ladder, it means that some people can practice at the last step.

Since it can be done, then I, Ling Feng, must be able to do it too!

"Soul-Splitting Technique!"

Ling Feng silently activated the secret technique of the Soul Splitting Technique, pushing the power of his spiritual consciousness to the extreme. He gritted his teeth and continued to climb up. Every step was extremely steady.

"That kid is almost at the finish line. Oh my god, it's too fast!"

"He's almost half the distance ahead of the others. This guy is just a freak!"

The spectators were all exclaimed. Although there were many people behind, including Murong Ai and his ilk, they were trying hard to catch up. Unfortunately, they just barely kept moving forward, but they faltered every step of the way, and they couldn't compare with Ling Feng at all.

"My Queen."

That day, an elder walked up to Queen Huanxin, bowed, and then said with a smile: "It seems that the Queen is very optimistic about the young man named Ling Feng, and she actually came to the scene in person."

"There is something really special about this kid."

Queen Huanxin nodded slightly, glanced at Elder Tianyi, and said lightly.

"Yes, this boy's spiritual talent is extremely powerful. There is not much pressure on him through the soul ladder. However, it seems that he does not intend to use the soul ladder to temper his spiritual consciousness. An opportunity was missed.”

"That's not necessarily the case."

Queen Huanxin narrowed her eyes and said calmly: "I guess this kid may want to practice on the last step."

" is this possible?"

Elder Tianyi was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Although this boy's soul origin is far beyond ordinary people, if he wants to practice on the last step, the plane will look down on the magic circle on the soul ladder. Don't say that. It's him, even the Queen can't do it."

“What I can’t do, may not be something others can do.”

Queen Huanxin smiled and continued: "Maybe he can do it?"

"My subordinates still can't believe it. You see, his speed has slowed down significantly at the more than 800 steps, which means that he is almost reaching the limit, but he still has no intention of stopping to practice. Nine hundred and ninety-nine Step by step, that kind of soul pressure can only be endured by a peak human emperor or even a powerful emperor."

"Maybe, this is just my perception."

Queen Huanxin smiled slightly, closed her eyes again, and waited quietly for the result to be announced.

Eight hundred and nine!

Nine hundred!

Nine hundred and one!

Ling Feng's breathing gradually began to become a little disordered, and his mind seemed to be pierced by steel needles. Then, there were all kinds of random thoughts, surging crazily. If his mind was lost, he might fall into a boundless illusion.

"Just passing the soul ladder is already so difficult, but the more difficult it is, the better the tempering effect of the power of divine consciousness will be!"

Ling Feng adjusted his breathing. Although his speed had slowed down a lot, he was still climbing steadily.

At this moment, an hour and a half has passed since the test started, and about 70% of the testers have been ejected from the soul ladder.

Murong Huang had already arrived at the 700 steps. He was panting and looking at Ling Feng who was far ahead, with a trace of despair in his heart.

Can't catch up!

Yang Huanzhi and the man in black robe remained motionless from beginning to end.

Anyway, being the first to pass the soul ladder has no real meaning, but practicing on the soul ladder can get real benefits.

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