Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1183 The Queen’s Request! (3 updates)

Not long after, under the leadership of Na Xiang'er, Ling Feng came to a rather spacious palace. After waiting for a while, he saw the Queen of Huanxin appearing directly on the main seat as if in a dream.

Ling Feng quickly stood up and bowed to Queen Huanxin.

Ling Feng still has a good impression of this Queen of Fantasy Heart.

At least, this is not the kind of stubborn, stubborn old guy.

"See Your Majesty the Queen!"

Queen Huanxin raised her hand slightly, signaling Ling Feng not to be formal. She lightly opened her red lips and said calmly: "Little guy, you seem to have gained something else in the dream pool!"

"It's a real fluke."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "There are indeed some gains."

"Can I have a look?" Queen Huanxin stared at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes, Feng Qingyun said calmly.

In front of outsiders, Queen Huanxin is a little less playful, and appears solemn and generous, with a queenly temperament in her every move.


Ling Feng nodded, raised his palm, and six inscriptions were suspended on his palm.

"The inscription of the Six Dream Rules!"

Queen Huan Xin's pupils shrank suddenly. Although Ling Feng's inscription was still illusory and had only its own shape, the dream rules in it were true at all.

Ling Feng scattered those inscriptions. In fact, he had already understood the six inscriptions in the ninth dream. Later, he jumped into the dream pool and even understood the inscriptions of the ninth dream rules.

However, Ling Feng had long been accustomed to keeping a hand, so he still kept some of his trump cards.

However, just six inscriptions were enough to shock Queen Huanxin.

Even I have only mastered the inscription of the fifth dream rule!

Of course, her inscriptions are real and have extremely powerful offensive capabilities.

You must know that with the power of the Dream Rules, although she only has the cultivation level of the fourth level of the Human Emperor, she can fight against the existence of the fifth level and even the sixth level of the Human Emperor. Therefore, she can stand in this inner sea and protect one side. .

On the side, Xiang'er's eyelids were twitching wildly. After receiving the guidance from the Queen of Huanxin, it took her only ten years to understand the inscriptions of two dream rules.

As for Ling Feng, it only took less than an hour!

"It's just a fluke!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. If he had known that Queen Huanxin was so shocked, he would have hidden some of his strength and only exposed the three inscriptions.

"You don't have to be humble, kid, talent is talent!"

Queen Huanxin shook her head and smiled, "Under the realm of the Human Emperor, I can only pass the eighth dream. Based on this, you are much better than me."

Ling Feng smiled coquettishly, but he was just modest and not at all proud.

With the Eye of the Emperor, basically any ability can be copied directly. If you can't imprint those inscriptions, you might as well dig out the Eye of the Emperor and stomp on it!

However, the ability of the Eye of the Emperor is not enough for outsiders to understand.

"Little guy, I have a merciless request. I wonder if you can agree to it!"

Queen Huanxin stared at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes, and said calmly: "If you agree to this palace, I can let you use the time hourglass for three days! You should understand that three days is three years, and this effect is comparable to one year. Much better!”

"A drop of kindness is repaid by a spring. Your Majesty the Queen is kind to Ling Feng. Not just a request, but ten or eight requests. I have no reason not to refuse."

Ling Feng bowed his hands and laughed loudly.

"You're a pretty good boy!"

Queen Huanxin nodded, and then continued: "I am ashamed to say that although I have practiced hard for many years, I have only understood five dream rule inscriptions. Therefore, I hope you can give me some advice. Teach me the method of condensing and operating the inscriptions of the sixth dream rule."

"this one?"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. The dream rule inscriptions are originally understood from the queen's dream pool. The younger generation cannot say that they are taught, but they are just returned to their original owners."

A smile appeared on Queen Huanxin's face. The inscription of the power of rules was always cherished by ordinary people. There were really few people who were as happy as Ling Feng.

"I really did not misjudge you."

Queen Huanxin smiled lightly and said: "Since you are willing to help me, I will not take advantage of you in vain. In addition to using the three-day hourglass, here are some of my experiences on the practice of illusion. You Combining these insights from me, it should be helpful for you to understand "Nightmare Heart Art".

As she spoke, Queen Huanxin raised her jade finger and pointed it in the air, and a huge amount of information suddenly poured into Ling Feng's spiritual sea.

"Thank you Queen!"

"It's just mutual benefit between you and me."

Queen Huan Xin's figure flashed and appeared in front of Ling Feng, her palm resting on Ling Feng's shoulder. The next moment, Queen Huan Xin's body flashed with blue light, and the two of them disappeared immediately.

The next moment, when the light returned to Ling Feng's eyes, the two of them had arrived in a quiet room.

"This is my retreat, and I will never be disturbed by the outside world."

Queen Huanxin sat cross-legged in front of Ling Feng. It was the first time she was so close to the opposite sex. Queen Huanxin's pretty face suddenly turned slightly red.

After all, she is not the real Queen of Huan Xin, but a young girl who has never been around.

Ling Feng also smelled the orchid-like musk scent coming from Queen Huanxin, and felt a slight strange feeling in his heart. He quickly shook his head and threw away those messy thoughts.

How could I have feelings for an "old woman"? It's so ridiculous!

After all, he is full of blood!

Ling Feng coughed dryly and pretended to be calm: "Queen, although I have never tried to help others condense the inscriptions of rules, I have a way, which is to imprint those inscriptions on your spiritual sea first. , you can directly refer to these inscriptions to understand, and you will get twice the result with half the effort.”


Queen Huanxin glanced at Ling Feng and said with some surprise: "Have you actually reached this level of understanding of divine consciousness?"

"This junior is just guided by a famous teacher, coupled with chance and luck."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and then continued: "If the Queen can trust this junior, she can open your spiritual sea and let the junior rub the rule inscriptions into your spiritual sea. This way, it will save the most time and effort. ”

"Open the spiritual sea?"

Queen Huanxin keeps an eye on Ling Feng. She must know that the spiritual sea is the most important and vulnerable place for monks. Unless they are truly trustworthy, they will never open the spiritual sea to outsiders easily.

Even Tianbai Emperor Fa Xiang had repeatedly warned Ling Feng that this was really a taboo for god-refining monks.

"If the queen does not agree, then it is because this junior has not said anything." Ling Feng added quickly: "But the Queen can rest assured that this junior has absolutely no ill intentions and will never pry into any of the queen's secrets!"

"Hmph, don't worry about people who are suspicious, but don't be suspicious about people who are employed!"

Queen Huanxin bit her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "You can just come!"

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