Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1182 Have you asked me? (2 updates)

"Master Ling!"

"Brother Ling!"

Xiang'er and Yang Huanzhi were shocked. This guy was so brave. He even dared to jump into the Dreamland Pool!

"Haha, this idiot, he is asking for death!"

Murong Sui couldn't help but laugh ferociously. The nine-layer stone steps only absorbed part of the dream rules from the dream pool, and could make people fall into a dream, making it almost difficult to extricate themselves. But Ling Feng dared to jump directly into the dream pool. , those dream rules in the pool are almost ten times stronger than the Nine Dreams!

And Ling Feng wanted this effect.

He was on the ninth level of stone steps, and he already vaguely felt that he was about to condense the inscriptions of the dream rules, but he was still a little short of it.

Therefore, Ling Feng suddenly jumped into the dream pool.

Sure enough, the rich power of rules suddenly brought Ling Feng a exponential increase in understanding.

"With my advanced level of cultivation, it is almost impossible to directly use the inscriptions of dream rules. It is better to..."

Ling Feng remembered how he had rubbed the inscription of the "Reincarnation Heaven Burying Sword Technique" into the sea of ​​spirit in the Demon Emperor's tomb, and immediately began to rub the inscription of the dream rules he had understood based on that experience. Imprinted in the sea of ​​spirit.

Once your cultivation reaches the king level and you condense your own sea of ​​stars, you can rely on the huge spiritual power of the sea of ​​stars to completely condense the inscriptions of the dream rules.

However, Xiang'er by the pool didn't know Ling Feng's plan. With a wave of her hand, a light pink ribbon shot straight out and wrapped around Ling Feng's waist. With a strong force, she pulled Ling Feng out of the pool.

"Hmph, now this kid jumped into the dream pool, fell into a dream, and fell into a coma, which is equivalent to giving up the first place, while the other two, one gave up, and the other was able to break through the triple dream. It seems that this The hourglass of time belongs to me, Murong Yu!"

Murong Huang burst out laughing, it didn't matter if Ling Feng's spiritual talent was powerful, he jumped into the dream pool without knowing what he was capable of, and gave himself the opportunity of the hourglass of time.

The more she thought about it, the happier she became. She stared at Xiang'er and said carelessly: "Take me to see Queen Huanxin quickly!"

Xiang'er frowned. Originally, Ling Feng was the stable number one, but who made him...

"Damn it, if I had known I wouldn't have given up, I let this guy take advantage of it!"

Yang Huanzhi frowned and murmured something softly. Murong Sui heard this and said angrily: "Boy, even if you don't abstain, do you think you can break through the sixth dream?"

Yang Huanzhi shrugged, too lazy to talk to an arrogant person like Murong Sui. Murong Sui sneered, stared at the unconscious Ling Feng, and said with a cruel smile: "Humph, this is the consequence of overestimating one's capabilities!"


Xiang'er sighed softly, and Ling Feng jumped directly into the dream pool. He needed the power of Queen Huanxin to wake up. Therefore, his first place was naturally given to the second place Yang Huanzhi.

"Okay, you come with me to see..."

Before Xiang'er finished speaking, Ling Feng, who was wrapped into a "zongzi" by her ribbon, suddenly opened his eyes.

Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he said calmly: "Miss Xiang'er, I gave up the first place to that guy, have you asked me?"

"Ling... Young Master Ling!"

Xiang'er was surprised and delighted at the same time, with an incredible look in her eyes.

Ling Feng jumped directly into the dream pool and woke up on his own!

How is this possible!


Yang Huanzhi also yelled, "You guys are simply a monster!"

No one saw that in Ling Feng's eyes, several inscriptions flashed away. In the dream water, the inscriptions of the dream rules had been imprinted in the sea of ​​​​spirit by Ling Feng.

In a sense, Ling Feng has understood the power of dream rules, but he is still unable to fully display it.

However, initial use has been no problem.

His pupils can already create some illusions. As long as he glances at the opponent, once the opponent loses his mind and falls into a dream, he will even be controlled by him without even knowing it.

This is the power of fantasy rules!


In the cave, the only person who felt extremely depressed and unhappy was probably Murong Sui. The feeling of gain and loss made him almost want to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Damn it, he has already fallen into the dream pool and has lost his qualification. The qualification to borrow the hourglass of time still belongs to me!"

Murong Sui's eyes were filled with anger, and he stared at Ling Feng, almost wanting to eat his flesh alive.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and looked at Xiang'er.

Xiang'er gritted her silver teeth and said, "Theoretically speaking, falling into the dream pool means losing the qualification for the competition, but Mr. Ling jumped in by himself."

Xiang'er frowned and then said: "Anyway, an hour has not passed yet. Mr. Ling might as well enter the dream pool again. If you exceed the sixth level, you will win. What do you think?"


Murong Yu's anger suddenly surged, "You bitch, you are clearly showing favoritism to this kid!"


In the void, a terrifying force swept in, suppressing it directly from the top of Murong Sui's head.

Murong Sui's body was crushed to the ground like an old bastard, unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the voice of Queen Huanxin, saying coldly: "This is not your paradise city. You'd better pay attention to what you say! In addition, the hourglass of time is my treasure, and I have decided I want to lend it to Ling Feng, what do you think?"


Murong Huang was directly suppressed and spit out a mouthful of blood. Feeling the terrifying power of Queen Huanxin, she immediately trembled and said: "No... I don't dare!"

The terrifying coercion disappeared in an instant, and Queen Huanxin's voice gradually calmed down, "Xiang'er, bring Ling Feng in. As for the others, please disperse! The test has ended, and you cannot stay in my palace for any longer!"


Xiang'er smiled, looked at Ling Feng with her eyes, and said with a smile: "Master Ling, please come with me!"

"Miss Lao Xiang'er is leading the way!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Xiang'er and felt happy in his heart. This time he finally didn't come to Tianhuan Island in vain. Not only did he get the "Nightmare Heart Secret", he also understood the rules of dreams in the dream pool.

As long as I continue to practice in the hourglass of time for a while and practice "Nightmare Heart Technique" to the basic level, it will definitely become one of my trump cards.

After Xiang'er left with Ling Feng, Yang Huanzhi shrugged his shoulders and left.

The blue-shirted swordsman glanced at Murong Sui, who was still lying on the ground, thought for a while, and quickly left the cave without going up to flatter him.

In the huge cave, only Murong Sui, who was like a dead dog, was left. Recalling the previous humiliation, he beat the ground violently and roared madly: "Ling Feng, I will definitely make you pay the price, definitely! "

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